W/Post-ABC Likability Poll: Obama 64% Romney 25%: Americans just don't like Romney

People really don't know Romney yet. They know he's rich, he owned a company and they know he's a republican...that's what the media wants people to know about him. :eusa_whistle:

Let me expound to drive home the message.
These days with the dems, being rich is evil, owning a company is evil, and being a republican is being extreme, and racist
Somehow, a woman's touch in the White House is probably worth a thousand words, or some such thing--That likely even happens, maybe in the Bill Clinton Hallway!

Michelle Obama is depicted as a slave on magazine cover

Famously, "And In Closing. . . !

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many maybe now need better take on Captain John Smith and Pochahontas, buff enough for textbooks in America!)

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