Vultures Descend On Kabul As The Plan Takes Form


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This article starts off with a slam at “Congressional Fact Finding Tours,” something with which I totally agree. These VIPs take up a lot of manpower needed elsewhere and cost far too much of American taxpayers money – learning nothing they can’t already learn from information given to them back in DC.

And then it goes into an articulate and extremely informative description of just what is going on in Afghanistan and what the future realistically holds in store.

The chances of an outright win by the Afghan government are slim. The Taliban (catch-all) have too many of the prerequisites to win. Short of a major change of heart on the Pakistani side, that leaves two potential outcomes, the most positive of which is a mixed outcome.

Oops. That doesn’t exactly fit with what our military and diplomats want us to believe.

Even though we are in the 21st Century, one cannot escape the truth that the vast majority of Afghanis, Iraqis, and other similar groups have not lifted themselves out of the 10th! Until that changes, rules of Western civilization do not and cannot matter.

This full, very interesting piece is @ Vultures Descend On Kabul As The Plan Takes Form – Free Range International
The US should have learnt from France and should have started a tribal warfare in Afghanistan. Then the US would now rule that stupid country, and the taliban would be just a small player locally.
The US should have learnt from France and should have started a tribal warfare in Afghanistan. Then the US would now rule that stupid country, and the taliban would be just a small player locally.

But we wanted to use them so we got into bed with them. Just like ISIS, al Nusra, Saddam, Osama, and the Wahabists in Saudi Arabia, whom we provide with illegal (via International Law) cluster bombs (known to result in a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field) that they rain down on Yemen.

This is the stuff of empires in decline.
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The US should have learnt from France and should have started a tribal warfare in Afghanistan. Then the US would now rule that stupid country, and the taliban would be just a small player locally.

But we wanted to use them so we got into bed with them. Just like ISIS, al Nusra, Saddam, and Osama.

It amazes me how a nation state that one drunk French soldier drew on a piece of toilet paper one day, becomes an everlasting international partner respected sky high by the world's super power the next day.
Even though we are in the 21st Century, one cannot escape the truth that the vast majority of Afghanis, Iraqis, and other similar groups have not lifted themselves out of the 10th! Until that changes, rules of Western civilization do not and cannot matter.

I'd like to see how they do with a decade or 2 of us not bombing them into oblivion
The US should have learnt from France and should have started a tribal warfare in Afghanistan. Then the US would now rule that stupid country, and the taliban would be just a small player locally.

But we wanted to use them so we got into bed with them. Just like ISIS, al Nusra, Saddam, and Osama.

It amazes me how a nation state that one drunk French soldier drew on a piece of toilet paper one day, becomes an everlasting international partner respected sky high by the world's super power the next day.

Everlasting? Americans have a very toddlerish understanding of time in my view. We've been indoctrinated to believe a few hundred years is forever in time, and these associations are of the same type as drug cartel or mob/gang truces; fickle, fleeting and prone to cheating, and backbiting double crosses. A great deal of the issue in the middle east is the western/euro attempt to force upon people national lines the western/euro powers imposed upon indigenous peoples for colonization and wealth extraction. Kinda like what they did in america.
The US should have learnt from France and should have started a tribal warfare in Afghanistan. Then the US would now rule that stupid country, and the taliban would be just a small player locally.

But we wanted to use them so we got into bed with them. Just like ISIS, al Nusra, Saddam, and Osama.

It amazes me how a nation state that one drunk French soldier drew on a piece of toilet paper one day, becomes an everlasting international partner respected sky high by the world's super power the next day.

Everlasting? Americans have a very toddlerish understanding of time in my view. We've been indoctrinated to believe a few hundred years is forever in time, and these associations are of the same type as drug cartel or mob/gang truces; fickle, fleeting and prone to cheating, and backbiting double crosses. A great deal of the issue in the middle east is the western/euro attempt to force upon people national lines the western/euro powers imposed upon indigenous peoples for colonization and wealth extraction. Kinda like what they did in america.
And in Central Europe too and in east Europe too.
The US should have learnt from France and should have started a tribal warfare in Afghanistan. Then the US would now rule that stupid country, and the taliban would be just a small player locally.

But we wanted to use them so we got into bed with them. Just like ISIS, al Nusra, Saddam, and Osama.

It amazes me how a nation state that one drunk French soldier drew on a piece of toilet paper one day, becomes an everlasting international partner respected sky high by the world's super power the next day.

Everlasting? Americans have a very toddlerish understanding of time in my view. We've been indoctrinated to believe a few hundred years is forever in time, and these associations are of the same type as drug cartel or mob/gang truces; fickle, fleeting and prone to cheating, and backbiting double crosses. A great deal of the issue in the middle east is the western/euro attempt to force upon people national lines the western/euro powers imposed upon indigenous peoples for colonization and wealth extraction. Kinda like what they did in america.
And in Central Europe too and in east Europe too.
Same as it ever was, this disease. And to compound all that, the american people or either impervious or oblivious to their own colonization.

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