Vouchercare a plan for destruction of medicare.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And creation of death panels for senior. VoucherCare can only save Medicare if seniors hurry up and die.

Turning Medicare into VoucherCare over to private healthcare system is more of the same but bigger and a plan for destruction and death panels for seniors who cannot pay for the services they need. Private healthcare system need to make a profit to survive, government don't, they survive on taxes. Private sector survive off consumers. Plan will not affect me but ok to hurt my children? There is not a private healthcare system that would even take an application from me. Competition only mean the strong or corrupt survive and a monopoly created like Health-Mart. Save Medicare by taking out the waste, fraud and abuse (exactly what Obama is doing) by doctors assisted by advantage plans that need to be eliminated as the middle man not needed. Hospital fraud, rest home fraud, medical supply fraud, and make it easier for patient to report fraud, I tried many times and failed. Ten minute routine doctor’s office visit at $350 is a crime
Turning Medicare into VoucherCare over to private healthcare system is more of the same

a liberal will lack the IQ to know that a voucher system means people will in effect be spending their own money. Imagine the price and quality of cars if people were not buying with their own money.

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow? What other conclusion is possible.
Ryan's plan has the same broad goal as Obama's PPACA, namely funnelling taxpayer funds to corporate "partners". The only difference being that PPACA gives us the "option" of skipping the taxing step and giving it up directly to the insurance corps.
Ryan's plan has the same broad goal as Obama's PPACA, namely funnelling taxpayer funds to corporate "partners". The only difference being that PPACA gives us the "option" of skipping the taxing step and giving it up directly to the insurance corps.

no no no Ryans broad goal is capitalism for obvious reasons while Barry's stated goal is single payer communism.
Ryan's plan has the same broad goal as Obama's PPACA, namely funnelling taxpayer funds to corporate "partners". The only difference being that PPACA gives us the "option" of skipping the taxing step and giving it up directly to the insurance corps.

no no no Ryans broad goal is capitalism for obvious reasons while Barry's stated goal is single payer communism.

Heh, right - I forgot to pay attention to the rhetoric instead of the actual details. Up close like that it all looks like corporatism. Silly me.
Up close like that it all looks like corporatism. Silly me.

too stupid but perfectly liberal!! Barry just got the corporatist government in bed with the health care industry while Republicans since Jefferson have wanted to limit government on the assumption that if it has the power to be corrupt it will be corrupt!!

Welcome to your very first lesson in American History!!
Up close like that it all looks like corporatism. Silly me.

too stupid but perfectly liberal!! Barry just got the corporatist government in bed with the health care industry while Republicans since Jefferson have wanted to limit government on the assumption that if it has the power to be corrupt it will be corrupt!!

Welcome to your very first lesson in American History!!

Is it a lesson in blind partisanship?
Up close like that it all looks like corporatism. Silly me.

too stupid but perfectly liberal!! Barry just got the corporatist government in bed with the health care industry while Republicans since Jefferson have wanted to limit government on the assumption that if it has the power to be corrupt it will be corrupt!!

Welcome to your very first lesson in American History!!

Is it a lesson in blind partisanship?

of course if it was blind you would not be so afraid to point out exactly where or why it is blind or dumb. What does yout fear tell you, liberal?
And creation of death panels for senior. VoucherCare can only save Medicare if seniors hurry up and die.

Turning Medicare into VoucherCare over to private healthcare system is more of the same but bigger and a plan for destruction and death panels for seniors who cannot pay for the services they need. Private healthcare system need to make a profit to survive, government don't, they survive on taxes. Private sector survive off consumers. Plan will not affect me but ok to hurt my children? There is not a private healthcare system that would even take an application from me. Competition only mean the strong or corrupt survive and a monopoly created like Health-Mart. Save Medicare by taking out the waste, fraud and abuse (exactly what Obama is doing) by doctors assisted by advantage plans that need to be eliminated as the middle man not needed. Hospital fraud, rest home fraud, medical supply fraud, and make it easier for patient to report fraud, I tried many times and failed. Ten minute routine doctor’s office visit at $350 is a crime

That is what the new Health Care Plan does. Under it Medicare goes broke in 8 years instead of ten years.
Face the fact that the CBO says Medicare will be broke in 10 years if it is not reformed.
At least Repubs are trying to reform it. No matter what, future Seniors are going to have to pay more for Medicare.
At least Repubs are trying to reform it. No matter what, future Seniors are going to have to pay more for Medicare.

not true!!! if we were to switch to a full Republican capitalist system costs would be reduced by about 75% and everyone could afford health care.

you have to appreciate that when people are spending their own money they shop very very carefully. A liberal will lack the IQ to understand this simple aspect of capitalism
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At least Repubs are trying to reform it. No matter what, future Seniors are going to have to pay more for Medicare.

not true!!! if we were to switch to a full Republican capitalist system costs would be reduced by about 75% and everyone could afford health care.

I agree, but 47% of this nation is Dem's and they won't ever let a full capitalist system happen. It would be the death of their party.
At least Repubs are trying to reform it. No matter what, future Seniors are going to have to pay more for Medicare.

not true!!! if we were to switch to a full Republican capitalist system costs would be reduced by about 75% and everyone could afford health care.

I agree, but 47% of this nation is Dem's and they won't ever let a full capitalist system happen. It would be the death of their party.

well probably. but their death would be wonderful for the country and democracy. Then we'd have intelligent political parties debating conservatism versus liberalism rather than conservatism versus a purely idiotic liberalism.

Don't forget, democracy is supposed to feature intelligent debate. With liberals around there is so debate because they are not intelligent enough for it so there is no democracy, really.
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Cons fought Medicare in 1965 and have tried to destroy it ever since. What a surprise, they want to privatize it.
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Cons fought Medicare in 1965 and have tried to destroy it ever since. What a surprise, they want to privatize it.

That's because they knew it would go broke eventually and now it will in 8 to ten years.
They said so back then, that it would cost to much and eventually would go broke, They were right.
Cons fought Medicare in 1965 and have tried to destroy it ever since. What a surprise, they want to privatize it.

yes, after the Soviet example and Red Chinese example Republicans want to privatize just like the Soviets and Red Chinese have!

Our liberals apparently have a delegation going to Red China to tell them they should go back to socialism so another 40 million will slowly starve to death!!
Cons fought Medicare in 1965 and have tried to destroy it ever since. What a surprise, they want to privatize it.

yes, after the Soviet example and Red Chinese example Republicans want to privatize just like the Soviets and Red Chinese have!

Our liberals apparently have a delegation going to Red China to tell them they should go back to socialism so another 40 million will slowly starve to death!!
China is still Communist.
yes, after the Soviet example and Red Chinese example Republicans want to privatize just like the Soviets and Red Chinese have!

Our liberals apparently have a delegation going to Red China to tell them they should go back to socialism so another 40 million will slowly starve to death!!
China is still Communist.

Don't dash the boy's hopes, China is their ideal. On labor laws, environmentalism, health care--China is their bright shining star of the way America ought to look.
Cons fought Medicare in 1965 and have tried to destroy it ever since. What a surprise, they want to privatize it.

yes, after the Soviet example and Red Chinese example Republicans want to privatize just like the Soviets and Red Chinese have!

Our liberals apparently have a delegation going to Red China to tell them they should go back to socialism so another 40 million will slowly starve to death!!
China is still Communist.

Right. Ed is correct. The Republicans "want to privatize just like Soviets and the Red Chinese have". In other words, they want to indulge a limited oligarchy. They want to privatize profit (for a limited few), yet socialize costs and losses. The last thing they want is a real free market.

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