Voting for Democrats and the welfare state does not satisfy your Christian obligations


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Some Christians believe that if they vote for Democrats and the welfare state, that satisfies their Christian obligations to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, visit the prisoner, etc.

It does not.

I think the reason that Christianity is on the ropes in Europe, Canada, and Australia is because in these socialist countries, people think they no longer have to do anything for those less fortunate then themselves, so they abandon charitable works, and then the love of God and neighbor dies in their hearts.

I think faith is still strong in the United States because the welfare state is not yet as pervasive as it is in socialist countries, but as the welfare state expands, people cease being charitable, and lose their faith.

So socialism is not only bad for the people who receive it, it is bad for those who still work and pay taxes, because EVERYONE thinks they no longer have to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick and visit the prisoner.

Socialists know this is happening and are glad to see it happening. They hate the Christian faith, and want to see it die.
Well, Moonglow, you're one of the first I put back on ignore after my amnesty. For some reason, I can see you posted something in this thread, but I can't see what you said. Since I have absolutely never seen you post anything intelligent or constructive in this forum, I'm not tempted to check to see what you said. In my opinion, you have one of the lowest IQ's in this forum, probably below the IQ necessary to feed yourself and put on your own clothes. I hope your mother is still young and healthy, because you will need her help until the day she dies, and then they will have to find a home for you.
Well, Moonglow, you're one of the first I put back on ignore after my amnesty. For some reason, I can see you posted something in this thread, but I can't see what you said. Since I have absolutely never seen you post anything intelligent or constructive in this forum, I'm not tempted to check to see what you said. In my opinion, you have one of the lowest IQ's in this forum, probably below the IQ necessary to feed yourself and put on your own clothes. I hope your mother is still young and healthy, because you will need her help until the day she dies, and then they will have to find a home for you.
Evidently you have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit about your droll postings and your ultra arrogant style..You give Christians a bad name...Amnesty my ass,you were banned...
Once again, I see Moonglow has posted a comment. I don't know why I can see it, since I put him on ignore, but apparently ignored comments can be seen when they are the last post. I still can't see WHAT he said, and I have given Moonglow numerous chances and he has ALWAYS proven to be an idiot. So I'm not even slightly tempted to check into seeing what he said.
Well, Moonglow, you're one of the first I put back on ignore after my amnesty. For some reason, I can see you posted something in this thread, but I can't see what you said. Since I have absolutely never seen you post anything intelligent or constructive in this forum, I'm not tempted to check to see what you said. In my opinion, you have one of the lowest IQ's in this forum, probably below the IQ necessary to feed yourself and put on your own clothes. I hope your mother is still young and healthy, because you will need her help until the day she dies, and then they will have to find a home for you.
That's how Christians handle criticism? Block and insult... what would Jesus say?
Well, Moonglow, you're one of the first I put back on ignore after my amnesty. For some reason, I can see you posted something in this thread, but I can't see what you said. Since I have absolutely never seen you post anything intelligent or constructive in this forum, I'm not tempted to check to see what you said. In my opinion, you have one of the lowest IQ's in this forum, probably below the IQ necessary to feed yourself and put on your own clothes. I hope your mother is still young and healthy, because you will need her help until the day she dies, and then they will have to find a home for you.
That's how Christians handle criticism? Block and insult... what would Jesus say?
Let's take a ride on a dinosaur...
This, and all Christian obligations, come from the heart, mind and soul....not some list that you check off when you are done.

Christ never, ever taught that it was wrong for government to aid the poor and the sick, or anyone in need...He taught the opposite....'Do good, in ALL that you do', don't just shut off the spigot once this thing called an obligation is checked off that list of yours... just because you helped a little through donating some dough at your church...i

IF you were feeling the need to help at your church, enough to give from your heart mind and soul some money to a collection or your time to help them....then when you see a half dead man on the side of the road like the Samaritan man did, you are going to help them....

even though you had already donated to a collection or paid your tithe...would you not help this man in need? Or would you walk past him or anyone in need and just say may God be with you while passing them by? ALL because you met your so called 'obligation, written on some checklist?

YES, YES I AM turning the table on your op, in case you didn't notice.

The Jewish government WAS a Theocracy, tithing rules were like our IRS code and paying your tithes for the most part, was taxes paid to the ruling their Theocratic take care of the poor and needy, and to take care of we pay our politicians with taxes, the Jews paid the ruling religious men....from my understanding. The poor did not pay tithing.

AND there are passages in the Bible that teach the Religious Leaders SHOULD NOT be tied up helping the needy all the time, the religious leaders should be teaching scripture, the parishioners should take care of the poor on their own...starting with their own family members in need, and the church/synagogue should only be tied up with helping the poor that has no family at all or no family with the means to take care of them.... brothers should take care of their brother's widow and children....things like that as well, in the old testament....

But to your point, I think it is simply greed....a me me me attitude that has reduced the amount of giving at churches to take care of the needy, it's NOT because they gave to the gvt already, if they were giving from their heart mind and soul in the first in both places would not bother them...

ALSO, as just 1 example, nearly 50% of the money Catholic Charities spends each year on the needy, COMES FROM government tax funds.... so even though you imply their charity work comes from the parishioners giving, half comes from govt taxes/
I problem with those on the left wrong is that they think that they can claim credit for “charity” based on what they can get government to forcibly take from others to be given to their pet causes, rather than on what they donate themselves out of what is rightfully their own to give. Sane people recognize this, not as charity, but as theft.
The teachings of Christ have nothing to do with this political system other than to call it into question.
I problem with those on the left wrong is that they think that they can claim credit for “charity” based on what they can get government to forcibly take from others to be given to their pet causes, rather than on what they donate themselves out of what is rightfully their own to give. Sane people recognize this, not as charity, but as theft.

Some recognize that this corrupt political and economic system attempts to justify its transgressions via the sodomization of the image of Christ. Always has.
Well, Moonglow, you're one of the first I put back on ignore after my amnesty. For some reason, I can see you posted something in this thread, but I can't see what you said. Since I have absolutely never seen you post anything intelligent or constructive in this forum, I'm not tempted to check to see what you said. In my opinion, you have one of the lowest IQ's in this forum, probably below the IQ necessary to feed yourself and put on your own clothes. I hope your mother is still young and healthy, because you will need her help until the day she dies, and then they will have to find a home for you.
Talking about someone's mother dying. You sick fuck. What's wrong with you? You have bad blood.
Well, Moonglow, you're one of the first I put back on ignore after my amnesty. For some reason, I can see you posted something in this thread, but I can't see what you said. Since I have absolutely never seen you post anything intelligent or constructive in this forum, I'm not tempted to check to see what you said. In my opinion, you have one of the lowest IQ's in this forum, probably below the IQ necessary to feed yourself and put on your own clothes. I hope your mother is still young and healthy, because you will need her help until the day she dies, and then they will have to find a home for you.
That's how Christians handle criticism? Block and insult... what would Jesus say?
Jesus was constantly insulting the Pharisees. He wasn't some meek guy that allowed people to walk all over him.
This, and all Christian obligations, come from the heart, mind and soul....not some list that you check off when you are done.

Christ never, ever taught that it was wrong for government to aid the poor and the sick, or anyone in need...He taught the opposite....'Do good, in ALL that you do', don't just shut off the spigot once this thing called an obligation is checked off that list of yours... just because you helped a little through donating some dough at your church...i

IF you were feeling the need to help at your church, enough to give from your heart mind and soul some money to a collection or your time to help them....then when you see a half dead man on the side of the road like the Samaritan man did, you are going to help them....

even though you had already donated to a collection or paid your tithe...would you not help this man in need? Or would you walk past him or anyone in need and just say may God be with you while passing them by? ALL because you met your so called 'obligation, written on some checklist?

YES, YES I AM turning the table on your op, in case you didn't notice.

The Jewish government WAS a Theocracy, tithing rules were like our IRS code and paying your tithes for the most part, was taxes paid to the ruling their Theocratic take care of the poor and needy, and to take care of we pay our politicians with taxes, the Jews paid the ruling religious men....from my understanding. The poor did not pay tithing.

AND there are passages in the Bible that teach the Religious Leaders SHOULD NOT be tied up helping the needy all the time, the religious leaders should be teaching scripture, the parishioners should take care of the poor on their own...starting with their own family members in need, and the church/synagogue should only be tied up with helping the poor that has no family at all or no family with the means to take care of them.... brothers should take care of their brother's widow and children....things like that as well, in the old testament....

But to your point, I think it is simply greed....a me me me attitude that has reduced the amount of giving at churches to take care of the needy, it's NOT because they gave to the gvt already, if they were giving from their heart mind and soul in the first in both places would not bother them...

ALSO, as just 1 example, nearly 50% of the money Catholic Charities spends each year on the needy, COMES FROM government tax funds.... so even though you imply their charity work comes from the parishioners giving, half comes from govt taxes/
The government should not be giving money to private charities. I strongly disagree with this policy, I think it corrupts charities to take money from the government, and it corrupts everyone involved.
There are traditional Christians and American right wing Christians. They are NOT the same.
For American right wing Christians, Jesus wears a Brookes Brother's Suit and has blond hair and blue eyes. He doesn't believe in helping the sick. He doesn't believe in helping children or making sure the poor have food. He accepts and promotes racism. He loves the rich and punishes the poor.

He is far from the Traditional Jesus many of us learned about in Bible School.
Well, Moonglow, you're one of the first I put back on ignore after my amnesty. For some reason, I can see you posted something in this thread, but I can't see what you said. Since I have absolutely never seen you post anything intelligent or constructive in this forum, I'm not tempted to check to see what you said. In my opinion, you have one of the lowest IQ's in this forum, probably below the IQ necessary to feed yourself and put on your own clothes. I hope your mother is still young and healthy, because you will need her help until the day she dies, and then they will have to find a home for you.
Talking about someone's mother dying. You sick fuck. What's wrong with you? You have bad blood.
He likes to think that a 55 year old man is still living with his dead Mother...He surely is as despicable as he thinks others to be
This, and all Christian obligations, come from the heart, mind and soul....not some list that you check off when you are done.

Christ never, ever taught that it was wrong for government to aid the poor and the sick, or anyone in need...He taught the opposite....'Do good, in ALL that you do', don't just shut off the spigot once this thing called an obligation is checked off that list of yours... just because you helped a little through donating some dough at your church...i

IF you were feeling the need to help at your church, enough to give from your heart mind and soul some money to a collection or your time to help them....then when you see a half dead man on the side of the road like the Samaritan man did, you are going to help them....

even though you had already donated to a collection or paid your tithe...would you not help this man in need? Or would you walk past him or anyone in need and just say may God be with you while passing them by? ALL because you met your so called 'obligation, written on some checklist?

YES, YES I AM turning the table on your op, in case you didn't notice.

The Jewish government WAS a Theocracy, tithing rules were like our IRS code and paying your tithes for the most part, was taxes paid to the ruling their Theocratic take care of the poor and needy, and to take care of we pay our politicians with taxes, the Jews paid the ruling religious men....from my understanding. The poor did not pay tithing.

AND there are passages in the Bible that teach the Religious Leaders SHOULD NOT be tied up helping the needy all the time, the religious leaders should be teaching scripture, the parishioners should take care of the poor on their own...starting with their own family members in need, and the church/synagogue should only be tied up with helping the poor that has no family at all or no family with the means to take care of them.... brothers should take care of their brother's widow and children....things like that as well, in the old testament....

But to your point, I think it is simply greed....a me me me attitude that has reduced the amount of giving at churches to take care of the needy, it's NOT because they gave to the gvt already, if they were giving from their heart mind and soul in the first in both places would not bother them...

ALSO, as just 1 example, nearly 50% of the money Catholic Charities spends each year on the needy, COMES FROM government tax funds.... so even though you imply their charity work comes from the parishioners giving, half comes from govt taxes/
The government should not be giving money to private charities. I strongly disagree with this policy, I think it corrupts charities to take money from the government, and it corrupts everyone involved.
Then you are no Christian..

Deuteronomy Chapter 15

7 If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother:

8 But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, [in that] which he wanteth.

9 Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee.

10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto.

11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.
This, and all Christian obligations, come from the heart, mind and soul....not some list that you check off when you are done.

Christ never, ever taught that it was wrong for government to aid the poor and the sick, or anyone in need...He taught the opposite....'Do good, in ALL that you do', don't just shut off the spigot once this thing called an obligation is checked off that list of yours... just because you helped a little through donating some dough at your church...i

IF you were feeling the need to help at your church, enough to give from your heart mind and soul some money to a collection or your time to help them....then when you see a half dead man on the side of the road like the Samaritan man did, you are going to help them....

even though you had already donated to a collection or paid your tithe...would you not help this man in need? Or would you walk past him or anyone in need and just say may God be with you while passing them by? ALL because you met your so called 'obligation, written on some checklist?

YES, YES I AM turning the table on your op, in case you didn't notice.

The Jewish government WAS a Theocracy, tithing rules were like our IRS code and paying your tithes for the most part, was taxes paid to the ruling their Theocratic take care of the poor and needy, and to take care of we pay our politicians with taxes, the Jews paid the ruling religious men....from my understanding. The poor did not pay tithing.

AND there are passages in the Bible that teach the Religious Leaders SHOULD NOT be tied up helping the needy all the time, the religious leaders should be teaching scripture, the parishioners should take care of the poor on their own...starting with their own family members in need, and the church/synagogue should only be tied up with helping the poor that has no family at all or no family with the means to take care of them.... brothers should take care of their brother's widow and children....things like that as well, in the old testament....

But to your point, I think it is simply greed....a me me me attitude that has reduced the amount of giving at churches to take care of the needy, it's NOT because they gave to the gvt already, if they were giving from their heart mind and soul in the first in both places would not bother them...

ALSO, as just 1 example, nearly 50% of the money Catholic Charities spends each year on the needy, COMES FROM government tax funds.... so even though you imply their charity work comes from the parishioners giving, half comes from govt taxes/
The government should not be giving money to private charities. I strongly disagree with this policy, I think it corrupts charities to take money from the government, and it corrupts everyone involved.
Well, that's not how the rightwingers felt when they pushed and passed and signed Bush's FAITH BASED INITIATIVE...

I was against it because I felt it would give gvt too much control over the religious charities and could lead to the corruption of the religious charities.

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