Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on six out of 10 key issues

Rasmussen also said that McCain was winning just days/weeks before the election.

Where is that punk ass who kept posting all those bullshit polls? He's gone, just like the GOP.
Rasmussen also said that McCain was winning just days/weeks before the election.

Where is that punk ass who kept posting all those bullshit polls? He's gone, just like the GOP.

The one & only time Rasmussen reported McCain ahead was directly after Sarah Palin was picked. Immediately thereafter Rasmussen "always" reported Obama ahead & concluded that he was the sure winner 2 or 3 weeks prior to the election.

I know it's very difficult for an Obama worshiper to see these numbers. But you must remember Americans "always" vote their wallets--regardless if they have elected an "American Idol" or not.
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45% Republicans
39% Democrats
16% Not sure

So how do y'all think the numbers would change if they added, "Neither" as an option?!

That's where I'm at. I wouldn't trust either bunch to walk my dog.
Obamas' only hope: "Dems are voted out of Congress and a Conservative Republican majority takes over".
That way conservatives can get the economy going again and work on the national debt but whats more, Obama can take credit for it.

Lets face it, Obama and the current bunch in Congress are just clueless when it comes to the economy, better hand it over to some adults, quick!
45% Republicans
39% Democrats
16% Not sure

So how do y'all think the numbers would change if they added, "Neither" as an option?!

That's where I'm at. I wouldn't trust either bunch to walk my dog.

I trusted a Republican to walk my dog once. Poor thing came back with moral reservations about licking his own nuts.
he was like that BEFORE the walk
see, blaming repubs for things they didnt cause
It seems that Americans' 'eyes' are bigger than their 'stomachs' - and they figured it out..
Rasmussen Polling On The Issues: What A Difference A Year Makes! - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

June 09, 2009

Rasmussen Polling On The Issues: What A Difference A Year Makes!

Unlike many conservatives, I think polling is extremely useful -- provided you understand how to use it. You have to know which polls are reliable and which ones aren't, be on the lookout for bias, pay more attention to trends than single polls, and understand that polling numbers are snapshots in time, not statues, forever cemented into place.

It's also worth noting, particularly on issue related polls, that the public's views on a particular issue aren't necessarily just about that issue. If the public loses confidence in someone closely identified with a political party, that party may suffer across the board. If the public comes to believe that a political party is grievously wrong on one issue, they may begin to distrust them on multiple issues.

That brings me to the Rasmussen polling data that my co-blogger Melissa Clouthier discussed yesterday on Right Wing News.

Here are the key numbers from Rasmussen that are being widely cited.
Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on six out of 10 key issues, including the top issue of the economy.
Health Care: Dems +10
Education: Dems +7
Social Security: Dems +6
Abortion: Even
Economy: GOP + 6
Taxes: GOP +5
Iraq: GOP +8
Nat'l Security: GOP +15
Gov't Ethics: GOP +6
Immigration: GOP +14
At first glance, that data appears to be good news for the GOP, but that undersells it. When you look at the trends, those are actually phenomenal numbers for Republicans and terrifying numbers for the Democrats.


Because one year ago, in the June of 2008 survey from Rasmussen, the Democrats were ahead on all 10 issues,
Economy: Dems +14
Nat'l Security/War on Terror: Dems +3
Iraq: Dems +8
Gov't Ethics & Corruption: Dems +13
Health Care: Dems +17
Social Security: Dems +11
Education: Dems +16
Taxes: Dems +2
Immigration: Dems +4
Abortion: Dems +7
Those are some HUGE shifts in a year's time. 20 points on the economy. 19 points on Gov't Ethics & Corruption. 18 points on Nat'l Security/War on Terror. 18 points on immigration. The only areas where the Democrats are ahead on are Health Care, Education, Social Security -- issues where the Democrats have traditionally been as strong as the Republicans are on National Security. Given that Obama has only been in since January, chances are, the Democrats haven't come close to hitting bottom yet either.
Although it's still early and things can change, what this suggests is that the political environment of 2010 is going to be much different than it was in 2006 or 2008, when the Republicans had to run against a strong headwind. This time around, having a (D) next to a candidate's name may be as big a disadvantage as the (R) was in the last couple of elections.

We live in a society -
"of the Government, by the Government, for the Government".
We are now slaves to A GREEDY government.
So how do y'all think the numbers would change if they added, "Neither" as an option?!

That's where I'm at. I wouldn't trust either bunch to walk my dog.

I trusted a Republican to walk my dog once. Poor thing came back with moral reservations about licking his own nuts.
he was like that BEFORE the walk
see, blaming repubs for things they didnt cause

No way, before that, he'd lick every dog's nuts on the block. I think he's naturally homodogmatic but now he's been supressed.
Rasmussen also said that McCain was winning just days/weeks before the election.

Where is that punk ass who kept posting all those bullshit polls? He's gone, just like the GOP.


Once again Bobo shows himself as willing to post falsehoods - and without even an ounce of talent to boot!
This poll, while being dismissed by the few leftists in here, is quite significant.

The political winds are changing folks - the Dems have overreached just as we knew they would.

Let us hope the Republicans can actually pull their crap together - and return to some legit conservative values.
Rasmussen also said that McCain was winning just days/weeks before the election.

Where is that punk ass who kept posting all those bullshit polls? He's gone, just like the GOP.


Once again Bobo shows himself as willing to post falsehoods - and without even an ounce of talent to boot!
every poll after "i'm suspending my campaign to work on the economy"
showed Obama ahead
not one had McCain ahead
Rasmussen also said that McCain was winning just days/weeks before the election.

Where is that punk ass who kept posting all those bullshit polls? He's gone, just like the GOP.


Once again Bobo shows himself as willing to post falsehoods - and without even an ounce of talent to boot!
every poll after "i'm suspending my campaign to work on the economy"
showed Obama ahead
not one had McCain ahead

God that McCain campaign sucked.
When I become King there will be no Democrats or Republicians. Actually, there will be no more politics to argue about - least you loose your noggin in the town square...

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