'Voters Do Not Like This Man'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Sam Stein

WASHINGTON -- The most obvious interpretation of Newt Gingrich's sudden emergence atop the Republican presidential primary polls is that the former House speaker is riding the same anyone-but-Mitt-Romney wave that's propelled at least five candidates before him.

Gingrich does seem to be benefiting, in large part, from the insufficiencies of other candidates. But to those with whom he's sparred over the years, his boomlet is still difficult to comprehend.

It's not just that the man's presidential campaign is basically broke; or that he has been, for many decades, a creature of the Washington, D.C., culture that he now decries; or that he looks to be running a glorified book tour with a minimal campaign presence in the critical states. Gingrich, for his opponents, remains a fatally flawed figure, whose character shortcomings are matched only by his incorrigible bluster.

"I don't underestimate any of these candidates," said Paul Begala, the longtime Democratic strategist who witnessed Gingrich's rise to prominence from inside the Clinton White House. "It is a tough economy. The president would have a tough race no matter who the nominee. ... But every time I hear his bombast, it is a joyful noise unto the world, because voters came to know him 20 years ago and they hated him."

"I don't discount his intellect or perseverance. He has a lot of tools a politician needs," Begala added. "But God bless him, the more people get to know him, the less they like him. Voters do not like this man."

More: Newt Gingrich's Clinton Foes Reflect On Resurgence Of Their Bête Noire
Intellectual idiot - The Portland Freelancer: Newt Gingrich: An Intellectual Idiot

Serial adulterer - even while impeaching President Clinton - see below

Vietnam draft evader - graduate school deferment (Some deferment - Vietnam War lasted 11 years) - Draft Deferment: Vietnam

Congressional disgrace - Only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations - Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

High Infidelity

By Steve Benen

But the most notorious of them all is undoubtedly Gingrich, who ran for Congress in 1978 on the slogan, "Let Our Family Represent Your Family." (He was reportedly cheating on his first wife at the time). In 1995, an alleged mistress from that period, Anne Manning, told Vanity Fair's Gail Sheehy: "We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'" Gingrich obtained his first divorce in 1981, after forcing his wife, who had helped put him through graduate school, to haggle over the terms while in the hospital, as she recovered from uterine cancer surgery. In 1999, he was disgraced again, having been caught in an affair with a 33-year-old congressional aide while spearheading the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton.

"High Infidelity" by Steve Benen

Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown | TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich - SERIAL ADULTERER - SEX ADDICT - Democratic Underground


Newt "Family Values / Rain Man" Gingrich
They say Newt is creeping up in the polls but I am not getting how he intends to beat Obama. Nobody likes him and he has no money because of that.

People don't like Romney either though. Wonder which loser will pull this out again, it's another McCain freak show in the making.
They say Newt is creeping up in the polls but I am not getting how he intends to beat Obama. Nobody likes him and he has no money because of that.

People don't like Romney either though. Wonder which loser will pull this out again, it's another McCain freak show in the making.

Obamafuck will lose no matter what............
I'd vote for Newt over Obama in a nanosecond....

And there you have it. Nick says Obama will lose to someone in this gang of clowns. We know not who can pull it out but we now have the official word.. :cuckoo:
They say Newt is creeping up in the polls but I am not getting how he intends to beat Obama. Nobody likes him and he has no money because of that.

People don't like Romney either though. Wonder which loser will pull this out again, it's another McCain freak show in the making.

End of the day, it doesn't matter.

Obama is toast. 9% unemployment, $4.00 gasoline, 5 Trillion in new debt.

No incumbant has ever won by villifying his opponent.

Either the voters approve of the work he's done, or they don't.

Right now they don't.
They say Newt is creeping up in the polls but I am not getting how he intends to beat Obama. Nobody likes him and he has no money because of that.

People don't like Romney either though. Wonder which loser will pull this out again, it's another McCain freak show in the making.

End of the day, it doesn't matter.

Obama is toast. 9% unemployment, $4.00 gasoline, 5 Trillion in new debt.

No incumbant has ever won by villifying his opponent.

Either the voters approve of the work he's done, or they don't.

Right now they don't.

Yeah, voters like the Republican House soooo much better...
Whether or not he can win the Republican nomination, Gingrich more than any of the other candidates would make obama look absolutely ridiculous in a debate.
Another former lobbyist.

Turns out the $300,000 he was paid to lobby by Freddie was actually 1.3 billion, according to the news.
I guess we now see the next person liberals fear!

Notice you libs can't do anything to promote Obama?

All you can do is "scortched earth" against his opponents?

It tells you a lot.

They say Newt is creeping up in the polls but I am not getting how he intends to beat Obama. Nobody likes him and he has no money because of that.

People don't like Romney either though. Wonder which loser will pull this out again, it's another McCain freak show in the making.

End of the day, it doesn't matter.

Obama is toast. 9% unemployment, $4.00 gasoline, 5 Trillion in new debt.

No incumbant has ever won by villifying his opponent.

Either the voters approve of the work he's done, or they don't.

Right now they don't.

Yeah, voters like the Republican House soooo much better...

It doesn't matter if they "like them better".

It matters that they approve of the job being done.

Going back to 2004, people who approved of Bush voted for him (his approval rating was at 53%, and he got 51% of the vote). People who didn't voted for kerry.

Obama's approval rating right now is 44% according to Gallup. That's probably his ceiling.
Well, lets sponsor a debate between Gingrich and Obama---sans teleprompters and see who is an idiot.

Serial adulterer - even while impeaching President Clinton - see below

Perhaps he should run as a Democrat---they reward sexual indiscretion with re-election.

Vietnam draft evader - graduate school deferment (Some deferment - Vietnam War lasted 11 years) -

Well, let's see---Clinton was a real draft-dodger, Gingrich had legal deferrments just like the five Joe Biden received. When and where did Obama serve?

Congressional disgrace - Only Speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations

Well, that's a function of being Republican and conservative---it's virtually impossible for a Democrat to be held accountable for ethics violations. Harry Reid and Pelosi are both neck deep in corruption---in Pelosi's case the latest is her personal enrichment through insider trading.

But the most notorious of them all is undoubtedly Gingrich, who ran for Congress in 1978 on the slogan, "Let Our Family Represent Your Family." (He was reportedly cheating on his first wife at the time). In 1995, an alleged mistress from that period, Anne Manning, told Vanity Fair's Gail Sheehy: "We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'" Gingrich obtained his first divorce in 1981, after forcing his wife, who had helped put him through graduate school, to haggle over the terms while in the hospital, as she recovered from uterine cancer surgery. In 1999, he was disgraced again, having been caught in an affair with a 33-year-old congressional aide while spearheading the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton.

The statements are obviously in the nature or retribution and not credible. Besides---why would a loyal democrat see anything remarkable or untoward about a politicial engaging in oral sex? His wife was not suffering from uterine cancer and reports of the incident are grossly incorrect. If you want the true story---read the article written by his daughter Jackie. Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress---not oral sex.
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I think if it comes down to Newt and Barry Boy the voters are gonna be looking for someone who can get things done. Someone who knows how to turn things around.

Barry can blame the Congress all he wants but he's POTUS. If thing are gong well he get the kudo's. If they are going crappy he gets the blame. Thats just the way its always been and always will be.

Newt isn't perfect but he does have the brains and the ability to turn this country around. He can work with the Dems as he's shown in the past.

This country could do far worse than Newt as POTUS.

The LSM is still in the tank for Barry Boy so we all know that anything negative will be used against anyone who runs against him.

Scorched earth won't be the half of it.
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No, voters don't like Newtie and a bad economy isn't going to change that fact. A bad economy won't help him overcome his poor ethics, low morals and, frankly, his just being Newt.

I absolutely think the RWers should nominate him. :lol:
No, voters don't like Newtie and a bad economy isn't going to change that fact. A bad economy won't help him overcome his poor ethics, low morals and, frankly, his just being Newt.

I absolutely think the RWers should nominate him. :lol:

LOL Barry has done such a poor job and leads in unethical practices making Newts appearance very possible.

Maybe you guys should kill a few more border agents for the high ground.
newt is not going to last long in the spotlight

He is however a perfect example of the right wing intelligence and attitude.
Fifteen Trillion Dollars in debt will be reached by early this afternoon..

Fast and Furious
9% unemployment
gas high
energy high
food prices high
housing market sucks big time

race war
class war

and the Shitting COWS

none of this crap looks good for the obamallama
newt is not going to last long in the spotlight

He is however a perfect example of the right wing intelligence and attitude.

Excuse me while I LMAO.

Newts "baggage" has been out there for years. I don't think theres anything else to air.

As for his intelligence and attitude?

I'd put Newt up against Barry any day of the week.

In case its escaped your notice Barry's record as POTUS kinda sucks. His policies and ideas ain't workin and he ain't doing anything to fix the country. He's still trying to use what failed FDR during the GD.

I'm willing to hear Newts ideas to fix the country. Bet they work better than Barry's have.

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