Voter ID

C_Clayton_Jones said:
Because unlike driving, voting is a fundamental right.

Is it? Who told you that? Can you direct me to that section of the constitution?

I might argue that voting is a greater responsibility than driving, for instance. In my opinion, another persons inability to vote competently is an even greater danger than their inability to operate a vehicle competently. So how can we expect someone who is not capable of obtaining an ID to have even a minimal working knowledge of how our government is structured or how it operates, let alone have an understanding of the key issues or points of contention in a given election?...but that isn't even the reason for proposed voter ID laws, is it?

It is about preventing voter fraud. Election fraud is a real problem. Democrats try to downplay the severity of voter fraud, but that is likely because for them it is more of a strategy than a crime.

As is the case with so many things these days, the leftist claim that requiring an ID to vote places an unfair burden on minorities is an insult to those same minorities and exposes the left as the real home of bigotry and racism. If I'm wrong, and the left is correct, then that is an indictment of many segments of our society as racists, isn't it? Because one can not even cash their own paycheck in this country without a photo ID.

C_Clayton_Jones said:
and ‘the left’ is more interested in protecting voting rights rather than trying to find ways to prevent Americans from voting.

You’re likely not stupid, but indeed partisan, and buy into the myth that ‘voter fraud’ is costing republicans elections.

"The left" is complety dependent on being able to commit large scale voter fraud. Their chances of winning a national election without it in what has always been a center/right nation are slim and none. If you disagree, tell me what other reason they could possibly have for opposing so vehemently, a law aimed at protecting something we all can agree is worthy of protection: the integrity of the outcome of an election? Give me one GOOD reason.


Name 10 cases in the last 5 years of voter fraud that would have been prevented by photo ID.
C_Clayton_Jones said:
Because unlike driving, voting is a fundamental right.

Is it? Who told you that? Can you direct me to that section of the constitution?

I might argue that voting is a greater responsibility than driving, for instance. In my opinion, another persons inability to vote competently is an even greater danger than their inability to operate a vehicle competently. So how can we expect someone who is not capable of obtaining an ID to have even a minimal working knowledge of how our government is structured or how it operates, let alone have an understanding of the key issues or points of contention in a given election?...but that isn't even the reason for proposed voter ID laws, is it?

It is about preventing voter fraud. Election fraud is a real problem. Democrats try to downplay the severity of voter fraud, but that is likely because for them it is more of a strategy than a crime.

As is the case with so many things these days, the leftist claim that requiring an ID to vote places an unfair burden on minorities is an insult to those same minorities and exposes the left as the real home of bigotry and racism. If I'm wrong, and the left is correct, then that is an indictment of many segments of our society as racists, isn't it? Because one can not even cash their own paycheck in this country without a photo ID.

C_Clayton_Jones said:
and ‘the left’ is more interested in protecting voting rights rather than trying to find ways to prevent Americans from voting.

You’re likely not stupid, but indeed partisan, and buy into the myth that ‘voter fraud’ is costing republicans elections.

"The left" is complety dependent on being able to commit large scale voter fraud. Their chances of winning a national election without it in what has always been a center/right nation are slim and none. If you disagree, tell me what other reason they could possibly have for opposing so vehemently, a law aimed at protecting something we all can agree is worthy of protection: the integrity of the outcome of an election? Give me one GOOD reason.


Name 10 cases in the last 5 years of voter fraud that would have been prevented by photo ID.

You should know that naming cases that were never brought is an impossible task. No one knows how many cases of voter fraud are out there when millions of immigrants aren't REQUIRED to prove their eligibility before being allowed to cast a ballot.

You work in California elections, correct?

Can you tell us how many ineligible voters in your state cast ballots in 2010?
C_Clayton_Jones said:
Because unlike driving, voting is a fundamental right.

Is it? Who told you that? Can you direct me to that section of the constitution?

I might argue that voting is a greater responsibility than driving, for instance. In my opinion, another persons inability to vote competently is an even greater danger than their inability to operate a vehicle competently. So how can we expect someone who is not capable of obtaining an ID to have even a minimal working knowledge of how our government is structured or how it operates, let alone have an understanding of the key issues or points of contention in a given election?...but that isn't even the reason for proposed voter ID laws, is it?

It is about preventing voter fraud. Election fraud is a real problem. Democrats try to downplay the severity of voter fraud, but that is likely because for them it is more of a strategy than a crime.

As is the case with so many things these days, the leftist claim that requiring an ID to vote places an unfair burden on minorities is an insult to those same minorities and exposes the left as the real home of bigotry and racism. If I'm wrong, and the left is correct, then that is an indictment of many segments of our society as racists, isn't it? Because one can not even cash their own paycheck in this country without a photo ID.

C_Clayton_Jones said:
and ‘the left’ is more interested in protecting voting rights rather than trying to find ways to prevent Americans from voting.

You’re likely not stupid, but indeed partisan, and buy into the myth that ‘voter fraud’ is costing republicans elections.

"The left" is complety dependent on being able to commit large scale voter fraud. Their chances of winning a national election without it in what has always been a center/right nation are slim and none. If you disagree, tell me what other reason they could possibly have for opposing so vehemently, a law aimed at protecting something we all can agree is worthy of protection: the integrity of the outcome of an election? Give me one GOOD reason.


Yes, it is.

See Article II of the US Constitution, along with the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendments.

The fundamental right to vote has been acknowledged and upheld by the Supreme Court for well over a century:

Undoubtedly, the right of suffrage is a fundamental matter [p562] in a free and democratic society. Especially since the right to exercise the franchise in a free and unimpaired manner is preservative of other basic civil and political rights, any alleged infringement of the right of citizens to vote must be carefully and meticulously scrutinized. Almost a century ago, in Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, the Court referred to "the political franchise of voting" as "a fundamental political right, because preservative of all rights." 118 U.S. at 370.

Reynolds v. Sims

Opposition to voter ID laws is therefore predicated on the single and most important ‘good reason’: it’s offensive to the Constitution.
C_Clayton_Jones said:
Because unlike driving, voting is a fundamental right.

Is it? Who told you that? Can you direct me to that section of the constitution?

I might argue that voting is a greater responsibility than driving, for instance. In my opinion, another persons inability to vote competently is an even greater danger than their inability to operate a vehicle competently. So how can we expect someone who is not capable of obtaining an ID to have even a minimal working knowledge of how our government is structured or how it operates, let alone have an understanding of the key issues or points of contention in a given election?...but that isn't even the reason for proposed voter ID laws, is it?

It is about preventing voter fraud. Election fraud is a real problem. Democrats try to downplay the severity of voter fraud, but that is likely because for them it is more of a strategy than a crime.

As is the case with so many things these days, the leftist claim that requiring an ID to vote places an unfair burden on minorities is an insult to those same minorities and exposes the left as the real home of bigotry and racism. If I'm wrong, and the left is correct, then that is an indictment of many segments of our society as racists, isn't it? Because one can not even cash their own paycheck in this country without a photo ID.

C_Clayton_Jones said:
and ‘the left’ is more interested in protecting voting rights rather than trying to find ways to prevent Americans from voting.

You’re likely not stupid, but indeed partisan, and buy into the myth that ‘voter fraud’ is costing republicans elections.

"The left" is complety dependent on being able to commit large scale voter fraud. Their chances of winning a national election without it in what has always been a center/right nation are slim and none. If you disagree, tell me what other reason they could possibly have for opposing so vehemently, a law aimed at protecting something we all can agree is worthy of protection: the integrity of the outcome of an election? Give me one GOOD reason.


Name 10 cases in the last 5 years of voter fraud that would have been prevented by photo ID.

Or name one case in the last 10 years, for that matter.

Voter ID ‘fraud’ is a myth, a political contrivance of the right; an ‘article of religious faith’ on the part of republicans as to why they lose elections, having nothing to do with facts or evidence.
If voter ID cards are necessary, they should be sent to all registered voters.

Or simply do as the more reasonable states have done: allow voters to use check stubs, utility bills, or letters from government agencies.

Such forms of ID are reasonable, do not manifest an undue burden, and at least one of each is in the possession of virtually every voter.
Anything to keep letting the illegal alien vote continue, right Clayton?

That 9 or 10 million is going to be crucial this year...
Is it? Who told you that? Can you direct me to that section of the constitution?

I might argue that voting is a greater responsibility than driving, for instance. In my opinion, another persons inability to vote competently is an even greater danger than their inability to operate a vehicle competently. So how can we expect someone who is not capable of obtaining an ID to have even a minimal working knowledge of how our government is structured or how it operates, let alone have an understanding of the key issues or points of contention in a given election?...but that isn't even the reason for proposed voter ID laws, is it?

It is about preventing voter fraud. Election fraud is a real problem. Democrats try to downplay the severity of voter fraud, but that is likely because for them it is more of a strategy than a crime.

As is the case with so many things these days, the leftist claim that requiring an ID to vote places an unfair burden on minorities is an insult to those same minorities and exposes the left as the real home of bigotry and racism. If I'm wrong, and the left is correct, then that is an indictment of many segments of our society as racists, isn't it? Because one can not even cash their own paycheck in this country without a photo ID.

"The left" is complety dependent on being able to commit large scale voter fraud. Their chances of winning a national election without it in what has always been a center/right nation are slim and none. If you disagree, tell me what other reason they could possibly have for opposing so vehemently, a law aimed at protecting something we all can agree is worthy of protection: the integrity of the outcome of an election? Give me one GOOD reason.


Name 10 cases in the last 5 years of voter fraud that would have been prevented by photo ID.

You should know that naming cases that were never brought is an impossible task. No one knows how many cases of voter fraud are out there when millions of immigrants aren't REQUIRED to prove their eligibility before being allowed to cast a ballot.

You work in California elections, correct?

Can you tell us how many ineligible voters in your state cast ballots in 2010?

And how exactly is one given a ballot when his name doesn’t appear on the voter registration list?
Anything to keep letting the illegal alien vote continue, right Clayton?

That 9 or 10 million is going to be crucial this year...

Accusations, not evidence – it’s only what you can prove in a court of law.

You also seem confused as to the process: only citizens can vote, a voter proves he’s a citizen when he registers to vote, providing whatever documentation in accordance with his state’s law.
Why is this an issue. Most Americans has some form of ID. A drivers license, medicare card, social security card, etc. Who does the inability to produce ID disenfranchise? I just don't get it. Why does the left continue to support NOT producing ID when voting. Perhaps I'm just a stupid conservative!

I don't get it either.

I don't get it for many reasons.

First because voter fraud is extremely rare according to every study done in the last decade.

Secondly, because I see not reason NOT to demand voter ID at the polls.

Frankly I think this political football is pretty much a waste of time for everybody EXCEPT partisans who absolutely must have something to debate other than the issues that really matter to the American people..
Why is this an issue. Most Americans has some form of ID. A drivers license, medicare card, social security card, etc. Who does the inability to produce ID disenfranchise? I just don't get it. Why does the left continue to support NOT producing ID when voting. Perhaps I'm just a stupid conservative!

I don't get it either.

I don't get it for many reasons.

First because voter fraud is extremely rare according to every study done in the last decade.

Secondly, because I see not reason NOT to demand voter ID at the polls.

Frankly I think this political football is pretty much a waste of time for everybody EXCEPT partisans who absolutely must have something to debate other than the issues that really matter to the American people..

There are no reliable studies of the extent of voter fraud in the US. The studies that do exist, honest and well intentioned as they may be, only count the number of cases in which voter fraud was uncovered. There is no reliable way of estimating how many people committed voter fraud that went undetected.
Why is this an issue. Most Americans has some form of ID. A drivers license, medicare card, social security card, etc. Who does the inability to produce ID disenfranchise? I just don't get it. Why does the left continue to support NOT producing ID when voting. Perhaps I'm just a stupid conservative!

I don't get it either.

I don't get it for many reasons.

First because voter fraud is extremely rare according to every study done in the last decade.

Secondly, because I see not reason NOT to demand voter ID at the polls.

Frankly I think this political football is pretty much a waste of time for everybody EXCEPT partisans who absolutely must have something to debate other than the issues that really matter to the American people..

There are no reliable studies of the extent of voter fraud in the US. The studies that do exist, honest and well intentioned as they may be, only count the number of cases in which voter fraud was uncovered. There is no reliable way of estimating how many people committed voter fraud that went undetected.

Oooohhh....scary stealth votes. It's undetected because it is undetectable. It's not happening.

I've got no problem requiring photo identification at the polling place as long as the ID is provided free of charge, that the program takes YEARS, not months to implement, insuring that voters have ample opportunity to secure the necessary documents and that there is a grandfather clause for...well, grandfathers. If you're a gazillion years old and have been voting in every election since the Johnson administration, you get to fucking vote and not have to provide documentation that doesn't exist because you weren't born in a goddamn hospital.
Name 10 cases in the last 5 years of voter fraud that would have been prevented by photo ID.

You should know that naming cases that were never brought is an impossible task. No one knows how many cases of voter fraud are out there when millions of immigrants aren't REQUIRED to prove their eligibility before being allowed to cast a ballot.

You work in California elections, correct?

Can you tell us how many ineligible voters in your state cast ballots in 2010?

And how exactly is one given a ballot when his name doesn’t appear on the voter registration list?

Fraudulent registration is about the easiest thing in the world to do. There is no verification of anything the registrant says, s/he simply signs an affidavit that SAYS they are eligible.

But then you already knew that, didn't you?
Anything to keep letting the illegal alien vote continue, right Clayton?

That 9 or 10 million is going to be crucial this year...

Accusations, not evidence – it’s only what you can prove in a court of law.

You also seem confused as to the process: only citizens can vote, a voter proves he’s a citizen when he registers to vote, providing whatever documentation in accordance with his state’s law.

WRONG!! There is NO PROOF of eligibility required to register.

You should know that...
I don't get it either.

I don't get it for many reasons.

First because voter fraud is extremely rare according to every study done in the last decade.

Secondly, because I see not reason NOT to demand voter ID at the polls.

Frankly I think this political football is pretty much a waste of time for everybody EXCEPT partisans who absolutely must have something to debate other than the issues that really matter to the American people..

There are no reliable studies of the extent of voter fraud in the US. The studies that do exist, honest and well intentioned as they may be, only count the number of cases in which voter fraud was uncovered. There is no reliable way of estimating how many people committed voter fraud that went undetected.

Oooohhh....scary stealth votes. It's undetected because it is undetectable. It's not happening.

I've got no problem requiring photo identification at the polling place as long as the ID is provided free of charge, that the program takes YEARS, not months to implement, insuring that voters have ample opportunity to secure the necessary documents and that there is a grandfather clause for...well, grandfathers. If you're a gazillion years old and have been voting in every election since the Johnson administration, you get to fucking vote and not have to provide documentation that doesn't exist because you weren't born in a goddamn hospital.

Did you miss this question, Seawytch??

You work in California elections, correct?

Can you tell us how many ineligible voters in your state cast ballots in 2010?
boycott canada and its voter id laws, obviously designed to discriminate against minorities!!!!

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