Vote for Obama and you'll get


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
A free phone free food free housing free abortion free birth control free healthcare, only it's not free. It's on the backs of hardworking Americans in the form of taxes. Our taxes buy you're free stuff.

It's not Obama's money, it's ours.
A free phone free food free housing free abortion free birth control free healthcare, only it's not free. It's on the backs of hardworking Americans in the form of taxes. Our taxes buy you're free stuff.

It's not Obama's money, it's ours.

No. Our taxes buy our stuff. It isn't free. But we have to have it. That's what taxes are for. You ought to live in California, where there are two props on the ballot for tomorrow for raising taxes. And know what? They are both going to pass. (Don't EVER change that avatar, by the way.)
A free phone free food free housing free abortion free birth control free healthcare, only it's not free. It's on the backs of hardworking Americans in the form of taxes. Our taxes buy you're free stuff.

It's not Obama's money, it's ours.

Well, keep up the good work I suppose. :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
A free phone free food free housing free abortion free birth control free healthcare, only it's not free. It's on the backs of hardworking Americans in the form of taxes. Our taxes buy you're free stuff.

It's not Obama's money, it's ours.

So we should just let corporations and wealthy people have all the free stuff? Like huge subsidies they all receive? Like the oil companies that get our military presence in the middle east plus our Navy which guarantees safe passage in the shipping lanes to get their oil back here so they can refine it and sell it on the world market? This also means we pay more for gas since the world demand increases prices. Supply and demand.

U.S. corporations operate all over the world and can operate safely due to our military presence all over the world. (And you thought it was to keep us safe, right?). When you hear about our military "being there to protect our interests", this means protecting the interests of big business. (If you as an individual have problems in a foreign country, you're on your own. You don't count).
This doesn't stop these companies from trying to pay from little to no taxes if possible like Exxon did a few years ago.
Vote for Obama and you'll get an inflated, devalued dollar, a police state, dead children in the Middle East due to drone strikes, assassinated Americans, World War III sparked by his propoganda against Iran, abolishment of the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendment, surveillance cameras on your property, a carbon tax on breathing, TSA checkpoints on highways, and government takeover of the Internet.
Vote for Obama and you'll get an inflated, devalued dollar, a police state, dead children in the Middle East due to drone strikes, assassinated Americans, World War III sparked by his propoganda against Iran, abolishment of the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendment, surveillance cameras on your property, a carbon tax on breathing, TSA checkpoints on highways, and government takeover of the Internet.

I was hoping for a clean sweep of the top 5 amendments. Oh well.

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