Vladimir Putin Is Reportedly Richer Than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos Combined


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
its funny to read western "useful idiots" , who say that Putin rid of OLIGARCHY and oligarchs... + its absolutely clear that putin is obsolete "wealthiest person in the world" . question, will The ordinary , poor Muscovites ever wake up?

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos made waves this week when he briefly unseated Bill Gates as the wealthiest person in the world, according to Bloomberg's tracker. The two U.S. tech titans are jockeying for the lead at around $90 billion each. But according to Hermitage Capital Management CEO Bill Browder, they’re nothing compared to Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose personal fortune Browder “believes” to be $200 billion.

Browder, who made the claim before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, is one of the best authorities on Putin's business dealings. Browder was a major investor in Russia during the chaotic 1990s, when, according to Newsweek, he took stakes in former state-run enterprises such as Gazprom. During the same period, Browder cooperated with Putin in anticorruption efforts, but eventually found himself targeted by Putin. That conflict eventually led to the jailing and death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, and in turn to the Magnitsky Act sanctions against certain Russian oligarchs by the U.S."

Vladimir Putin Is Reportedly Richer Than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos Combined

Russian billionaires are worth $104 billion more than they were last year, thanks to the recovery of commodity markets and an increase in the value of Russian currency. Many oligarchs got a boost on the heels of Donald Trump’s election as well. In total Russia’s 96 billionaires, including several connected to Vladimir Putin and at least one tied to Trump, are now worth a combined $386 billion, according to Forbes’ 2017 World’s Billionaires List.

“The cronies and commodity people have done well,” said Anders Aslund, who served as an economic advisor to the Russian government in the early 1990s and now works at the Washington-based think tank Atlantic Council. “The commodity prices went up a bit in the last year, and therefore the fortunes are up.”

There are 19 more billionaires counted in this year’s total, including three newcomers to the list and 16 businessmen who had fallen off of it in recent years but returned in 2017. Only nine of Russia’s 96 billionaires lost money over the last year.

Three of the big gainers are alleged members of Putin’s inner circle. Gennady Timchenko, who owns an estimated 23% stake in natural gas producer Novatek, was listed at $16 billion this year, $4.6 billion more than he was in 2016. Shares of Novatek jumped 27% from February of 2016 to February of 2017, when Forbes locked in calculations for its billionaires lists the last two years. In 2014 the U.S. Department of the Treasury leveled sanctions against Timchenko, and alleged that Putin had invested in an oil trading firm he had cofounded. The Russian billionaire sold his 43% stake in the firm, Gunvor, one day before the U.S. Treasury Department issued its sanctions.

Construction titan Arkady Rotenberg, a onetime judo sparring partner of Putin who was also sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2014, more than doubled his personal fortune from $1 billion to $2.6 billion over the last year. Despite the sanctions, revenues at his construction firm SGM Group surged more than 20% in 2015. The same year, the Russian Ministry of Transport granted SGM Group an exclusive contract to build a reported $3.7 billion bridge connecting Russia to Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula that Russia seized in a 2014 armed takeover. Construction of the bridge is scheduled to be completed in 2018, according to the ministry. Revenues at another Rotenberg company, fertilizer giant Minudobreniya, surged an estimated 52% in 2016....."

Russian Billionaires, Including Several Tied To Putin, Are Up $104 Billion In The Last Year

meanwhile Muscovite hospitals look like these:



Ад российских больниц
its funny to read western "useful idiots" , who say that Putin rid of OLIGARCHY and oligarchs... + its absolutely clear that putin is obsolete "wealthiest person in the world" . question, will ordinary Muscovite ever wake up?

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos made waves this week when he briefly unseated Bill Gates as the wealthiest person in the world, according to Bloomberg's tracker. The two U.S. tech titans are jockeying for the lead at around $90 billion each. But according to Hermitage Capital Management CEO Bill Browder, they’re nothing compared to Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose personal fortune Browder “believes” to be $200 billion.

Browder, who made the claim before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, is one of the best authorities on Putin's business dealings. Browder was a major investor in Russia during the chaotic 1990s, when, according to Newsweek, he took stakes in former state-run enterprises such as Gazprom. During the same period, Browder cooperated with Putin in anticorruption efforts, but eventually found himself targeted by Putin. That conflict eventually led to the jailing and death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, and in turn to the Magnitsky Act sanctions against certain Russian oligarchs by the U.S."

Vladimir Putin Is Reportedly Richer Than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos Combined

Russian billionaires are worth $104 billion more than they were last year, thanks to the recovery of commodity markets and an increase in the value of Russian currency. Many oligarchs got a boost on the heels of Donald Trump’s election as well. In total Russia’s 96 billionaires, including several connected to Vladimir Putin and at least one tied to Trump, are now worth a combined $386 billion, according to Forbes’ 2017 World’s Billionaires List.

“The cronies and commodity people have done well,” said Anders Aslund, who served as an economic advisor to the Russian government in the early 1990s and now works at the Washington-based think tank Atlantic Council. “The commodity prices went up a bit in the last year, and therefore the fortunes are up.”

There are 19 more billionaires counted in this year’s total, including three newcomers to the list and 16 businessmen who had fallen off of it in recent years but returned in 2017. Only nine of Russia’s 96 billionaires lost money over the last year.

Three of the big gainers are alleged members of Putin’s inner circle. Gennady Timchenko, who owns an estimated 23% stake in natural gas producer Novatek, was listed at $16 billion this year, $4.6 billion more than he was in 2016. Shares of Novatek jumped 27% from February of 2016 to February of 2017, when Forbes locked in calculations for its billionaires lists the last two years. In 2014 the U.S. Department of the Treasury leveled sanctions against Timchenko, and alleged that Putin had invested in an oil trading firm he had cofounded. The Russian billionaire sold his 43% stake in the firm, Gunvor, one day before the U.S. Treasury Department issued its sanctions.

Construction titan Arkady Rotenberg, a onetime judo sparring partner of Putin who was also sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2014, more than doubled his personal fortune from $1 billion to $2.6 billion over the last year. Despite the sanctions, revenues at his construction firm SGM Group surged more than 20% in 2015. The same year, the Russian Ministry of Transport granted SGM Group an exclusive contract to build a reported $3.7 billion bridge connecting Russia to Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula that Russia seized in a 2014 armed takeover. Construction of the bridge is scheduled to be completed in 2018, according to the ministry. Revenues at another Rotenberg company, fertilizer giant Minudobreniya, surged an estimated 52% in 2016....."

Russian Billionaires, Including Several Tied To Putin, Are Up $104 Billion In The Last Year

meanwhile Muscovite hospitals look like these:



Ад российских больниц
It's pretty much known, The reason progressives hate pudding so much is their own envious nature.
Very predictable
And as always OP can't prove what he wants you to believe, just his usual hateful blah-blah...

And Ukrainian president and his buddies break all the records of corruption. Why OP, the Ukrainian Nazi, is so silent about that? And in Ukraine millions of people can't afford to eat, to buy medicine and to pay utilities. Average salary is $150 per month and as a rule it is delayed for several months. A lot of people have been dying from been starved and stressed. And every day the things are looking worse and worse for Ukraine while its rulers get richer and richer each day. They don't even mind to steal the money IMF has been given to Ukraine.

BTW, all those pictures of poor people and poor houses OP has posted could have been taken in Ukraine, next door to OP, for example.
Corruption and a lack of transparency have been persistent problems in Ukraine, contributing to political stagnation that followed the so-called Orange Revolution in 2004-05 and the Euromaidan unrest a decade later that unseated a president.
Investigation Uncovers Poroshenko's, Allies' Spanish Coastal Villas
Senior government figures in Ukraine, whose government has received billions of dollars of international funding since the uprising that toppled former dictator Viktor Yanukovych, have been accused of massive political and financial corruption by a senior former ally.
Politician makes claims of vast corruption in Ukraine

Last edited:
its funny to read western "useful idiots" , who say that Putin rid of OLIGARCHY and oligarchs... + its absolutely clear that putin is obsolete "wealthiest person in the world" . question, will ordinary Muscovite ever wake up?

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos made waves this week when he briefly unseated Bill Gates as the wealthiest person in the world, according to Bloomberg's tracker. The two U.S. tech titans are jockeying for the lead at around $90 billion each. But according to Hermitage Capital Management CEO Bill Browder, they’re nothing compared to Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose personal fortune Browder “believes” to be $200 billion.

Browder, who made the claim before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, is one of the best authorities on Putin's business dealings. Browder was a major investor in Russia during the chaotic 1990s, when, according to Newsweek, he took stakes in former state-run enterprises such as Gazprom. During the same period, Browder cooperated with Putin in anticorruption efforts, but eventually found himself targeted by Putin. That conflict eventually led to the jailing and death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, and in turn to the Magnitsky Act sanctions against certain Russian oligarchs by the U.S."

Vladimir Putin Is Reportedly Richer Than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos Combined

Russian billionaires are worth $104 billion more than they were last year, thanks to the recovery of commodity markets and an increase in the value of Russian currency. Many oligarchs got a boost on the heels of Donald Trump’s election as well. In total Russia’s 96 billionaires, including several connected to Vladimir Putin and at least one tied to Trump, are now worth a combined $386 billion, according to Forbes’ 2017 World’s Billionaires List.

“The cronies and commodity people have done well,” said Anders Aslund, who served as an economic advisor to the Russian government in the early 1990s and now works at the Washington-based think tank Atlantic Council. “The commodity prices went up a bit in the last year, and therefore the fortunes are up.”

There are 19 more billionaires counted in this year’s total, including three newcomers to the list and 16 businessmen who had fallen off of it in recent years but returned in 2017. Only nine of Russia’s 96 billionaires lost money over the last year.

Three of the big gainers are alleged members of Putin’s inner circle. Gennady Timchenko, who owns an estimated 23% stake in natural gas producer Novatek, was listed at $16 billion this year, $4.6 billion more than he was in 2016. Shares of Novatek jumped 27% from February of 2016 to February of 2017, when Forbes locked in calculations for its billionaires lists the last two years. In 2014 the U.S. Department of the Treasury leveled sanctions against Timchenko, and alleged that Putin had invested in an oil trading firm he had cofounded. The Russian billionaire sold his 43% stake in the firm, Gunvor, one day before the U.S. Treasury Department issued its sanctions.

Construction titan Arkady Rotenberg, a onetime judo sparring partner of Putin who was also sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2014, more than doubled his personal fortune from $1 billion to $2.6 billion over the last year. Despite the sanctions, revenues at his construction firm SGM Group surged more than 20% in 2015. The same year, the Russian Ministry of Transport granted SGM Group an exclusive contract to build a reported $3.7 billion bridge connecting Russia to Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula that Russia seized in a 2014 armed takeover. Construction of the bridge is scheduled to be completed in 2018, according to the ministry. Revenues at another Rotenberg company, fertilizer giant Minudobreniya, surged an estimated 52% in 2016....."

Russian Billionaires, Including Several Tied To Putin, Are Up $104 Billion In The Last Year

meanwhile Muscovite hospitals look like these:



Ад российских больниц
It's pretty much known, The reason progressives hate pudding so much is their own envious nature.
Very predictable

envious...so you are perfectly ok with the criminal Kleptocracy ?
"Putin's Kleptocracy - Who Owns Russia?""

Weaponizing Kleptocracy: Putin’s Hybrid Warfare"
That's how all socialist countries work. The leaders get all of the money. Richest person in Venezuela? Chavez kid of course. Richest people in Cuba? Castros.
That's how all socialist countries work. The leaders get all of the money. Richest person in Venezuela? Chavez kid of course. Richest people in Cuba? Castros.
Putler is a Kleptocrat (thug) not a "socialist" ...

Kleptocracy (from Ancient Greek κλέπτης (kléptēs, “thief”), κλέπτω (kléptō, “steal”), from Proto-Indo-European *klep- (“to steal”); and from the Ancient Greek suffix -κρατία (-kratía), from κράτος (krátos, “power, rule”; klépto- thieves + -kratos rule, literally "rule by thieves")[1][2] is a government with corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) that use their power to exploit the people and natural resources of their own territory in order to extend their personal wealth and political power. Typically this system involves embezzlement of funds at the expense of the wider population.[3][4]"

Crime, Kleptocracy, and Politics: Developments in Modern "Russia"
That's how all socialist countries work. The leaders get all of the money. Richest person in Venezuela? Chavez kid of course. Richest people in Cuba? Castros.
Putler is a Kleptocrat (thug) not a "socialist" ...

Kleptocracy (from Ancient Greek κλέπτης (kléptēs, “thief”), κλέπτω (kléptō, “steal”), from Proto-Indo-European *klep- (“to steal”); and from the Ancient Greek suffix -κρατία (-kratía), from κράτος (krátos, “power, rule”; klépto- thieves + -kratos rule, literally "rule by thieves")[1][2] is a government with corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) that use their power to exploit the people and natural resources of their own territory in order to extend their personal wealth and political power. Typically this system involves embezzlement of funds at the expense of the wider population.[3][4]"

Crime, Kleptocracy, and Politics: Developments in Modern "Russia"

All socialists are klepto's. How the heck can you want other people's stuff and not be?
That's how all socialist countries work. The leaders get all of the money. Richest person in Venezuela? Chavez kid of course. Richest people in Cuba? Castros.
Putler is a Kleptocrat (thug) not a "socialist" ...

Kleptocracy (from Ancient Greek κλέπτης (kléptēs, “thief”), κλέπτω (kléptō, “steal”), from Proto-Indo-European *klep- (“to steal”); and from the Ancient Greek suffix -κρατία (-kratía), from κράτος (krátos, “power, rule”; klépto- thieves + -kratos rule, literally "rule by thieves")[1][2] is a government with corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) that use their power to exploit the people and natural resources of their own territory in order to extend their personal wealth and political power. Typically this system involves embezzlement of funds at the expense of the wider population.[3][4]"

Crime, Kleptocracy, and Politics: Developments in Modern "Russia"

All socialists are klepto's. How the heck can you want other people's stuff and not be?

today maybe..., but i am 100% sure if Koba saw this documentary, he´d kill entire Putin gang in 5 minutes

He Is Not Dimon to You - Wikipedia

Don't call him "Dimon" - YouTube
upload_2017-9-10_21-43-36.jpeg▶ 49:39

Some ironically call him pathetic and use «Dimon» instead of his full name. But he is not pathetic. Through his ...
Putin richest man in the world, that explains Trump's nose imprint in Putin's ass. Of course, if Trump has his nose buried in Putin's posterior, you can bet Trumpsters will too. :happy-1:

what do you know about “Rosneft” story ? its very , very nasty one...

Trump offered 10 billion euro bribe to end Russian sanctions ...
Перакласці гэтую старонку
11.01.2017 - Putin and Sechin gave Trump 19.5% of shares of “Rosneft”? .... It owns 8,8% UC Rusal, 26% of the oil company “Russneft”, Moscow Grain ...
Putin richest man in the world, that explains Trump's nose imprint in Putin's ass. Of course, if Trump has his nose buried in Putin's posterior, you can bet Trumpsters will too. :happy-1:

I guess the $145MM Putin paid Hillary for 20% of our uranium was just chump change

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