Visiting DU



Since USMB was down during my lunch break, I decided to visit DU. Not to post there, but to look around. Mostly at their rules (the expanded version).
I have seen legal agreements that were shorter than their rules! For a board that is supposed to "support democracy," they sure have a ton of restrictions.

Basically, I was curious as to why my fiance was banned after one post a few weeks ago. It was not even a confrontation post. They were bitching about Rove and why he shouldn't be executed for perjury. Rob wanted to know what the difference was between Rove and Clinton.
There is a DU rule that states you can not criticize a Democratic office holder for any reason. Nor can you criticize the Dem party, it's policies, or those who support such policies. You are not allowed to agree with any GOP policy, nor are you allowed to express support for any member of the Bush administration.
Basically, you can't have an opinion on anything that is not stated Democratic policy. You can't even JOKE about it. There is even a clause allowing moderators to ban members who they find "offensive or disagreeable." Meaning if someone decides to dislike you personally, you are gone.

I am glad to be a member of a forum where members are free to bash me, tell me I am crazy, tell me to fuck off, resort to sarcasm, double entendres and sexual innuendos, and otherwise inform me that I am wrong (all things which are specifically disallowed at DU).

The reason for the strict security measures is that the CIA and the Secret Service read DU. :rolleyes: The Bush Administration is looking for an excuse to shut DU down. :rolleyes: A couple of DU members have been fired for their posts there :rolleyes: Last but not least, a moderator has his phone tapped :rolleyes: and a past member "just disappeared" :rolleyes:

And I used to think some of you were bad (no please! don't ban me for that!)
Well you have certainly explained why you have been a learning experience for all of us. So glad you are here.
Gabriella84 said:
Since USMB was down during my lunch break, I decided to visit DU. Not to post there, but to look around. Mostly at their rules (the expanded version).
I have seen legal agreements that were shorter than their rules! For a board that is supposed to "support democracy," they sure have a ton of restrictions.

Basically, I was curious as to why my fiance was banned after one post a few weeks ago. It was not even a confrontation post. They were bitching about Rove and why he shouldn't be executed for perjury. Rob wanted to know what the difference was between Rove and Clinton.
There is a DU rule that states you can not criticize a Democratic office holder for any reason. Nor can you criticize the Dem party, it's policies, or those who support such policies. You are not allowed to agree with any GOP policy, nor are you allowed to express support for any member of the Bush administration.
Basically, you can't have an opinion on anything that is not stated Democratic policy. You can't even JOKE about it. There is even a clause allowing moderators to ban members who they find "offensive or disagreeable." Meaning if someone decides to dislike you personally, you are gone.

I am glad to be a member of a forum where members are free to bash me, tell me I am crazy, tell me to fuck off, resort to sarcasm, double entendres and sexual innuendos, and otherwise inform me that I am wrong (all things which are specifically disallowed at DU).

The reason for the strict security measures is that the CIA and the Secret Service read DU. :rolleyes: The Bush Administration is looking for an excuse to shut DU down. :rolleyes: A couple of DU members have been fired for their posts there :rolleyes: Last but not least, a moderator has his phone tapped :rolleyes: and a past member "just disappeared" :rolleyes:

And I used to think some of you were bad (no please! don't ban me for that!)

They left out the black helicopters.
Damn Gabby, you didn't know these things? Maybe you should broaden you information gathering base a bit..Fox News may be good for you after all.. :rotflmao:
That is crazy! That board sounds pretty insane.

I am glad to be a member of a forum where members are free to bash me, tell me I am crazy, tell me to fuck off, resort to sarcasm, double entendres and sexual innuendos, and otherwise inform me that I am wrong (all things which are specifically disallowed at DU).

:rolleyes: Uh-oh, almost went two paragraphs without me being the center of attention! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
You people are fortunate that I don't demand "name above the title" privileges here? Was there ever a board outtage for too many hits before I appeared here?

This should be "The U.S. Message Board, featuring Gabriella84" :alco:
Gabriella84 said:
You people are fortunate that I don't demand "name above the title" privileges here? Was there ever a board outtage for too many hits before I appeared here?

This should be "The U.S. Message Board, featuring Gabriella84" :alco:
Shit happens Gabby..Hey you came along, right? :rolleyes:
Gabriella84 said:
I am glad to be a member of a forum where members are free to bash me, DONE THAT tell me I am crazy, DONE THATtell me to fuck off DIDN'T DONE THAT, resort to sarcasm GUILTY, double entendres and sexual innuendos ,GOT PIX? and otherwise inform me that I am wrong (all things which are specifically disallowed at DU).

No worries Gabby, you are young and impressionable. While we are older, wiser, carry more insurance, and .... oh yeah........ got pix? What were we talking about....... (walks off muttering to self)
What makes you think you are worthy enough to gaze upon my visage? :banana2:
Gabriella84 said:
What makes you think you are worthy enough to gaze upon my visage? :banana2:

Worthy? LOL Sweety, I am merely offering to check your qualifications to be seen in public with me. Since your emoticon shows violent tendancies, I will add some bonus points under the heading of "rough?".
I am wondering if any of you is the secret CIA operative assigned to infiltrate DU and report their actions to Homeland Security.

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