Virus that opens facebook?


Feb 8, 2012
Hi everyone,
I am new here. I found this site on a search engine. I am trying to find out if anyone knows anything ( I am not much of a computer person) about an email going around that, if you open it, contains a link to facebook.
The other day, I was going through my emails one by one, and got one supposedly from Facebook, which I deactivated quite a while ago. So, being naive, instead of deleting it, and that it looked rather legit (everthing was spelled right for one), I clicked on it. Next thing I know, a facebook profile opened, for someone that wasnt me.
I got out of there quick. Fearing I may have gotten a virus, I deleted the email. Now, I have phantom emails from my email going out to everyone in my contact list.
Any idea what happened? Is this something new thats going around? Besides the fact I was dumb enough to click on it...
Hi everyone,
I am new here. I found this site on a search engine. I am trying to find out if anyone knows anything ( I am not much of a computer person) about an email going around that, if you open it, contains a link to facebook.
The other day, I was going through my emails one by one, and got one supposedly from Facebook, which I deactivated quite a while ago. So, being naive, instead of deleting it, and that it looked rather legit (everthing was spelled right for one), I clicked on it. Next thing I know, a facebook profile opened, for someone that wasnt me.
I got out of there quick. Fearing I may have gotten a virus, I deleted the email. Now, I have phantom emails from my email going out to everyone in my contact list.
Any idea what happened? Is this something new thats going around? Besides the fact I was dumb enough to click on it...
Your e-mail account's been hijacked, your computer is now a bot.
Here's a link, look under 'Detecting Infections' for how to get your computer back. After you get your computer back I'd recommend you cancel your current e-mail account and create a new one, actually call your IPS (Internet Service Provider- Comcast, Verizon, etc) and talk to one of their tech people to have your e-mail account put on hold or canceled right now, it'll stop the mass mailings.
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Where's the link?

I use 3 different email addresses, one personal, one for all the business and one for other stuff. That way most of the crap to goes to an email that does not have my personal or business contact info.
Where's the link?

I use 3 different email addresses, one personal, one for all the business and one for other stuff. That way most of the crap to goes to an email that does not have my personal or business contact info.

yup...I do the same.
And that 3rd email? Holy Crap does it get inundated in spam...I wouldn't be surprised if it received 50 a day.
There are some pages out there that will oopen your facebook page if you did not close it when you dropped the window to it.

Always log off of stupid sites like Facedbutt.

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