View offer × Opinions How we can combat climate change The world has until 2030 to drastically cut

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Like I always said , the left wants us to run around half naked, eat mud and live In tents

Check how stupid they are...

More people, more wealth they want cars and A/C

Example china

Opinion: Here are 11 climate change policies to fight for in 2019

How we can combat climate change
The world has until 2030 to drastically cut our emissions. Where do we begin?


Produced by Post Opinions Staff
JANUARY 2, 2019
Last year’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sounded the alarm: The world has until 2030 to implement “rapid and far-reaching” changes to our energy, infrastructure and industrial systems to avoid 2 degrees Celsius of warming, which could be catastrophic. But the scale of the challenge can appear so overwhelming that it’s hard to know where to start. The Post asked activists, politicians and researchers for climate policy ideas that offer hope. Radical change from one state, or even the whole United States, won’t address climate change on its own, but taking these actions could help start the planet down a path toward a better future.

11 policy ideas to protect the planet
passed a resolution recognizing the risk and threats of failing to draw down carbon emissions. As a local government in Pennsylvania, the third-largest greenhouse-gas emitter in the United States despite having a right to a clean environment guaranteed in its state constitution, we knew we had to act. Our resolution calls for carbon neutrality as soon as feasible but no later than 2050.

Peter Buckland is the chair of the Ferguson Township Board of Supervisors. Brandi Robinson is the chair of the Ferguson Township Climate Action Committee.
Passing the resolution provided the opportunity and, arguably, the imperative to integrate emissions impacts into all township decision-making. By setting such a goal at the local level, governments can figure out what solutions fit their community’s needs and work within their state’s legislative landscape. For Ferguson Township, this has meant 100 percent wind power, designing a LEED Gold public works building, working on zoning changes to incentivize green building, low-impact stormwater infrastructure, and working with local school kids, teachers and families to plant trees.

Ferguson Township also created a Climate Action Committee that has conducted a municipal-wide greenhouse-gas inventory. Inventorying emissions establishes a credible baseline from which we can measure our progress. But equally important and less easily quantifiable benefits lie beyond this policy’s tangible and predictable outcomes. Effective climate action plans require that residents, public officials, businesses and other stakeholders cultivate trusting working relationships with one another. The policy directive created the inspiration and framework for change, but all of us in Ferguson Township must embrace it and take action to achieve results.

hundreds to thousands of times more potentthan that of carbon dioxide by mass. Yet as the world gets hotter, air-conditioner demand is growing, with experts projecting we’ll have 4.5 billion units by 2050, up from about 1.2 billion today. Some states, including California, are taking action to address this problem now.
Thanks for posting. The editorial is right on the money. Time to start looking at solutions like those proposed.
Thanks for posting. The editorial is right on the money. Time to start looking at solutions like those proposed.

I not going to live like that, what's the point?

Move to North Korea asshole

Wtf is carbon farming?

If only that term had a link attached sew ewe could figger that out.

Oh wait. It does.

>> Carbon farming refers to climate-smart agricultural practices that reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by sequestering, or storing, carbon in the soil instead of promoting its release into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Carbon farming improves soil health and productivity, thereby maximizing crop yields. It also increases soil resilience and reduces the need for pesticides.

Carbon-farming strategies include planting cover crops that increase water retention and soil nutrients and keep weeds down; using no-till approaches that limit aeration of surface soils and reduce erosion; and planting diverse perennial forages with deeper root systems for grazing animals. Longer root systems increase organic matter (carbon-based molecules) in the soil. These practices could have a huge impact on our emissions: Project Drawdown estimates that widespread adoption of these types of practices could reduce carbon-dioxide emissions by 23.2 gigatons by 2050.

In New York, I introduced the Carbon Farming Act, a first-of-its-kind bill that would give farmers a financial incentive for implementing climate-smart practices. This legislation creates a tax credit for farmers to continue these practices and to encourage others to begin them, because policies that reward — rather than punish through carbon penalties, for example — will ultimately be more effective and equitable.

Farmers, who are responsible for producing the fresh food we put on our tables and depend on weather for their livelihoods, could make significant contributions to helping us reach emission reduction goals. Incentivizing carbon-farming practices will ensure that agriculture’s future is both economically and environmentally sustainable. <<
They do want us to eat grass

Fuck you AGW cult I am not giving up my steaks, hamburgers, beef , ham

Suck it clowns

Curb the effects of meat and dairy
By Juliette Majot

We must begin regulating the factory-farm model of livestock production to step up the fight on climate change. A 2018 reportfrom the Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy and GRAIN analyzed the greenhouse-gas emissions of the world’s 35 biggest meat and dairy conglomerates and found that the top 20 emitted more greenhouse gases in 2016 than several Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development member countries did.

Juliette Majot is executive director of the Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy.
The mass production of ruminant animals produces untenable amounts of climate-warming methane. The conversion of large swaths of land into feed grain monocultures to raise ever-growing numbers of animals emits the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, as synthetic
Wtf is carbon farming?

If only that term had a link attached sew ewe could figger that out.

Oh wait. It does.

>> Carbon farming refers to climate-smart agricultural practices that reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by sequestering, or storing, carbon in the soil instead of promoting its release into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Carbon farming improves soil health and productivity, thereby maximizing crop yields. It also increases soil resilience and reduces the need for pesticides.

Carbon-farming strategies include planting cover crops that increase water retention and soil nutrients and keep weeds down; using no-till approaches that limit aeration of surface soils and reduce erosion; and planting diverse perennial forages with deeper root systems for grazing animals. Longer root systems increase organic matter (carbon-based molecules) in the soil. These practices could have a huge impact on our emissions: Project Drawdown estimates that widespread adoption of these types of practices could reduce carbon-dioxide emissions by 23.2 gigatons by 2050.

In New York, I introduced the Carbon Farming Act, a first-of-its-kind bill that would give farmers a financial incentive for implementing climate-smart practices. This legislation creates a tax credit for farmers to continue these practices and to encourage others to begin them, because policies that reward — rather than punish through carbon penalties, for example — will ultimately be more effective and equitable.

Farmers, who are responsible for producing the fresh food we put on our tables and depend on weather for their livelihoods, could make significant contributions to helping us reach emission reduction goals. Incentivizing carbon-farming practices will ensure that agriculture’s future is both economically and environmentally sustainable. <<
Sew ewe can store carbon in the soil? Like oil is? Fantastic
They do want us to eat grass

Fuck you AGW cult I am not giving up my steaks, hamburgers, beef , ham

Suck it clowns

Curb the effects of meat and dairy
By Juliette Majot

We must begin regulating the factory-farm model of livestock production to step up the fight on climate change. A 2018 reportfrom the Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy and GRAIN analyzed the greenhouse-gas emissions of the world’s 35 biggest meat and dairy conglomerates and found that the top 20 emitted more greenhouse gases in 2016 than several Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development member countries did.

Juliette Majot is executive director of the Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy.
The mass production of ruminant animals produces untenable amounts of climate-warming methane. The conversion of large swaths of land into feed grain monocultures to raise ever-growing numbers of animals emits the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, as synthetic

I'm not going to pour water on my Cheerios...

Suck it AGW freaks

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Your guide to combat Climate Change:
1) Sell your car and walk.
2) Ration your electricity usage.
3) Don’t fly.
4) Don’t ride trains.
5) Don’t use plastic products.
6) Don’t use wood products.
7) Live in a commune.
8) Only use 100 square feet of living space.
9) Don't eat food cultivated by tractors
10) STFU about Climate Change if you are not doing these things

They do want us to eat grass

Fuck you AGW cult I am not giving up my steaks, hamburgers, beef , ham

Suck it clowns

Curb the effects of meat and dairy
By Juliette Majot

We must begin regulating the factory-farm model of livestock production to step up the fight on climate change. A 2018 reportfrom the Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy and GRAIN analyzed the greenhouse-gas emissions of the world’s 35 biggest meat and dairy conglomerates and found that the top 20 emitted more greenhouse gases in 2016 than several Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development member countries did.

Juliette Majot is executive director of the Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy.
The mass production of ruminant animals produces untenable amounts of climate-warming methane. The conversion of large swaths of land into feed grain monocultures to raise ever-growing numbers of animals emits the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, as synthetic

No one says you have to give up anything Billy Jack. You just might have to pay a little more for the privilege of fucking the rest of us as you enjoy your cholesterol and trans fats.
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They do want us to eat grass

Fuck you AGW cult I am not giving up my steaks, hamburgers, beef , ham

Suck it clowns

Curb the effects of meat and dairy
By Juliette Majot

We must begin regulating the factory-farm model of livestock production to step up the fight on climate change. A 2018 reportfrom the Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy and GRAIN analyzed the greenhouse-gas emissions of the world’s 35 biggest meat and dairy conglomerates and found that the top 20 emitted more greenhouse gases in 2016 than several Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development member countries did.

Juliette Majot is executive director of the Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy.
The mass production of ruminant animals produces untenable amounts of climate-warming methane. The conversion of large swaths of land into feed grain monocultures to raise ever-growing numbers of animals emits the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, as synthetic

No says you have to give up anything Billy Jack. You just might have to pay a little more for the privilege of fucking the rest of us as you enjoy your cholesterol and trans fats.

Bullshit AGW cult member, read the OP...

I live in a free country I am not give up my big fat juicy steaks.

Al Gore! The dude with a house the size of three football fields wants ewe to walk.
Thanks for posting. The editorial is right on the money. Time to start looking at solutions like those proposed.

I not going to live like that, what's the point?

Move to North Korea asshole

Really, you're a Trumper and Trump has said he loves Lil Kim.

At any rate, if the idea of setting emission goals, preventing food waste, or encouraging alternative energy is living like North Korea, you are obviously totally and completely divorced from reality. Either that or you're just a snowflake.
Thanks for posting. The editorial is right on the money. Time to start looking at solutions like those proposed.

I not going to live like that, what's the point?

Move to North Korea asshole

Really, you're a Trumper and Trump has said he loves Lil Kim.

At any rate, if the idea of setting emission goals, preventing food waste, or encouraging alternative energy is living like North Korea, you are obviously totally and completely divorced from reality. Either that or you're just a snowflake.

LMFAO you twat...

What fucking universe do you live in?

Freedom is to choose between an a electric car and ICE car , raise yourA/C as high as possible you dumb commie bastard

Thanks for posting. The editorial is right on the money. Time to start looking at solutions like those proposed.

I not going to live like that, what's the point?

Move to North Korea asshole

Really, you're a Trumper and Trump has said he loves Lil Kim.

At any rate, if the idea of setting emission goals, preventing food waste, or encouraging alternative energy is living like North Korea, you are obviously totally and completely divorced from reality. Either that or you're just a snowflake.

LMFAO you twat...

What fucking universe do you live in?

Freedom is to choose between an a electric car and ICE car , raise you A/C as high as possible you dumb commie bastard

You are pathetically stupid. Setting standards is communistic? Do you believe in the rule of law? To think that freedom in your little mind is freedom to waste. Raise your A/c dumb ass, who cares. The issue is one of thinking of the future which is beyond your simple mind to comprehend. One thing is for sure you are a Trumpist in every sense of the word.
Thanks for posting. The editorial is right on the money. Time to start looking at solutions like those proposed.

I not going to live like that, what's the point?

Move to North Korea asshole

Really, you're a Trumper and Trump has said he loves Lil Kim.

At any rate, if the idea of setting emission goals, preventing food waste, or encouraging alternative energy is living like North Korea, you are obviously totally and completely divorced from reality. Either that or you're just a snowflake.

LMFAO you twat...

What fucking universe do you live in?

Freedom is to choose between an a electric car and ICE car , raise you A/C as high as possible you dumb commie bastard

You are pathetically stupid. Setting standards is communistic? Do you believe in the rule of law? To think that freedom in your little mind is freedom to waste. Raise your A/c dumb ass, who cares. The issue is one of thinking of the future which is beyond your simple mind to comprehend. One thing is for sure you are a Trumpist in every sense of the word.
Which rule of law? Lawful immigration? That one?

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