Vietnam Vigilante: Snake-Eyes' Driveway


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a patriotic tale to commemorate 9/11, inspired by the civics-passion films Dead Presidents, Born on the 4th of July, The Punisher, and Toy Soldiers.


A disgruntled member of the Navy SEALs decided to become a rogue vigilante named 'Snake-Eyes' after he heard that U.S. troops were withdrawing from Saigon even though a nefarious machete-wielding crime syndicate was emerging in Vietnam after American troops were withdrawing in humiliating defeat. Snake-Eyes decided to stay in Vietnam and deal with this syndicate, which called itself the Killer Clowns. All members of this nefarious 'gang' dressed up as clowns on weekend evenings and harassed Vietnamese citizens in 'honor' of the new Communist government which ousted the United States. Snake-Eyes felt like the Messiah!


One night, Snake-Eyes had a strange dream in which he had a vision of a beautiful blue-skinned woman who lived underwater. This woman introduced herself as 'Mara, the Lady of the Lake.' Mara explained to Snake-Eyes that the reason he was having this dream was because the Killer Clowns represented everything evil in the world and nothing, no temptation or force from heaven or hell, should dissuade Snake-Eyes from completing his very important 'mission.' Snake-Eyes understood the gravity of the message and agreed!


Snake-Eyes took out key members of the Killer Clowns over the next few years, and over time, the crime syndicate dwindled and disappeared. Snake-Eyes was now 30 years-old, and he wanted to retire comfortably, drinking Pina Coladas in Puerto Rico or somewhere nice in Vietnam (since he knew he couldn't return to America!). Snake-Eyes wondered if he could simply drift into an eternal sleep and meet the beautiful Mara (the 'Lady of the Lake') in paradise now that his 'mission' was complete. However, he had another dream about Mara and in this one, the woman told him, "We will unite when all forms of anti-democratic 'bloodsports' have disappeared!"



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