Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Jackson, Mississippi (CNN) -- On a recent Sunday morning just before dawn, two carloads of white teenagers drove to Jackson, Mississippi, on what the county district attorney says was a mission of hate: to find and hurt a black person.

In a parking lot on the western side of town they found their victim.

James Craig Anderson, a 49-year-old auto plant worker, was standing in a parking lot, near his car. The teens allegedly beat Anderson repeatedly, yelled racial epithets, including "White Power!" according to witnesses.

Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith says a group of the teens then climbed into their large Ford F250 green pickup truck, floored the gas, and drove the truck right over Anderson, killing him instantly.

Mississippi officials say it was a racially motivated murder. What the gang of teens did not know was that a surveillance camera was focused on the parking lot that night, and many of the events, including the actual murder of Anderson, were captured live on videotape.

CNN has exclusively obtained that surveillance tape. The group of teens that night was led by 18-year-old Deryl Dedmon, Jr., of Brandon, Mississippi, according to police and officials.

Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA -
Jackson, Mississippi (CNN) -- On a recent Sunday morning just before dawn, two carloads of white teenagers drove to Jackson, Mississippi, on what the county district attorney says was a mission of hate: to find and hurt a black person.

In a parking lot on the western side of town they found their victim.

James Craig Anderson, a 49-year-old auto plant worker, was standing in a parking lot, near his car. The teens allegedly beat Anderson repeatedly, yelled racial epithets, including "White Power!" according to witnesses.

Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith says a group of the teens then climbed into their large Ford F250 green pickup truck, floored the gas, and drove the truck right over Anderson, killing him instantly.

Mississippi officials say it was a racially motivated murder. What the gang of teens did not know was that a surveillance camera was focused on the parking lot that night, and many of the events, including the actual murder of Anderson, were captured live on videotape.

CNN has exclusively obtained that surveillance tape. The group of teens that night was led by 18-year-old Deryl Dedmon, Jr., of Brandon, Mississippi, according to police and officials.

Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA -

I hope the kid gets life. I hope they catch the others involved also. And even though I think at 18, you're responsible for your own actions, I have to wonder about that kid's parents.
If they had no reason to do that they should be put in the general population of a maximum security prison -- where the populations are typically around 70% Black.
This is a DISGUSTING event!!!! This POS kid is acting just like the flash mobs in the Chicago area! Shootings, killings, stabings, violence..... this has been the worst summer ever. For weather and for anarcy! Heck just look at London! That was all racial. A white cop shot a gang member and killed him justly and then the British afro-cubans started a riot. Im sooooooo TIRED of this racism!

Its like society is just falling apart. :(
Stuff like this illustrates the point that if they were by themselves they would not have done anything. But when you get a group of people together they get gang courage and hype each other up to do things they normally would not do. Not only did one man lose his life and his family is suffering but all the teens involved are going to suffer the consequences and their families will be affected too. A sad affair, yet stuff like this happens all the time in this country now, most time it is not picked up by the national media. And this is not a something that just started happening it has been happening throughout our history. It also is not just racial, but because you are different than me you are not human kinda thought. But through all this there are still good people, still good kids (the majority) being brought up the right way in this country.
I can't bear to watch, and I'm incensed that such outrages are still committed in a land that should be so much better than that.


Could you not blame everyone for the actions of a few little shitheads? As a society, we are better than that, and yet you seem determined to make than the isolated incident that it actually is.
It's sad when people throw their lives away venting their anger without really knowing why. In a few years when they gain some perspective they are going to hate themselves for what they did.

That doesnt mitigate the fact that they deserve to fry. My only regret is that our slow justice system can't rapidly bring them to justice and give a sense of closure to the family of the victim.
Who taught these kids to waste their lives and others lives for the sake of hate?
They probably watched the hundreds of videos of blacks attacking whites.

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That video report is absolutely heart wrenching.

This video pisses me off. If the reporter has accurate information about the case and gave it in that report, then I can only say that I hope all the murderers including the two girls who were part of this spend the rest of their lives behind prison bars.

Rest in peace Mr. James C. Anderson. May justice be served in your name.

There is absolutely no excuse for this type of behavior! It doesn't matter that it was a 'group', 'young kids', 'drinking', 'ignorance', etc.. Taking a life is wrong.

Stupidity knows no limits!

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