Should Obama's Border Patrol prevent illegal invaders from entry or harass legal Americans?

  • Harass Legal Americans Citizens.

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Obama's Lawless Thugs can't secure the border against illegal invaders, but they can sure harass legal American citizens!

As revealed in the footage, Cooke was detained for a secondary inspection after agents claimed she acted nervously at the checkpoint in Waddington, New York, on the US-Canada border.

A female agent decided that Cooke’s non-response to a comment about her dog being “cute,” was sufficient grounds to search her car.

Cooke refused the search, and was ordered to get out of her vehicle and wait for a K-9 Unit to arrive.

When Cooke began filming the incident and questioning the agents as to why she was being detained, they became increasingly uncommunicative and ordered her to move away from them.

Cooke refused, and told a male supervisor that she would sue him if he touched her when he threatened to physically move her himself.

Still, Cooke refused to move, and the agent shoved her, then broke out a taser, shooting Cooke in the back and shocking her with 50 thousands volts, causing her to scream and panic.

The agents then immediately claimed that it was Cooke who had put her hands on them first.

“I was cuffed for over an hour after being out in the Border Patrol car and then brought to the U.S. Customs station in Ogdensburg. I sat there for a good 3-4 hours and got sent home due to they couldn’t figure out what charges to put on me,” Cooke said

Woman tased by border patrol after resisting order to move. - YouTube

Video Law Student No Longer Wants To Work For Border Control After Being Harassed And Tased For No Reason Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

SUNY Canton criminal justice student tased at border checkpoint after refusing trunk search resisting order to move Video NorthCountryNow
See? White people get it. Put them in line at the TSA they bitch and moan. Taser them, "OMG I cant believe it"

Shoot a minority? "Let me tell you why thats ok and taking off my shoes is bad. I'm white!"
See? White people get it. Put them in line at the TSA they bitch and moan. Taser them, "OMG I cant believe it"

Shoot a minority? "Let me tell you why thats ok and taking off my shoes is bad. I'm white!"

It's not the fault of Whites that minorities don't defend their own rights --- which is why Democrats want as many minorities as possible --- since they won't stop Democrats from trampling their rights.

Thanks for the admission.
See? White people get it. Put them in line at the TSA they bitch and moan. Taser them, "OMG I cant believe it"

Shoot a minority? "Let me tell you why thats ok and taking off my shoes is bad. I'm white!"

It's not the fault of Whites that minorities don't defend their own rights --- which is why Democrats want as many minorities as possible --- since they won't stop Democrats from trampling their rights.

Thanks for the admission.

We do over the chants from whites of "do it another way" and "theres nothing wrong"

Not sure how you got blacks dont defend their rights from that but ok

Not sure how you got blacks dont defend their rights from that but ok

Whites defend their rights without burning down cities. Take it as a kindly hint.

The blacks need to do it Battle of Athens style. Go in (armed) and arrest the brutal police officers being sheltered by the other police, and give him a public trial by jury. If the other police pick up their guns and start shooting to protect their fellow thug, then the blacks would be morally and constitutionally obliged to shoot back (like at Battle of Athens).

Also, this does not mean to storm the police headquarters for the purpose of hanging the brutal/tyrannical officers, they must still be given a fair trial by jury.

Have a good day.
Obama's Lawless Thugs can't secure the border against illegal invaders, but they can sure harass legal American citizens!

As revealed in the footage, Cooke was detained for a secondary inspection after agents claimed she acted nervously at the checkpoint in Waddington, New York, on the US-Canada border.

A female agent decided that Cooke’s non-response to a comment about her dog being “cute,” was sufficient grounds to search her car.

Cooke refused the search, and was ordered to get out of her vehicle and wait for a K-9 Unit to arrive.

When Cooke began filming the incident and questioning the agents as to why she was being detained, they became increasingly uncommunicative and ordered her to move away from them.

Cooke refused, and told a male supervisor that she would sue him if he touched her when he threatened to physically move her himself.

Still, Cooke refused to move, and the agent shoved her, then broke out a taser, shooting Cooke in the back and shocking her with 50 thousands volts, causing her to scream and panic.

The agents then immediately claimed that it was Cooke who had put her hands on them first.

“I was cuffed for over an hour after being out in the Border Patrol car and then brought to the U.S. Customs station in Ogdensburg. I sat there for a good 3-4 hours and got sent home due to they couldn’t figure out what charges to put on me,” Cooke said

Woman tased by border patrol after resisting order to move. - YouTube

Video Law Student No Longer Wants To Work For Border Control After Being Harassed And Tased For No Reason Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

SUNY Canton criminal justice student tased at border checkpoint after refusing trunk search resisting order to move Video NorthCountryNow
Lesson for you, don't act stupid at the border.

Not sure how you got blacks dont defend their rights from that but ok

Whites defend their rights without burning down cities. Take it as a kindly hint.

The blacks need to do it Battle of Athens style. Go in (armed) and arrest the brutal police officers being sheltered by the other police, and give him a public trial by jury. If the other police pick up their guns and start shooting to protect their fellow thug, then the blacks would be morally and constitutionally obliged to shoot back (like at Battle of Athens).

Also, this does not mean to storm the police headquarters for the purpose of hanging the brutal/tyrannical officers, they must still be given a fair trial by jury.

Have a good day.

I can hear you whining now if that movie styled bullshit went down

Not sure how you got blacks dont defend their rights from that but ok

Whites defend their rights without burning down cities. Take it as a kindly hint.

The blacks need to do it Battle of Athens style. Go in (armed) and arrest the brutal police officers being sheltered by the other police, and give him a public trial by jury. If the other police pick up their guns and start shooting to protect their fellow thug, then the blacks would be morally and constitutionally obliged to shoot back (like at Battle of Athens).

Also, this does not mean to storm the police headquarters for the purpose of hanging the brutal/tyrannical officers, they must still be given a fair trial by jury.

Have a good day.

I can hear you whining now if that movie styled bullshit went down

The Battle of Athens really happened in 1946, it's not a movie.

Now sit down bitchboy.
Obama's Lawless Thugs can't secure the border against illegal invaders, but they can sure harass legal American citizens!

As revealed in the footage, Cooke was detained for a secondary inspection after agents claimed she acted nervously at the checkpoint in Waddington, New York, on the US-Canada border.

A female agent decided that Cooke’s non-response to a comment about her dog being “cute,” was sufficient grounds to search her car.

Cooke refused the search, and was ordered to get out of her vehicle and wait for a K-9 Unit to arrive.

When Cooke began filming the incident and questioning the agents as to why she was being detained, they became increasingly uncommunicative and ordered her to move away from them.

Cooke refused, and told a male supervisor that she would sue him if he touched her when he threatened to physically move her himself.

Still, Cooke refused to move, and the agent shoved her, then broke out a taser, shooting Cooke in the back and shocking her with 50 thousands volts, causing her to scream and panic.

The agents then immediately claimed that it was Cooke who had put her hands on them first.

“I was cuffed for over an hour after being out in the Border Patrol car and then brought to the U.S. Customs station in Ogdensburg. I sat there for a good 3-4 hours and got sent home due to they couldn’t figure out what charges to put on me,” Cooke said

Woman tased by border patrol after resisting order to move. - YouTube

Video Law Student No Longer Wants To Work For Border Control After Being Harassed And Tased For No Reason Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

SUNY Canton criminal justice student tased at border checkpoint after refusing trunk search resisting order to move Video NorthCountryNow

If you move to within 'threat range' of a LEO that's your ass.

You may decline a search and opt for the k9 search but moving into striking range isn't a right you have. You have the right to remain silent, sit on your hands, and wait. You do not have any right to follow along close enough to officers to reach out and touch them or strike at them with a blade. And refusing to follow lawful orders is all the just cause they need to subdue you.

If she only got tased, should consider herself fortunate. Used to take out your knees with pr-24s.

Not sure how you got blacks dont defend their rights from that but ok

Whites defend their rights without burning down cities. Take it as a kindly hint.

The blacks need to do it Battle of Athens style. Go in (armed) and arrest the brutal police officers being sheltered by the other police, and give him a public trial by jury. If the other police pick up their guns and start shooting to protect their fellow thug, then the blacks would be morally and constitutionally obliged to shoot back (like at Battle of Athens).

Also, this does not mean to storm the police headquarters for the purpose of hanging the brutal/tyrannical officers, they must still be given a fair trial by jury.

Have a good day.

I can hear you whining now if that movie styled bullshit went down

The Battle of Athens really happened in 1946, it's not a movie.

Now sit down bitchboy.

And like I said I can hear you whining now if that movie styled bullshit went down
Obama's Lawless Thugs can't secure the border against illegal invaders, but they can sure harass legal American citizens!

As revealed in the footage, Cooke was detained for a secondary inspection after agents claimed she acted nervously at the checkpoint in Waddington, New York, on the US-Canada border.

A female agent decided that Cooke’s non-response to a comment about her dog being “cute,” was sufficient grounds to search her car.

Cooke refused the search, and was ordered to get out of her vehicle and wait for a K-9 Unit to arrive.

When Cooke began filming the incident and questioning the agents as to why she was being detained, they became increasingly uncommunicative and ordered her to move away from them.

Cooke refused, and told a male supervisor that she would sue him if he touched her when he threatened to physically move her himself.

Still, Cooke refused to move, and the agent shoved her, then broke out a taser, shooting Cooke in the back and shocking her with 50 thousands volts, causing her to scream and panic.

The agents then immediately claimed that it was Cooke who had put her hands on them first.

“I was cuffed for over an hour after being out in the Border Patrol car and then brought to the U.S. Customs station in Ogdensburg. I sat there for a good 3-4 hours and got sent home due to they couldn’t figure out what charges to put on me,” Cooke said

Woman tased by border patrol after resisting order to move. - YouTube

Video Law Student No Longer Wants To Work For Border Control After Being Harassed And Tased For No Reason Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

SUNY Canton criminal justice student tased at border checkpoint after refusing trunk search resisting order to move Video NorthCountryNow

If you move to within 'threat range' of a LEO that's your ass.

You may decline a search and opt for the k9 search but moving into striking range isn't a right you have. You have the right to remain silent, sit on your hands, and wait. You do not have any right to follow along close enough to officers to reach out and touch them or strike at them with a blade. And refusing to follow lawful orders is all the just cause they need to subdue you.

If she only got tased, should consider herself fortunate. Used to take out your knees with pr-24s.

Just HOW MUCH would a cop have to do before you wouldn't kiss his boots? Beat her unconscious? Rape her? Rape her dog? Crucify her upside down on a tree?

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