Video is PROOF that no racial comments were made.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I really don't know how we would survive now a days with the LIES that democrats say about tea partiers--(without) those people out there with their own videos.

In this video it is clear that no tea partier is out there calling the black caucas "n....r"--nor does it appear that anyone was "spat" upon.

We have seen the left wing media in this country--"without any piece of evidence what-so-ever"--except the say-so of a couple of black congressmen--that they were called racial names & one stated that he was spat upon. The media picked that one up and ran with it.

The tea party movement has been BRANDED "racist" by the left wing media in this country. Maybe they should watch this video of what REALLY Happened.

Here is what these black congressmen said:

Tea party protesters use racial epithet against Georgia’s John Lewis

Demonstrators outside the U.S. Capitol , angry over the proposed health care bill, shouted “******” Saturday at U.S. Rep. John Lewis , a Georgia congressman and civil rights icon who was nearly beaten to death during an Alabama march in the 1960s.

The protesters also shouted obscenities at other members of the Congressional Black Caucus , lawmakers said.

“They were shouting, sort of harassing,” Lewis said. “But, it’s okay, I’ve faced this before. It reminded me of the 60s. It was a lot of downright hate and anger and people being downright mean.”

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver , D- Mo. , said he was a few yards behind Lewis and distinctly heard “******.”

“It was a chorus,” Cleaver said. “In a way, I feel sorry for those people who are doing this nasty stuff – they’re being whipped up. I decided I wouldn’t be angry with any of them.”

[ame=]YouTube - Congressional Black Caucus 3 20 2010 - original video[/ame]
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That video only covers a very small section of the crowd.

Yeah whatever---:lol::lol: One would guess though since they are walking up the steps--that they would be looking fairly upset--if what "they claimed" actually happened--happened. They look fine and obviously concocted a story to discredit the tea party protesters.

Kind of like the below video--MSNBC's greatest moment in LYING. Anything they can do, including blatant lies to discredit tea party protestors--as white--gun toting--radical extremists. Only this time MSNBC got caught red-handed.

[ame=]YouTube - MSNBC Lies about gun in crowd[/ame]
When you try to tell us that racists do not exist then we all know you're a fool. You would do yourself credit if you admitted that racists really do exist in the real world. You would do yourself credit if really tried to denounce them in the strongest terms possible. Sadly, you haven't.

You cannot keep trying to pretend that these people don't exist on the far fringe of the right. You MUST to denounce them. As long as you try to say these people are no big deal you undermine your own case.
Oreo, if you want to go tit-for-tat I can pull up videos of FOX News using false footage to exxaggerate the size of the Tea Party crowds. There's enough lying going on on boths sides to go around.

None of that changes the FACT that your video proves nothing other than that there were no "racist" slurs used or spitting from the protesters within' that small audiable radius for the 48 seconds of the video.
I really don't know how we would survive now a days with the LIES that democrats say about tea partiers...


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Oreo, if you want to go tit-for-tat I can pull up videos of FOX News using false footage to exxaggerate the size of the Tea Party crowds. There's enough lying going on on boths sides to go around.

None of that changes the FACT that your video proves nothing other than that there were no "racist" slurs used or spitting from the protesters within' that small audiable radius for the 48 seconds of the video.

Ya cause we have so much historical evidence that those politicians have not lied about things in the past RIGHT? Provide a single tape or video of the supposed racial slurs, the press was there right? Show us some evidence that anyone was actually spat upon. The dishonesty is from people like you.

As for the claim that pointing out the Tea Party is not racist is somehow supporting racists you can tell your left wing buddies that won't fly. It did not work when you people tried to claim everyone that was against Obama was a racist and it won't work now.

Want to know about some racists? The Black Caucus KICKED out a Black Republican because he was not a Democrat. They claimed he was not a part of their caucus, now remind me again where in, the term Black Caucus, includes the requirement that said Black Congress person be a Democrat?
Oreo, if you want to go tit-for-tat I can pull up videos of FOX News using false footage to exxaggerate the size of the Tea Party crowds. There's enough lying going on on boths sides to go around.

None of that changes the FACT that your video proves nothing other than that there were no "racist" slurs used or spitting from the protesters within' that small audiable radius for the 48 seconds of the video.

Ya cause we have so much historical evidence that those politicians have not lied about things in the past RIGHT? Provide a single tape or video of the supposed racial slurs, the press was there right? Show us some evidence that anyone was actually spat upon. The dishonesty is from people like you.

As for the claim that pointing out the Tea Party is not racist is somehow supporting racists you can tell your left wing buddies that won't fly. It did not work when you people tried to claim everyone that was against Obama was a racist and it won't work now.

Want to know about some racists? The Black Caucus KICKED out a Black Republican because he was not a Democrat. They claimed he was not a part of their caucus, now remind me again where in, the term Black Caucus, includes the requirement that said Black Congress person be a Democrat?

There's no dishonesty coming from me, dude. In fact, the dishonesty is coming from you. You should know damn well that the only this thing video can factually prove is what happened in that limited area for a limited amount of time. But no ... instead you attack me. What a shock.

The rest of your post is a bunch talking points that have nothing to do with the video and what it does and does not prove.
Oreo, if you want to go tit-for-tat I can pull up videos of FOX News using false footage to exxaggerate the size of the Tea Party crowds. There's enough lying going on on boths sides to go around.

None of that changes the FACT that your video proves nothing other than that there were no "racist" slurs used or spitting from the protesters within' that small audiable radius for the 48 seconds of the video.

Ya cause we have so much historical evidence that those politicians have not lied about things in the past RIGHT? Provide a single tape or video of the supposed racial slurs, the press was there right? Show us some evidence that anyone was actually spat upon. The dishonesty is from people like you.

As for the claim that pointing out the Tea Party is not racist is somehow supporting racists you can tell your left wing buddies that won't fly. It did not work when you people tried to claim everyone that was against Obama was a racist and it won't work now.

Want to know about some racists? The Black Caucus KICKED out a Black Republican because he was not a Democrat. They claimed he was not a part of their caucus, now remind me again where in, the term Black Caucus, includes the requirement that said Black Congress person be a Democrat?

There's no dishonesty coming from me, dude. In fact, the dishonesty is coming from you. You should know damn well that the only this thing video can factually prove is what happened in that limited area for a limited amount of time. But no ... instead you attack me. What a shock.

The rest of your post is a bunch talking points that have nothing to do with the video and what it does and does not prove.

And yet you can not provide any video that supports the claim that racial slurs were used, nor can you provide a sound clip or a video of anyone spitting on anyone. GO FIGURE.

That video only covers a very small section of the crowd.

It does only cover a small section of the crowd. However you can see in that video Jesse Jackson Jr with two recording devices-- camera and phone., two phones? He is holding them as if he is filming everything. If someone said that word to them I would think he would have caught it on one of those cameras he was carrying.
Ya cause we have so much historical evidence that those politicians have not lied about things in the past RIGHT? Provide a single tape or video of the supposed racial slurs, the press was there right? Show us some evidence that anyone was actually spat upon. The dishonesty is from people like you.

As for the claim that pointing out the Tea Party is not racist is somehow supporting racists you can tell your left wing buddies that won't fly. It did not work when you people tried to claim everyone that was against Obama was a racist and it won't work now.

Want to know about some racists? The Black Caucus KICKED out a Black Republican because he was not a Democrat. They claimed he was not a part of their caucus, now remind me again where in, the term Black Caucus, includes the requirement that said Black Congress person be a Democrat?

There's no dishonesty coming from me, dude. In fact, the dishonesty is coming from you. You should know damn well that the only this thing video can factually prove is what happened in that limited area for a limited amount of time. But no ... instead you attack me. What a shock.

The rest of your post is a bunch talking points that have nothing to do with the video and what it does and does not prove.

And yet you can not provide any video that supports the claim that racial slurs were used, nor can you provide a sound clip or a video of anyone spitting on anyone. GO FIGURE.

Show me where I claimed racial slurs were used that day, dude ....

I haven't seen any video other than this one and the bird's eye view of the guy allegedly "spitting" where doesn't look anything at all like he was spitting. I certainly haven't seen any media video of it.

It's funny that in your rush to play your team sport and get in your partisan shots you ignored the whole point of the OP ... that is video PROVES THAT IT (the racial slurs and spitting) DIDNT HAPPEN. You know just as well as I do that such an argument isn't even remotely logical yet you ignore it. Again, I'm not surprised.
There's no dishonesty coming from me, dude. In fact, the dishonesty is coming from you. You should know damn well that the only this thing video can factually prove is what happened in that limited area for a limited amount of time. But no ... instead you attack me. What a shock.

The rest of your post is a bunch talking points that have nothing to do with the video and what it does and does not prove.

And yet you can not provide any video that supports the claim that racial slurs were used, nor can you provide a sound clip or a video of anyone spitting on anyone. GO FIGURE.

Show me where I claimed racial slurs were used that day, dude ....

I haven't seen any video other than this one and the bird's eye view of the guy allegedly "spitting" where doesn't look anything at all like he was spitting. I certainly haven't seen any media video of it.

It's funny that in your rush to play your team sport and get in your partisan shots you ignored the whole point of the OP ... that is video PROVES THAT IT (the racial slurs and spitting) DIDNT HAPPEN. You know just as well as I do that such an argument isn't even remotely logical yet you ignore it. Again, I'm not surprised.

BULLSHIT, YOU work to disprove evidence that nothing of the sort happened. No where in your post trying to disprove this video did you announce you did not believe the original claims were not true. Only now when ask for proof are you say, "well gee there is none".
And yet you can not provide any video that supports the claim that racial slurs were used, nor can you provide a sound clip or a video of anyone spitting on anyone. GO FIGURE.

Show me where I claimed racial slurs were used that day, dude ....

I haven't seen any video other than this one and the bird's eye view of the guy allegedly "spitting" where doesn't look anything at all like he was spitting. I certainly haven't seen any media video of it.

It's funny that in your rush to play your team sport and get in your partisan shots you ignored the whole point of the OP ... that is video PROVES THAT IT (the racial slurs and spitting) DIDNT HAPPEN. You know just as well as I do that such an argument isn't even remotely logical yet you ignore it. Again, I'm not surprised.

BULLSHIT, YOU work to disprove evidence that nothing of the sort happened. No where in your post trying to disprove this video did you announce you did not believe the original claims were not true. Only now when ask for proof are you say, "well gee there is none".

lol ....

I pointed out a simple logical fallacy. Why did you ignore it? Is it because it discredits the point of the OP? Or is it because you are more interested in your partisan game?

And you can ask for proof all day that it happened and know I cannot provide anything other than the word of a Congressman. IF it happened and IF there is video evidence of it nobody has come forward with it. Maybe it did happen and a protester has a tape of it but they don't want to come forward with it? Who really knows.

What I do know is that I'm not stupid enough to pull up a 48 second video that only audibly covers a small area and claim it as proof that nothing happened. That's retarded and it takes a special kind of retard to try to defend such ridiculous logic or run cover for it.
The tea partiers scare the democrats because they bring a different opinion to the table.

So all they can think to do is discredit the tea partiers anyway they can.
I have to laugh.

Several thousand people. Most of them white. Most of them angry.

One accusation of a racial slur.

Sound to me that whether or not there was a racial slur is irrelevant.

We should be proud as a nation that there were not hundreds of racial slurs, as there most certainly would have been 25 years ago.

We have made great strides as a nation. Yet we want to make a big deal out of one racial slur.

Give it a rest and be proud.
Seems to me that if this happened there would be some proof. There would be a recording of a racial slur or a tape showing someone spitting. Haven't seen either.

If there was proof then where are the folks who were spat upon and called the N word??

Haven't heard anything from any of them if it did indeed happen.

As for the Tea Partiers they are concerned citizens exercising their right to protest. Code Pink and all those who called Bush a murder. Had signs saying Kill Bush, Cheney, Rove. Well they had those same rights.

Sure didn't hear anyone called them out for their behavior. Was okay to call Bush every name in the book but not OL'BO.

Every movement has a frings element. People who are racist or just plain nuts. No one should judge all by the actions of a few. I sure don't.
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Seems to me that if this happened there would be some proof. There would be a recording of a racial slur or a tape showing someone spitting. Haven't seen either.

If there was proof then where are the folks who were spat upon and called the N word??

Haven't heard anything from any of them if it did indeed happen.

Certainly, if it happened more than once there would likely be a recording of it.
For sure if it happened several times there would be a recording of it.
Did anyone expect there not to be one person out there that would use the word?
I mean, really now. There were thousands of angry white folk there.

Seems to me that at best, it was an isolated incident and should be ignored as such.
Seems to me that if this happened there would be some proof. There would be a recording of a racial slur or a tape showing someone spitting. Haven't seen either.

If there was proof then where are the folks who were spat upon and called the N word??

Haven't heard anything from any of them if it did indeed happen.

Certainly, if it happened more than once there would likely be a recording of it.
For sure if it happened several times there would be a recording of it.
Did anyone expect there not to be one person out there that would use the word?
I mean, really now. There were thousands of angry white folk there.

Seems to me that at best, it was an isolated incident and should be ignored as such.

Totally agree Jar. If there is proof. It would have been shown 24/7 in all the media.

I really don't know how we would survive now a days with the LIES that democrats say about tea partiers--(without) those people out there with their own videos.

In this video it is clear that no tea partier is out there calling the black caucas "n....r"--nor does it appear that anyone was "spat" upon.

We have seen the left wing media in this country--"without any piece of evidence what-so-ever"--except the say-so of a couple of black congressmen--that they were called racial names & one stated that he was spat upon. The media picked that one up and ran with it.

The tea party movement has been BRANDED "racist" by the left wing media in this country. Maybe they should watch this video of what REALLY Happened.

Here is what these black congressmen said:

Tea party protesters use racial epithet against Georgia’s John Lewis

Demonstrators outside the U.S. Capitol , angry over the proposed health care bill, shouted “******” Saturday at U.S. Rep. John Lewis , a Georgia congressman and civil rights icon who was nearly beaten to death during an Alabama march in the 1960s.

The protesters also shouted obscenities at other members of the Congressional Black Caucus , lawmakers said.

“They were shouting, sort of harassing,” Lewis said. “But, it’s okay, I’ve faced this before. It reminded me of the 60s. It was a lot of downright hate and anger and people being downright mean.”

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver , D- Mo. , said he was a few yards behind Lewis and distinctly heard “******.”

“It was a chorus,” Cleaver said. “In a way, I feel sorry for those people who are doing this nasty stuff – they’re being whipped up. I decided I wouldn’t be angry with any of them.”

Nobody believes your chopped up video anymore than they believe your Right leaning Rassmusen polling.
I really don't know how we would survive now a days with the LIES that democrats say about tea partiers--(without) those people out there with their own videos.

It was a set-up by the black caucus to get a response by the protesters, and they didn't get what they hoped for. They could easily have avoided doing that and it was their choice. It was supposed to be a visual comparison: blacks braving a hostile crowd who would deny them (as well as other oppressed people) their rights in the 60's, and an updated hostile crowd denying them their rights in the present; same kind of people then and now, but it flopped except in the lapdog MSM.

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