Video claiming Shooting of Reporters was Faked (to take guns away)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District

Not only is this video claiming the Shooting of Reporters was faked
(to take guns away) but it was the work of Freemasonry Iluminati manipulating the media.

If you ask me, I think the people who come up with this stuff are far more ingenious, going into far more detail and thought, than anyone who could possibly plan and carry out all these conspiracies.

Adam Ward, Alison Parker Hoax: Conspiracy Theorists Try Disproving Virginia Shooting

^ too bad the depth of thought doesn't include consideration for
the impact on the families and loved ones already grieving enough
WITHOUT having to add any further complications to their lives ^
The dudes full of shit...nuff said..

I feel even worse for the families. All the best professional efforts of the media staff
to portray the brighter side of their lost colleagues were thrown back in their faces,
with these claims that the "lack of reaction" means these were fake actors?
This makes me think, I should do a spoof on conspiracy theory videos.
And point out "weird" coincidences to show that "God is a conspiracy"
Some Intelligent Being is behind the scenes making
it look like the same person made up all the world religions, because they have too many recurring themes.

They all point to goodness, to love, or wisdom. Positive things that bring out the best in people.
HAS to be a conspiracy, how could all these religions separated in time, space and cultures
all have the same message of hope and love? REALLY? some evil genius must be plotting this as a trick!

How come the name Yeshua MORPHED into Jesus which looks like the word Justice.
Or why does the French word Je Suis mean "I AM" which is too coincidentally close
to "I AM WHO I AM" or the meaning of YAHWEH in the Bible. Gotta be planned!!!

I could go ON and ON and ON.
I should do that. And make total fun of this conspiracy video business.....

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