Video Camera Experts Enter!


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
Budget: $500-600.00

I'm looking to buy an HD Video Camera. This is called operation spawn, and here's why:

Step 1: Work to finish my album (only being sold on a local level to friends and family, basically, but that's on-purpose).
Step 2: Make 3-5 Music Videos for it.
Step 3: Advertise a website or three containing the Videos, within my album's booklet.
Step 4: Once established, begin making mini-movies, skits, etc. and also continue with music.

Step 5: Have kids and let it all grow dust.

So anyways, I'm not really sure what to look for in a nice-quality high-def. camera. I'd like it to have great video and audio quality.

Second question, for the experts, is what's a user-friendly, self-learning, user friendly, self-learning, USER FRIENDLY, self-learning video editing program? (user friendly).

Thanks, y'all!! :razz:

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