Victims of illegal alien crime

If someone had asked Jeffrey Dahmer for his papers and shipped him off to his country of origin, several people might have stayed off the menu.
All these deaths are a big joke to ya', eh Pat?

Threads like this expose the true morons. Thanks for exposing yourself further!

I'm sure the families of these victims would surely appreciate your disgusting mockery.
This is for all of you FOOLS who mistakenly believe in amnesty, or believe that these people are just here for jobs and a better life.

V.O.I.A.C. Victims of Illegal Alien Crime

I had my SSN stolen by an illegal, which wouldn't happen if we didn't treat them like garbage.
Show me in the constitution, where our founding father's wanted strict immigration laws? Wasn't the whole point of developing the land of free, so people could be free? We all come from immigrants!!!

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