

Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009
Austin, Texas
A honest assessment of the racial divide going on in America today...

Will hate continue to rule?

This gentlemen is far ahead of our current POTUS...

Dennis Prager's youtube channel? lol

Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-fuckingly bizarre. He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself. He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings" he loses his freakin' mind. Hmm...

As of recently he's been focusing far more on pushing anti-environmentalism than usual, mainly through global warming denialism

Dennis Prager - RationalWiki
Dennis Prager's youtube channel? lol

Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-fuckingly bizarre. He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself. He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings" he loses his freakin' mind. Hmm...

As of recently he's been focusing far more on pushing anti-environmentalism than usual, mainly through global warming denialism

Dennis Prager - RationalWiki

Sounds reasonable enough.
Nonsense is repeated so often it becomes truth. Online much is nonsense and when it comes to a wide variety of topics, extreme nonsense. Race and sexuality are two topics full of nonsense. Is it worth debating every time nonsense shows itself. No, as tomorrow another naive person will repeat yesterday's and the day before yesterday's nonsense. But maybe, just maybe someone will read sense. Sense below. Read it and the video says it well too.

'Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul' by Eddie S. Glaude Jr.

Dog Whistle Politics

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
Here's some food for thought. The now long-deceased African American educator Booker T. Washington offered these tidbits. They can really be applied to anyone, regardless of race:

Booker T. Washington Quotes - BrainyQuote
If he were alive today he'd be in Al, Jesse, and the other race pimps' crosshairs.

Yes. He's pretty much out of favor with the leftist folks. His advice is good - no matter what race, religion, non-religion or whatever. It's good because it identifies people as individuals (which is something that's frowned upon these days - we're all supposed to be a collective). He speaks of personal pride in self, responsibility for self, actions and consequences and a lot of positive stuff intended to uplift the Negro race to be all they could be - yet, whites, Asians, any other ethnic group could profit from this advice. We ARE, in fact, individuals and we only become victims when we let ourselves be victims.
Nonsense is repeated so often it becomes truth. Online much is nonsense and when it comes to a wide variety of topics, extreme nonsense. Race and sexuality are two topics full of nonsense. Is it worth debating every time nonsense shows itself. No, as tomorrow another naive person will repeat yesterday's and the day before yesterday's nonsense. But maybe, just maybe someone will read sense. Sense below. Read it and the video says it well too.

'Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul' by Eddie S. Glaude Jr.

Dog Whistle Politics

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin

Now you want to rewrite history to justify hate...
Dennis Prager's youtube channel? lol

Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-fuckingly bizarre. He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself. He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings" he loses his freakin' mind. Hmm...

As of recently he's been focusing far more on pushing anti-environmentalism than usual, mainly through global warming denialism

Dennis Prager - RationalWiki

If it doesn't fit my agenda it's wrong, too bad you're not able to form a better response...

The author isn't Dennis Prager, can you spew something negative about him? Or are you too interested in keeping the hate going?

This idea today that we want a better dialogue for human rites by the Liberal Left is really nothing more than a power grab, Kaepernick, BLM, Obama, Jackson and Sharpton et al are nothing more than hate instigators looking for a piece of the power puzzle. They would have to make a meaningful effort, but all they seem to conjure up is finger pointing, name calling...

It's been less than 3 months since the Dallas shootings and it takes a back seat to the petty acts of a multi millionaire backup QB who hasn't the decentcy to stand for our national anthem...
Dennis Prager's youtube channel? lol

Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-fuckingly bizarre. He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself. He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings" he loses his freakin' mind. Hmm...

As of recently he's been focusing far more on pushing anti-environmentalism than usual, mainly through global warming denialism

Dennis Prager - RationalWiki

If it doesn't fit my agenda it's wrong, too bad you're not able to form a better response...

The author isn't Dennis Prager, can you spew something negative about him? Or are you too interested in keeping the hate going?

This idea today that we want a better dialogue for human rites by the Liberal Left is really nothing more than a power grab, Kaepernick, BLM, Obama, Jackson and Sharpton et al are nothing more than hate instigators looking for a piece of the power puzzle. They would have to make a meaningful effort, but all they seem to conjure up is finger pointing, name calling...

It's been less than 3 months since the Dallas shootings and it takes a back seat to the petty acts of a multi millionaire backup QB who hasn't the decentcy to stand for our national anthem...
What agenda? are you saying because i dont want to watch your propaganda video that i must be serving an agenda of some kind?
Dennis Prager's youtube channel? lol

Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-fuckingly bizarre. He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself. He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings" he loses his freakin' mind. Hmm...

As of recently he's been focusing far more on pushing anti-environmentalism than usual, mainly through global warming denialism

Dennis Prager - RationalWiki

If it doesn't fit my agenda it's wrong, too bad you're not able to form a better response...

The author isn't Dennis Prager, can you spew something negative about him? Or are you too interested in keeping the hate going?

This idea today that we want a better dialogue for human rites by the Liberal Left is really nothing more than a power grab, Kaepernick, BLM, Obama, Jackson and Sharpton et al are nothing more than hate instigators looking for a piece of the power puzzle. They would have to make a meaningful effort, but all they seem to conjure up is finger pointing, name calling...

It's been less than 3 months since the Dallas shootings and it takes a back seat to the petty acts of a multi millionaire backup QB who hasn't the decentcy to stand for our national anthem...
What agenda? are you saying because i dont want to watch your propaganda video that i must be serving an agenda of some kind?

So why do you login to this board, other than to debate the wall?
Dennis Prager's youtube channel? lol

Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-fuckingly bizarre. He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself. He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings" he loses his freakin' mind. Hmm...

As of recently he's been focusing far more on pushing anti-environmentalism than usual, mainly through global warming denialism

Dennis Prager - RationalWiki

If it doesn't fit my agenda it's wrong, too bad you're not able to form a better response...

The author isn't Dennis Prager, can you spew something negative about him? Or are you too interested in keeping the hate going?

This idea today that we want a better dialogue for human rites by the Liberal Left is really nothing more than a power grab, Kaepernick, BLM, Obama, Jackson and Sharpton et al are nothing more than hate instigators looking for a piece of the power puzzle. They would have to make a meaningful effort, but all they seem to conjure up is finger pointing, name calling...

It's been less than 3 months since the Dallas shootings and it takes a back seat to the petty acts of a multi millionaire backup QB who hasn't the decentcy to stand for our national anthem...
What agenda? are you saying because i dont want to watch your propaganda video that i must be serving an agenda of some kind?

So why do you login to this board, other than to debate the wall?
I should be asking you that?

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