Vetting Obama

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
We hear it a lot from the right wing - that President Obama was poorly vetted and, so, we know very little about him.


Look at the people who despise him for his politics or his color. Who stands to gain if dirt could be found about President Obama? Look at the people who have investigated every facet of the president's life. Look at the money that has been spent trying to bring him down.

Start with the Murdoch money and the MUSLIM ARAB who controls what you see on Fox (not)News. How about Beck, Hannity, OReilly, the dumb blond and the others. What a coup it would have been for Murdoch if he could have found something dirty on Obama. And, as we've seen, he's very willing to break the law to do it. But, zip.

The Kochs have almost unlimited resources and stand to gain almost beyond our comprehension if they could bring him down. Nada.

Rush Limbaugh said he had dirt on Obama but, alas, we never heard anything more about it.

Trump, the King of the Birthers, also said "his people" had found "the truth" about the president and that he would tell us what it was. But, of course, nothing ever came of that either.

Orly Taitz, though certifiably nutz, has consistently failed to find even one shred of evidence to support her wacky accusations.

John and Cindy Cain are independently wealthy and wanted to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom. Does anyone believe that they did not search for something to get them there?

How about the entire GObP/Republican party? Its pretty unlikely they sat idle right up until the election and then, when Obama won, swore they would not work with him and that they would do everything in their power to bring him down. They've kept that promise, at the expense of the United States and the American people but, try as they might, they could not find one thing to use against him.

Can anyone really PROVE that President Obama is not the most thoroughly vetted and investigated president in our history? Hate him for his politics or his color but its pretty silly to continue to hope for some terrible secret to emerge that will take the presidency away from him. In other words, he was elected and is our legal president. Deal with it.

As always, in the interest of fairness, I invite others to post a list of republican accomplishments.
Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

And, I apologize for this being so long.
Obama who claimed to be the 'most transparent' president ever......has worked hard even using lawyers to keep his many documents under can one be properly vetted if he refuses to open his records to the public.....?

While nearly 400,000 concerned citizens demand President Obama present his elusive "long-form" birth certificate, more than a dozen other documents remain unreleased or otherwise blocked from the public eye.

Numerous documents which have yet to be surrendered include the following.

Obama kindergarten records

The Maui News reported that Obama attended kindergarten at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu during the school year 1966-67. It released a photo of two teachers, Katherine Nakamoto and Aimee Yatsushiro, with five students. The teachers claim one of the children is Barack Obama.

According to the Hawaii Department of Education, students must submit a birth certificate to register. Parents may bring a passport or student visa if the child is from a foreign country.

So far, no records have been released by the school. Noelani Elementary School officials have not responded to WND's request for comment.

Punahou School records

Though from a modest background, Obama began attending the prestigious Punahou School in Honolulu, one of Hawaii's top private institutions. He reportedly received a scholarship and attended the school from the fifth grade until he finished high school, though no financial records have been released.

The Boston Globe reported, "In 1979, the year Obama graduated, tuition for high school students at Punahou was $1,990, a sizable expense compared with Hawaii's median family income of $22,750 that year.

Obama, reportedly a "B" student, studied among the island's richest and most accomplished students. According to the school's website, he also played forward on Punahou's 1979 state championship basketball team.

Occidental College records

Obama arrived at Occidental College, a small liberal arts school in Los Angeles, Calif., in the fall of 1979. He only briefly mentions the school in his 1995 memoir, "Dreams from My Father."

Obama attended the school on a scholarship. Some question whether the financial aid he received was reserved for foreign students. Financial records have not been released.

In a legal action, handled largely by Gary Kreep of the U.S. Justice Foundation, officials at Occidental College were served with a demand to produce records concerning Barack Obama's attendance there during the 1980s because they could document whether he was attending as a foreign national.

Kreep petitioned the college with a demand for its records concerning Obama.

"The gravamen of the petition is the question as to whether United States Senator Barack Hussein Obama, of Illinois, is eligible to serve as president of the United States pursuant to the requirements for that office in the United States Constitution," he wrote. "The records sought may provide documentary evidence, and/or admissions by said defendant, as to said eligibility or lack thereof."

College officials then contacted Obama's lawyers, who argued to the court that the election was over and that future concerns should be addressed to Congress.

The motion stated that the records, which could reveal on what name Obama attended classes at Occidental and whether he attended on scholarship money intended for foreign students, "are of no relevance to this moot litigation."

The motion also claimed the petitioners failed to serve the subpoena properly.

"The subpoena directed to Occidental College should therefore be quashed. Alternatively, this court should issue an order directing that the deposition of the custodian of records of Occidental College not take place," the firm working on Obama's behalf stated.

"The central issue in this lawsuit … is whether any Respondent had a legal duty to demand proof of natural born citizenship from Democratic Party's nominee," the motion said. "None of the documents sought by petitioners could possibly assist in answering this question."

A judge granted a motion to quash the subpoena.

"Obama's attorneys bent over backward to block us," Kreep told WND. "Obama doesn't want anyone to see those records. He's trying to hide them."

His efforts resulted in a threat from Obama's attorneys to seek financial sanctions against the plaintiff's lawyers.

Kreep said a notice of appeal will be filed next week.

A notice posted on the Occidental College website states, "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations protect the privacy of student education records. We, therefore, cannot disclose students' classes, grade point averages, majors or other such information."

Columbia University records

Obama transferred from Occidental College to Columbia University in 1981, at the age of 20.

According to the New York Times, Obama "suggests in his book that his years in New York were a pivotal period: He ran three miles a day, buckled down to work and 'stopped getting high,' which he says he had started doing in high school. Yet he declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."

Campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt told the newspaper in October 2007, "He doesn’t remember the names of a lot of people in his life."

In a 2005 profile in a Columbia alumni magazine, Obama called his time at the school "an intense period of study."

"I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn't socialize that much. I was like a monk," he said.

Obama claimed to be a part of the Black Student Organization and anti-apartheid activities. But according to the New York Times, several well-known student leaders did not recall his involvement.

Fox News made contact with 400 of Obama's classmates. No one remembered him.

The Columbia University chapter in Obama's life remains blank, according to the New York Sun.

"The Obama campaign has refused to release his college transcript, despite an academic career that led him to Harvard Law School and, later, to a lecturing position at the University of Chicago," the Sun reported in September 2008. "The shroud surrounding his experience at Columbia contrasts with that of other major party nominees since 2000, all whom have eventually released information about their college performance or seen it leaked to the public."

When the newspaper inquired, the Obama campaign did not offer an explanation for why the transcript had not been released.

According to the New York Sun, a program from Columbia's 1983 commencement ceremony lists Obama as a graduate. University spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated with a major in political science but without honors. Nonetheless, he was later admitted to Harvard Law School.

Columbia thesis "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament"

Before applying to Harvard, Obama is said to have written a major thesis in his senior year. It has not been released.

An Oct 30, 2007, a New York Times article stated, "[Obama] barely mentions Columbia, training ground for the elite, where he transferred in his junior year, majoring in political science and international relations and writing his thesis on Soviet nuclear disarmament."

Former Columbia professor, Michael Baron, told NBC News Obama excelled in his year-long honors seminar called American Foreign Policy.

He also said Obama spent a whole year writing a "thesis" or "senior thesis" on the topic of nuclear negotiations with the former Soviet Union.

"My recollection is that the paper was an analysis of the evolution of the arms reduction negotiations between the Soviet Union and the United States," Baron told reporters in an e-mail. "At that time, a hot topic in foreign policy circles was finding a way in which each country could safely reduce the large arsenal of nuclear weapons pointed at the other … For U.S. policy makers in both political parties, the aim was not disarmament, but achieving deep reductions in the Soviet nuclear arsenal and keeping a substantial and permanent American advantage. As I remember it, the paper was about those negotiations, their tactics and chances for success. Barack got an A."

Baron said he saved Obama's paper and recently searched through boxes hoping to find it, but he told reporters he may have thrown it away during a move several years ago.

Baron wrote a letter of recommendation when Obama applied to Harvard Law School. According to Federal Election Commission records, he also donated at least $1,250 to Obama's presidential campaign.

On July 24, 2008, the Obama administration told NBC News Obama was unable to release copies of his thesis paper.

"We do not have a copy of the course paper you requested and neither does Columbia University," Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt said.

According to MSNBC, Columbia University officials claim they do not have a copy available in the college's archives.

Harvard Law School records

With less than steller marks upon his graduation from Columbia, Obama was accepted into Harvard Law School.

WND columnist Jack Cashill wrote, "If Obama's LSAT scores merited admission (to Harvard), we would know about them. We don't. The Obama camp guards those scores, like his SAT scores, more tightly that Iran does its nuclear secrets."

He continued, "We know enough about Obama's Columbia grades to know how far they fall below the Harvard norm, likely even below the affirmative action-adjusted black norm at Harvard."

Cashill wrote, Khalid al-Mansour, principle adviser to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, lobbied friends like Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton to intervene at Harvard on Obama's behalf. Al-Mansour reportedly mentored founders of the Black Panther party in the early 1960s.

Cashill suggests Obama's "shyness" about his Harvard experience may stem from his reluctance to broadcast his connections.

According to Politico, Obama's name does not appear on any legal scholarships during his time at Harvard. His campaign reportedly said his Harvard education was a product of hard work and student loans. Obama graduated magna cum laude in 1991.

Harvard Law Review articles
University of Chicago scholarly articles
Medical Records
Other Documents
According to additional records listed at the The Obama File, other documents that remain unreleased include:

•Complete files and schedules of his years as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004
•Obama's client list from during his time in private practice with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard
•Illinois State Bar Association records
•Baptism records
•Obama/Dunham marriage license
•Obama/Dunham divorce documents
•Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
•Adoption records

Read more: Obama: Where have all his records gone?
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We hear it a lot from the right wing - that President Obama was poorly vetted and, so, we know very little about him.


Look at the people who despise him for his politics or his color. Who stands to gain if dirt could be found about President Obama? Look at the people who have investigated every facet of the president's life. Look at the money that has been spent trying to bring him down.

Start with the Murdoch money and the MUSLIM ARAB who controls what you see on Fox (not)News. How about Beck, Hannity, OReilly, the dumb blond and the others. What a coup it would have been for Murdoch if he could have found something dirty on Obama. And, as we've seen, he's very willing to break the law to do it. But, zip.

The Kochs have almost unlimited resources and stand to gain almost beyond our comprehension if they could bring him down. Nada.

Rush Limbaugh said he had dirt on Obama but, alas, we never heard anything more about it.

Trump, the King of the Birthers, also said "his people" had found "the truth" about the president and that he would tell us what it was. But, of course, nothing ever came of that either.

Orly Taitz, though certifiably nutz, has consistently failed to find even one shred of evidence to support her wacky accusations.

John and Cindy Cain are independently wealthy and wanted to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom. Does anyone believe that they did not search for something to get them there?

How about the entire GObP/Republican party? Its pretty unlikely they sat idle right up until the election and then, when Obama won, swore they would not work with him and that they would do everything in their power to bring him down. They've kept that promise, at the expense of the United States and the American people but, try as they might, they could not find one thing to use against him.

Can anyone really PROVE that President Obama is not the most thoroughly vetted and investigated president in our history? Hate him for his politics or his color but its pretty silly to continue to hope for some terrible secret to emerge that will take the presidency away from him. In other words, he was elected and is our legal president. Deal with it.

As always, in the interest of fairness, I invite others to post a list of republican accomplishments.
Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center

And, I apologize for this being so long.

The problem is that the majority of progressives know absolutely nothing about him and those that do defend his socialist anti-American ideas.

The guy has only wrote a few books one of which is entitled "Dreams From My Father" where he praises his DOCUMENTED COMMUNIST ALCOHOLIC FATHER whom he only met a couple times in his life, while he bashes the United States implying its an evil immoral imperialistic nation. Not to mention he throws his own mother under the bus in the book while spewing anti-white racist nonsense...

The guy doesn't even have any experience - he was probably one of the most lazy Senators in the history of this nation.... All he did was vote present on 75% of the bills he faced and the other 25% of the time he voted it was for tyrannical immoral shit like partial birth abortions...

Lets also not forget him just taking over a private business then creating the cash for clunker program using taxpayer dollars all so he could stimulate his UAW friends. Oh not to mention the stimulus taxpayer money that went right into the pockets of unions..

Of course then there is the shit talking: "get in the back seat."

I could write 1,000 pages on this jackass Obamafuck..
Keep digging maybe you will find Bigfoot and the Roswell aliens.
And still, not one answer to my post and not one link to Republican accomplishments.

Because there aren't any.
And still, not one answer to my post and not one link to Republican accomplishments.

Because there aren't any.

Change subject much?
Obama is among the least known presidents ever. There are yawning gaps in our knowledge of his biography. THe press has failed to push for release of these records or an adequate account.
It doesn't matter. In Novemeber he'll be history.
And still, not one answer to my post and not one link to Republican accomplishments.

Because there aren't any.

I suppose accomplishments are highly subjective to progressives..

How about Reagan doing what Obama claimed he was going to do or the Iranian hostage crisis??, George Bush offing Saddam?? A republican ending Vietnam despite the fact it got millions of innocent peasants slaughtered. How about the instance of a Bill of Rights??? The tyrannical Civil War - which progressives pretend was their idea while democrats continue to practice slavery and racism up until this day..

Those things probably pissed you off no??
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Yep - Like I said, ignore my post and my invitation to post Republican accomplishments.

Thanks anyway.
Yep - Like I said, ignore my post and my invitation to post Republican accomplishments.

Thanks anyway.

I suppose that's why I used the word "subjective."

Yeah probably too difficult for a progressive to understand ...

Not that any of my examples had any role on US history both socially or economically...
Jeebus what a pile discredited Pubcrappe from the dupes. GD functional morons. To the point where they have to be either brainwashed or hater/racists. tyvm LOL!
Jeebus what a pile discredited Pubcrappe from the dupes. GD functional morons. To the point where they have to be either brainwashed or hater/racists. tyvm LOL!

You have to be some kind of a fucking retard...

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


NEVER did I ever see EVER in history books republicans supporting ANY racist cause...

I don't even know where the myth came from - probably the communists who view republicans as a threat to communism..

Who started the civil war??? those evil republican-democrats or those democrat slave holders???

Jeffersons team or Hamiltons team??

Which one got shot for being an asshole???
STILL no Pub accomplishments....and racists have been Pubs since Nixon's Southern Strategy of 1968= also the trashing of the Great Society and the end of respect for gov't- only now being slowly restored- thanks to Pub A-holes who'll ruin the country just to get elected...tyvm
STILL no Pub accomplishments....and racists have been Pubs since Nixon's Southern Strategy of 1968= also the trashing of the Great Society and the end of respect for gov't- only now being slowly restored- thanks to Pub A-holes who'll ruin the country just to get elected...tyvm

Yeah what was the Civil War...

Which I would have opposed BTW because I believe in property rights..
Well, revisionists might say the Civil War was a unnecessary catastrophe (slavery was becoming uneconomical) that Pubs started to get control of corporate America, and vice versa. See Grant- about as big a corporate fool as McKinley, Harding, Reagan, and Booosh...(and Lincoln?)
Well, revisionists might say the Civil War was a unnecessary catastrophe (slavery was becoming uneconomical) that Pubs started to get control of corporate America, and vice versa. See Grant- about as big a corporate fool as McKinley, Harding, Reagan, and Booosh...(and Lincoln?)

Are you delusional stupid or both??

You do realize you went over a century in a single paragraph while posting zero examples of your alleged racism...

The KKK owned and control democrats...

It was only LBJ that said; "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century."

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