Veterans Strongly Back Romney


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Veterans are strongly backing Mitt Romney, most critically in battleground states like Colorado, Florida, Ohio and Virginia. There are one million veterans in the states of North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia, and 1.6 million in Florida. Maurice Tamman, a Reuters data news editor who has polled on veterans asserted, “It’s no contest.” Despite Obama trumpeting the killing of Osama Bin Laden, veterans know what’s really at stake. Ray Kelley, national legislative director for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said the reason was Romney’s strong rhetoric and stance: “We’re going to keep a strong national defense. We want to make sure troops have what they want.”

Several NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls conducted from Sept. 9-11 showed Romney well ahead of Obama among veterans in Florida, Ohio and Virginia. In Colorado, a Sept. 16 poll showed both veterans and military families supporting Romney over Obama 53 percent to 39 percent.

Ryan Williams, a spokesman for Romney, said that Romney was far ahead with veterans because of their resistance to the potential defense cuts under the budget sequester Obama has planned, Obama’s foreign policy positions, and the job market under Obama that offers no opportunities for returning veterans.

Harry Prestanski, executive director of Ohio Veterans United, a group of mostly conservative veterans that endorsed Romney in August, said Romney’s promise to postpone historic budget cuts to the Pentagon was the most important issue for the veterans in Ohio, as the state has 100,000 jobs connected to the defense industry.

From Veterans Strongly Back Romney

I see no way veterans could EVER vote for Obozo and this seems to show I'm right! :clap2:
Mitt wants to stay in Afghanistan. From his own site:
Afghanistan & Pakistan | Mitt Romney for President
He will order a full interagency assessment of our military and assistance presence in Afghanistan to determine the level required to secure our gains and to train Afghan forces to the point where they can protect the sovereignty of Afghanistan from the tyranny of the Taliban. Withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan under a Romney administration will be based on conditions on the ground as assessed by our military commanders.
Looks like the same "strategery" we've been doing since we invaded and it's a loser. Why don't our leaders just admit we're there for the Opium Trade?

Mitt wants to invade Africa too. It's mineral rich don't ya' know?:
Africa | Mitt Romney for President
With abundant natural resources, an increasingly educated and dynamic population striving for a better life, and governments embracing political and economic reforms, Africa is now home to some of the world’s fastest growing economies.
Mitt Romney. Globalist stooge.
U.S. Africa Command Home

But it's ok because he has Ronald Reagan hair and an "R" by his name.
Which means, once again, Democrats will be trying to suppress the military vote, just like the cheating bastards did in 2000.

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