Venom: Consumerism Craftsmanship


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism-pensive dialogue between the fictional comic book superhero Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) and his nemesis Venom regarding the sanctity of tool use in a developed civilization such as America.

The tools being referenced here include the Indian boti (a blade-and-wood foot-kitchen tool for cutting meats and vegetables mostly), the American chainsaw (a motorized deforestation saw), and the thermostat (a heat-monitoring regulation 'toy').

How do we construe 'tools/gadgets' in this new age of Home Depot consumerism propaganda?

I like cheering myself up with 'comic book oriented Orwellian-dissection' (isn't that what democracy is all about?).

Signing off,



SPIDER-MAN: It's intriguing how the boti, the chainsaw, and the thermostat signify utility!
VENOM: Modern tools are both useful...and manipulable.
SPIDER-MAN: We shouldn't think about the dangerousness of tool, lest we become savage!
VENOM: I know of women who've cut their feet while working with the boti --- devastating.
SPIDER-MAN: That's why we have controls for instructed use of sensitive 'items.'
VENOM: These civilization 'items' signify a perception of intelligence/imagination.
SPIDER-MAN: Right, which is why water-pistols can be construed as pro-nonviolence.
VENOM: Isn't it fascinating how water-pistols can also be construed as 'adventurous'?
SPIDER-MAN: The curiosity about violence/mayhem reflects an angst toward sanity.
VENOM: In other words, as civilization 'evolves,' the mind has to 'keep up'!
SPIDER-MAN: There's nothing inherently 'frail' about 'technical intelligence.'
VENOM: You speak like a hero, whereas I'm merely a 'monster' (or Devil's Advocate).
SPIDER-MAN: Every conviction comes with a set of creative thoughts...
VENOM: Or destructive thoughts...
SPIDER-MAN: Objective consumerism requires a focus on tool-stability.
VENOM: Perhaps you will build New York a 'might museum.'



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