Venezuela News


Nov 14, 2012
All the News you´d probably miss.

A Guaido terrorist group was dismantled. "Coocon 2.0" was up to murder and spread terror.

Venezuela has the highest per capita consumption in all of Latin America. Caracas has become the cheapest (in terms of prices) capital in the world.

Venezuela: Der Chavismus kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden

Guaido misses IMF support in a vote.

Revés para EE.UU.: Directiva del FMI no reconoce a Juan Guaidó

The Lima Group voted against military intervention in Venezuela.

US-backed Lima Group rejects military invervention in Venezuela

Some day:
Guaido has to meet the people.

Venezuela´s hyperinflation comes to an end.

Cómo se frenó la hiperinflación en Venezuela (y por qué no es tan buena noticia como parece)

Venezuela leaves the OAS.

Nicolás Maduro on Twitter

Bolton´s Guaido Putsch fails.

Venezuelan Military Putsch Defeated as Leopoldo Lopez Takes Refuge in Spanish Embassy

In the "regime", the Internet is the mean of choice to instigate opposition actions.

The US besieges the Venezuelan embassy, cuts off electricity and food.
"Ha sido como una zona de guerra": Activistas que resisten dentro de Embajada venezolana en EEUU | La iguana TV

Venezuela reopens the borders with Brazil and Aruba.
Anuncian la reapertura de las fronteras con Brasil y Aruba (+Tareck) | La iguana TV

Audience of Guaido speech shrinks to 2000.

¿La oposición se debilita? Apenas unos 2000 manifestantes acudieron al llamado de Guaidó

Trump tries to attack Venezuelas emergency food program (CLAP) with sanctions.

U.S. readies sanctions, charges over Venezuela food program - sources

Trump cuts off electronic payment methods in Venezuela. The country develops its own system.

Venezuela schafft Alternativen zu Visa, Master und Maestro

The CLAP program aids 6 million families.

Sepa cuánto es el costo actual del Clap: Incluye transporte y logística | La iguana TV

The economy shrinks by 47,6 % between 2013 and 2019.

Venezuelan Central Bank Releases Economic Data After Three-Year Hiatus

Brazil rejects Guaido representative.

Brasilien verweigert Guaidós Gesandter die Anerkennung als Botschafterin von Venezuela

Abstraction of Guaido funds revealed.

Korruptionsfall schwächt Guaidós Position innerhalb der Opposition von Venezuela

US plan to compost Guaido fails due to a lack of alternatives.

"La semana que viene puede pasar cualquier cosa": ¿Qué planean ahora Juan Guaidó y EEUU contra Venezuela? | La iguana TV
Grupos de combate Sucre, Lander y Ulises: Secuestrar, matar a Maduro, asesinar ministros y proteger a Guaidó | La iguana TV

Guaido caught with arms.


Nutella is at 15$.

El boom de la importación en Caracas: Carne a $2.000, vinos en $150, caprichos y las ganancias (+BBC) | La iguana TV

Trump redirects humanitarian aid funds to Guaido.

Trump administration diverts Central America aid to U.S.-backed opposition in Venezuela

The EU parliament acknowledges Guaido and pledges "unlimited support".

EU-Parlament beschließt Resolution gegen Venezuela

Trump´s measures so far costed Venezuela 110 Billion USD.

“No puede ser discutida”: Viceministro de Exteriores de Rusia sobre legalidad del Gobierno de Maduro | La iguana TV

Guaido´s "nationwide protests":

Maduro pledges full support to the country´s businessmen.

The UN will support Venezuela restoring the economy, particular the agriculture.

Maduro cancels talks with opposition after new far reaching US sanctions.

Protests against Trump take place.

Guaido in panic mode after election announced.

Maduro closes the Venezuelan border with Colombia militarily.

The DoD rejects Trump´s naval blockade.

Venezuela replaces Windows and other software due to constant cyber attacks by the US with Venezuelan software.

Venezuela´s minimum wage reaches a historic low.

Audience of Guaido speech grows to 200 people.

The Venezuelan military starts drills with 150.000 soldiers at the border with Colombia.

US tries to relaunch a military campaign through TIAR.
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Yeah. Maduro and Chavez were PERFECT Socialist leaders too! They made billions while the People sold their kids and ate their pets. Why are we so mean to Perfect Socialist Leaders?
Things are so wonderful in Venezuela that over 4 MILLION have left. That would be the rough equivalent of 40+ MILLION Americans fleeing.

U.N. Says More Than 4 Million People Have Left Venezuela
And they are now being exploited, pursued and murdered in the countries they fled to. Countries, whose poor have less to laugh than those in Venezuela.
And I wonder, what your constant Venezuela issue is. They did nothing to you.
Without your gov, the crisis would not exist. Period.

Things are so wonderful in Venezuela that over 4 MILLION have left. That would be the rough equivalent of 40+ MILLION Americans fleeing.

U.N. Says More Than 4 Million People Have Left Venezuela
And they are now being exploited, pursued and murdered in the countries they fled to. Countries, whose poor have less to laugh than those in Venezuela.
And I wonder, what your constant Venezuela issue is. They did nothing to you.
Without your gov, the crisis would not exist. Period.

I don't have an issue with Venezuela. I'm just passing on information.

I know people who live in Colombia, one hour by car from the Venezuelan border. They're inundated with Venezuelan refugees.
Things are so wonderful in Venezuela that over 4 MILLION have left. That would be the rough equivalent of 40+ MILLION Americans fleeing.

U.N. Says More Than 4 Million People Have Left Venezuela
And they are now being exploited, pursued and murdered in the countries they fled to. Countries, whose poor have less to laugh than those in Venezuela.
And I wonder, what your constant Venezuela issue is. They did nothing to you.
Without your gov, the crisis would not exist. Period.

I don't have an issue with Venezuela. I'm just passing on information.

I know people who live in Colombia, one hour by car from the Venezuelan border. They're inundated with Venezuelan refugees.

That´s Colombia:


It is not in your news...
Colombia looks like Switzerland compared to Venezuela. Are you getting paid to shill for Maduro or are you doing it for free?
Colombia looks like Switzerland compared to Venezuela. Are you getting paid to shill for Maduro or are you doing it for free?
Colombia is the hell. 40 % do not have daily access to food. There are "rebels" and armed cartels. And here is where your drugs are coming from:


Map by US Southern Command.
Also, half of the porn seems to be made there.
Colombia looks like Switzerland compared to Venezuela. Are you getting paid to shill for Maduro or are you doing it for free?
Colombia is the hell. 40 % do not have daily access to food. There are "rebels" and armed cartels. And here is where your drugs are coming from:


Map by US Southern Command.
Also, half of the porn seems to be made there.

I take it you're a Marxist, correct?
Colombia looks like Switzerland compared to Venezuela. Are you getting paid to shill for Maduro or are you doing it for free?
Colombia is the hell. 40 % do not have daily access to food. There are "rebels" and armed cartels. And here is where your drugs are coming from:


Map by US Southern Command.
Also, half of the porn seems to be made there.

I take it you're a Marxist, correct?
You like your H? Your employer shouldn´t see your arms, then.
Things are so wonderful in Venezuela that over 4 MILLION have left. That would be the rough equivalent of 40+ MILLION Americans fleeing.

U.N. Says More Than 4 Million People Have Left Venezuela
And they are now being exploited, pursued and murdered in the countries they fled to. Countries, whose poor have less to laugh than those in Venezuela.
And I wonder, what your constant Venezuela issue is. They did nothing to you.
Without your gov, the crisis would not exist. Period.

Chavez family and the Maduros made out OK, what's the problem?

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