Vast anti semitism in the NT

I am simply pointing out the truth, that the NT is filled with vile and defamation against jews.

Who apologized? I don't recall christians apologizing for their hate in the NT against the jews. Perhaps I missed it. Please post the link.

I missed the retraction. Thank you.

Also, you don't speak for most jews, you speak only for yourself.

How could you recall it? Are you 2000 years old?
Nice. Attack me rather than deal with the tremendous hate in the nt.

It seems to me that your religion should be more concerned with themselves than attacking Jews.
I would not call it HATE in the NT so much as clarification of belief structure between the jewish tradition then and the emerging christian belief. Jesus didn't call jews christ killers. Hell, he WAS a jew. And, he specifically stated that christians were to observe and revere jewish tradition as he was seen as the fulfilling of the return of a hebrew messiah. jesus didn't hate jews or the jewish culture at all. However, it's telling that Cmike would assume that the very traditions, Pharisees y Sadducees, were infallible by the mere virtue of their jewish nature. Quite telling. Especially given some of the attitudes towards christianity and jesus found in some jewish holy books.

This rift between the christian faith and the jewish faith is precisely why I have to laugh when John Hagee types of christians write as many blank checks for israel as is required to prompt the return of christ... despite what John Hagee's beliefs ultimately say about the eventual future of the hebrew culture. Lord knows there had never been a shortage of antisemitism in christian denominations until it became posh to gang up on islam. Still, i would not call it hate and there are plenty of christians who believe the bible and do not HATE jews even if they believe that the hebrew faith is in error.

sounds like Cmike should have saved himself the typing and just carried an ironic cross around the forum for a few days.
Nice. Attack me rather than deal with the tremendous hate in the nt.

It seems to me that your religion should be more concerned with themselves than attacking Jews.

There is hate everywhere ... the people who focus on one particular hatred have just as much hatred themselves.
Nice. Attack me rather than deal with the tremendous hate in the nt.

It seems to me that your religion should be more concerned with themselves than attacking Jews.

why you don't talk about this shiting piece of work named Talmud, which is full of hatred and paedophila commandments ? :confused:
Nice. Attack me rather than deal with the tremendous hate in the nt.

It seems to me that your religion should be more concerned with themselves than attacking Jews.

why you don't talk about this shiting piece of work named Talmud, which is full of hatred and paedophila commandments ? :confused:

Because I am talking the "piece of work" called the nt which is fult of hatred and vile toward jews.

You would think that your religion would spend more time regarding their own religion rather than the vile and venom against jews.

I will never forget how talk like yours led to the murder of millions of jews by christians.
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yep, so the solution is to burn NT ? like they did in Israel


jesus himself is semitic, he just blamed the israelites who want to kill him and for their more.
I am simply pointing out the truth, that the NT is filled with vile and defamation against jews.

Who apologized? I don't recall christians apologizing for their hate in the NT against the jews. Perhaps I missed it. Please post the link.

I missed the retraction. Thank you.

Also, you don't speak for most jews, you speak only for yourself.

First point ... and? We all have our own beliefs ... mine is that some big god masturbated to make the universe ... is that much better?

Second point ... sacrificing one's life to help stop atrocities against a particular people is not an apology to you? What the hell more do you need?

Who sacrificed their life?

Not only have christians in the NT spewed their venom, christians have backed it up by murdering millions of jews.

Pope John XII ordered the Inquisition in Toulouse. There and in Perpignon the Talmud was burned.
During the Crusade of the Shepherds 40,000 shepherds and peasants marched from Agen to Toulouse and killed any Jew who was not willing to be baptized. In Verdun 500 Jews had fled to a tower. When they were besieged they committed suicide. 120 Jewish communities in southern France and northern Spain were wiped out.
1328 Thousands of Jews were murdered by mobs around Estella when a monk preached inflaming anti-Jewish sermons.
1338 Bishop John of Dirpheim caused the massacre of Jews in Strasbourg on the anniversary of the Conversion of St. Paul.
1348 When the plague raged in Europe Jews in Spain were charged with planning to poison the wells of Christians. In France, Spain and Switzerland Jews were murdered because people believed they had poisoned the wells or intended to do so.
In September Pope Clement VI issued a papal bull declaring the Jews innocent of the charge of causing the plague. He urged the clergy to protect the Jews and even excommunicated murderers. But the mobs could not be stopped.
10,000 Jews were murdered by mobs in the cities bordering Germany in spite of the royal protection given to them by King Casimir.
The mayor of Strasbourg, Conrad of Winterthur, together with other authorities defended the Jews against mob attacks and the accusations of the bishop. The Councils of other cities tried the same.
1349 The Jewish community of Basle was burned to death in a specially built structure. 2,000 Jews perished in Strasbourg. In Worms 400 Jews were burned. In Oppenheim the Jews burned themselves in fear of torture. The same happened in Frankfurt. In Mainz 6,000 Jews were burned to death when a mob set fire to their houses. In Erfurt the Jewish community of 3,000 was slaughtered and in Breslau all Jews perished. In Vienna the Jews committed suicide on the advice of their rabbi to avoid torture. The Jewish communities of Augsburg, Wurzburg and Munich were destroyed. Jews were expelled from Heilbronn. The Jews of Nuremberg who had not fled were burned to death in a place that since is known as Judenbühl. The Jews of Konigsberg were murdered. In Brussels approximately 500 Jews died in a massacre.
1354 12,000 Jews were murdered in Toledo
1357 When the plague returned a second time in Franconia, the Jews again were blamed of poisoning the wells. The plague, also called the Black Death, killed thousands. During this time the myth of an international Jewish conspiracy was invented that in spite of its absurdities is still believed by many, even today!
1366 - 1369 While the Spanish civil war raged between King Pedro and Henry of Trastamora many Jews were killed by mercenaries employed by both sides.
1384 The Jews in Nordlingen were attacked and massacred.
1389 Mobs attacked and murdered thousands of Jews in Prague.
1391 The Inquisition turned against the Jews who had converted to Christianity. In many cases they secretly continued to practice Judaism and were therefore considered heretics. Throughout the Inquisition an estimated number of 50,000 Jews were killed and another 160,000 forcibly baptized.
In many cities in Spain synagogues and mosques were turned into churches and Jewish communities suffered terrible persecution. After 300 Jews were killed or committed suicide in Barcelona, 11,000 Jews allowed themselves to be baptized.
1399 In Posen, Poland, a rabbi and 13 elders of the Jewish community were slowly burned to death on the charge of stabbing the host and throwing it into a pit. Rumors had circulated that the host had bled, which, of course, confirmed the dogma of the Eucharist.
1407 The fiery sermons of the monk and reformer Vincent Ferrer caused oppressive actions against the Jews of Spain and mob attacks. He is credited with 20,000 forced baptisms in Castille and Aragon.
1413 - 1415 Don Ferdinand of Aragon convened disputations in Tortosa. They were supposed to make it easier for Jews to convert to Christianity. The leading Jews of Aragon were forced to debate with a converted Jew, Geronimo de Sante Fe. The disputations lasted for one year and nine months with negative results for the Jewish communities.
1419 Pope Martin V and the Spanish kings restored Jewish rights. Synagogues and Talmud copies were returned to them.
1422 The Crusade against the Hussites in Bohemia and Moravia caused much harm to Jewish communities. On their march to Prague the army of the German emperor Sigismund with Dutch mercenaries destroyed Jewish communities along the Rhine River, in Thuringia and Bavaria, all to avenge the insulted God of the Christians.
1427 - 1429 A bull issued by Pope Martin V forbade sea captains to transport Jews to the Holy Land. He also, in another bull, urged the protection of the Jews and established community rights, among them allowing Jews to study at universities.
1431 A ritual murder charge led to the destruction of the southern German Jewish communities of Ravensburg, Uberlingen and Lindau.
1432 Jews were expelled from Saxony.
1434 The Council of Basle, presided over by Pope Eugenius IV revoked the freedoms Martin V had bestowed. Jews were to live in separate quarters of the cities, attend conversion sermons and were not permitted to attend universities.
1443 Jews in Venice had to wear the yellow badge.
1451 Pope Nicholas V in a bull confirmed the old exclusions of Jews from Christian society and all honorable walks of life. John of Capistrano was appointed by the Pope to lead the Inquisition of the Jews. In his sermons he repeated the charges of ritual murder and host desecration which led to persecutions in Breslau under King Ladislav of Silesia.
1454 When the Polish army was defeated by the Teutonic Order and the Prussians, the clergy, who had been stirred by Capistranos sermons in Poland, blamed the royal leniency toward the Jews for the calamity. Jewish rights were withdrawn and mobs attacked Jewish communities.
1457 Polish troops on march to the Crusade against the Turks attacked the Jews of Cracow and killed about 30.
1492 All Jews were expelled from Catholic Spain.
1500 - 1530 The Dominicans baptized many Jews. These converts, however, were not much safer from mob attacks. Some of the converts wrote extremely hostile anti-Jewish volumes, intending to cause damage to Jewry: Victor of Carben 1505, John Pfefferkorn (four vitriolic pieces) 1505-09, Anthony Margharita 1530. The Dominicans also renounced the study of the Hebrew language.
1509 Emperor Maximilian authorized John Pfefferkorn to destroy everything that was blasphemous or hostile to Christianity. He began in Frankfurt, Main, where he searched Jewish homes and synagogues and confiscated more than 1,500 manuscripts.
1517 At the time of the Reformation the Pope issued a bull, "Cum nimis absurdum". It is recognized as the most devastating Christian anti-Jewish document ever written. It required Jews to wear badges of shame, live in ghettos, and sell any property outside the ghetto walls.
1521 - 1523 In "The Magnificat" and in his treatise "That Jesus Christ was born a Jew," Martin Luther reacted against the harsh treatment of Jews, hoping they would eventually convert. The Reformation contributed to more freedom for Jews. In Protestant countries they enjoyed greater tolerance and fewer restrictions and were able to develop a more dynamic culture than in Catholic countries. However, Jews continued to live precarious lives everywhere. In Catholic countries ghettoization became the norm. Jewish culture was stifled and the new stereotype of the ghetto Jew was added to the many already in existence.
1541 John Eck, the Roman Catholic polemicist, wrote a treatise against David Gans, a Jew. Gans expected Protestantism to be more tolerant of Judaism. Eck's pamphlet, "Refutation of a Jewish Book", renews all the ancient charges: ritual killing of infants, host desecration etc. In addition he called Germany's Protestants "toadies and lovers of Jews."
1543 This accusation may have contributed to Luther's change of attitude towards the Jews. He leaked a series of tracts, entitled "On the Jews and their lies, On Shem Hamphoras": "Their synagogues should be set on fire... their houses should likewise be broken down and destroyed... Let them earn their bread by the sweat of their noses, as is enjoined upon Adam's children." He reverted to a medieval position sensing the danger of Eck's attack against Protestantism and believing Eck's stories that the Jews killed children for their rituals. In a tract, "On the last words of David", he moderated his position, but followed the tradition of interpreting the Old Testament in Christological terms. These pamphlets proved unpopular and would have been forgotten, if the Nazis had not resurrected them in the Munich Edition (first vol.3, 1934).
Some famous men at the time of the Reformation who were sympathetic towards Jews were John Brenz (1499 - 1570), the Swabian Reformer and the theologians Andrew Osiander (1498 - 1552) and Matthias Flacius (1520 - 1575).
1554 In Geneva Theodore Beza published a book on "Why heretics should be punished by the magistrates." This was a rejoinder to Sebastian Castellio's eloquent plea for religious freedom. Castellio had been removed from Geneva by the Reformer John Calvin because he doubted that the Songs of Songs belonged into the Scriptures.
1580 - 1620 The Republic of the Seven Netherlands (Holland) became very tolerant of Jews. It became a haven for Jews fleeing the Inquisition. There Castellio's arguments for religious freedom won out over the influence of Beza.
1582 When the Netherlands came under the rule of Cahrles V of Spain, the Jews were expelled.
In the "Scots Confession" ch.18 Reformer John Knox upheld the original Calvinist tenet of intolerance, distinguishing "the Harlot" (Rome) and "the filthy synagogues" from "the true Kirk".
1622 King Christian IV of Denmark and others invited Jews to reside in their lands, when the Thirty Year War raged in central Europe.
1646 - 1647 "The Westminster Confession", by act of the Scottish parliament, superseded the Scots Confession, defining the church in universal terms with no anti-Roman or antisemitic defamations in its chapter on the church.
1648 - 1649 During the rebellion of the Cossacks and Russian peasants in Poland, Ukraine, White Russia and Lithuania the most cruel tortures were invented for the Jews. Thousands died under prolonged brutality. Children were not spared. There are reports of rapes and gruesome slaughters, of people being slowly killed with spears, of women being slit open and live cats sewed up in them...
The city of Hamburg expelled its Jews.
1654 On September 22 Peter Stuyvesant sent an anti-Semitic letter home from the Colonies in the New World to the West India Company, which indicates that the Jews here were in trouble too. The Puritans in New England saw Jews as challenge to Christian evangelism.
1656 Oliver Cromwell allowed Jews to resettle in England, supposedly as reward for Jewish "Intelligencers" (old English for "spies") which are said to have enabled Cromwell to avert the projected invasion of England planned at Brussels early in 1656 between Charles II. and the Spanish government.
1718 Charles XIII of Sweden opened the country to Jewish immigration. However, economic and travel restrictions were imposed.
1744 Jews were expelled from Bohemia and 1745 from Moravia under Empress Maria Theresa.
1753 Under the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna about 35,000 Jews were expelled from Russia.
1768 Russia's expansion and the defeat of Poland confronted the Russians with large established Jewish communities, who had previously not been under their rule. Czarina Catherine II, the Great, established a territory, the so-called Pale of Settlement. It was to prevent the Jewish population from influencing Russian society and to be a buffer between Russia and its western neighbours. Jews needed special permits to travel outside the Pale. Persecutions of Jews continued violently in Poland, Lithuania and Russia, were Jews had fled from Crusaders and the Inquisition in western Europe.
1791 Jews were given citizenship in France. The age of the Enlightenment (or reason) produced a rationalism that was applied to social and economic issues.
The narrowing sense of nationhood brought trouble to the Jews again, because they were living across many nations.
1796 The Netherlands granted Jews full equality and citizenship.
1808 - 1810 Czar Alexander I wanted to integrate Jews into Russian society and ordered them to leave the villages were they resided. An estimated 500,000 Jews left the countryside and flooded into the cities, were thousands starved, froze to death or died of decease. Fear of an epidemic brought about the cancellation of the law.
1814 - 1820 Jews in Denmark were granted almost complete emancipation. German cities still regularly expelled Jews: Lübeck, Bremen, Würzburg and many towns in Franconia, Swabia and Bavaria. The so-called HEP! HEP! riots (a Crusader's shout: Hierosolyma est Perdita - Jerusalem is lost) took place in Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Beyreuth, Karlsruhe, Dusseldorf, Heidelberg, Wurzburg and even in Copenhagen.
1821 Thousands of Jews fled Greece after anti-Jewish riots.
1844 Karl Marx (a Jew) published his treatise "On the Jewish Question", Zur Judenfrage, repeating the old stereotypes Christans had used.
1845 The French socialist, Alphonse Toussenel, published his anti-Semitic attack "The Jews, King of the Time", Les Juifs Rois de l'epoque.
1848 The revolution brought the emancipation of the Jews, but already in 1851 the constitutions of Prussia and Austria included again anti-Jewish restrictions.
1850 Riot against Jews in New York City led by three Irish policemen.
1855 Comte de Gobineau published his "Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races", Essai sur l'ineqalite des races humaines. Modern antisemitism has used this heavily.
1868 Hermann Gödsche published his novel "Biarritz" under the pseudonum of Sir John Ratcliffe. A chapter entitled "In the Jewish Cemetery in Prague" he descibed a secret midnight meeting of representatives of the 12 tribes of Israel receiving directions from the Devil how to dominate the world. In 1872 only this chapter was reprinted as a pamphlet in St. Petersburg, Russia, with a statement saying that although the story was fiction, it was based on fact. The pamphlet was reprinted later in Moscow, Odessa and Prague.
1869 Jews received equal citizen status in Germany.
1870 The Ghetto in Rome was formally abolished - against the wishes of Pope Pius IX - and Jews became equal citizens in the kingdom of Italy.
1871 Father August Rohling of Prague published his pamphlet "The Talmud Jew", Der Talmudjude. It was a vicious antisemitic attack widely circulated among Catholics.
1873 Wilhelm Marr published his pamphlet "Jewry's Victory over Teutonism", Der Sieg des Judentums über das Germanentum. Here the term 'antisemitism' was used for the first time.
1875 Bismarck's Kulturkampf against the Catholics in Germany was interpreted by Catholics as being influenced by Jewish capital as revenge for the Roman persecution of the Jews.
1878 Adolph Stoecker, the founder of the Christian Socialist Workers Party in Germany, was committed to antisemitism.
More than 100,000 Rumanian Jews immigrated to the United States to avoid starvation because of discriminatory laws in their country.
1879 Professor Heinrich von Treitschke at the University of Berlin made himself a name in the world not only as a historian but also as a modern antisemite. In a collection of essays, "A Word about our Jewry", Ein Wort über unser Judentum, he stated, for example, that antisemitism is "a natural reaction of the German national feeling against a foreign element which had usurped too large a place in our life."
1881 A petition with 250,000 signatures was submitted to Bismarck by the Berlin Movement calling for severe restrictions on Jewish life in Germany.
The first of many severe pogroms against the Jews were initiated by the Sacred League in Russia, consisting of 300 army officers. The pogroms caused one of the major emigrations in Jewish history.
Eugen Duhring published his "The Jewish Question as a Problem of Race, Custom and Culture," Die Judenfrage als Rassen-, Sitten- und Kulturfrage: "The origin of the general contempt felt for the Jewish race lies in its absolute inferiority in all intellectual fields. Jews show a lack of scientific spirit, a feeble grasp of philosophy, an inability to create in mathematics, art, and even music. Fidelity and reverence with respect to anything great and noble are alien to them. Therefore, the race is inferior and depraved... The duty of the Nordic peoples is to exterminate such parasitic races as we exterminate snakes and beasts of prey."
Berlin Movement rallies ended in riots of bands moving through streets shouting "Juden raus!", attacking Jews or "Jewish-looking" people, smashing windows of Jewish businesses.
1882 Father E. A. Chabauty published "The Jews our Master", Les Juifs, nos maitres!, about Christian nations being attacked by a Jewish conspiracy.
1886 The German Antisemitic Alliance was formed by rightwing parties.
Edouard-Adolphe Drumont published his "The Jews of France", La France Juive, a violently antisemitic work widely circulated.
1887 Otto Boeckel, one of the leaders of the German Antisemitic Alliance was elected to the German Reichstag in Berlin.
Karl Lüger, a leftist politician, made his antisemitism public. He became a major leader of Austrian antisemitism. In Mein Kampf Hitler attributes his antisemitism to Lüger's influence.
1889 Max Liebermann von Sonnenberg who had been a leader in the Berlin Movement founded the German Social Antisemitc Party, Deutsch-Soziale Antisemitische Partei, in Bochum, Westpahlia.
The first antisemitic newspaper in Hungary appeared in Pressburg.
1890 and after Four million Jews fled to Western Europe and America due to persecutions in Eastern Europe. But here too - in the Land of the Free - Jews were restricted and suffered the old accusations.
Zionism developed in Europe.
Hermann Ahlwardt published his "The Aryan Peoples' Battle of Despair Against Jewry", Der Verzweiflungskampf der Arischen Völker mit dem Judentum, depicting Jewry as an octopus controlling every sector of the German nation.
Antisemitic parties gained five seats in the German Reichstag.
1892 Edouard Drumont founded the French newspaper La Libre Parole to popularize his antisemitism.
1893 Antisemitic parties won sixteen seats in the German Reichstag.
Theodor Fritsch published his "Antisemitism Chatechism" in Germany.
1894 The trial and court-martial of the French officer Alfred Dreyfus (a Jew) for treason was later proven to have been caused by high-ranking antisemitic army officers and people in the war ministry who forged documents. The Dreyfus Affair caused antisemitic riots in France.
1899 Houston Stewart Chamberlain published his work "The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century". He carried Gobineau's racial theory to its logical conclusion proclaiming Germans as the master race and urging a crusade against all Jews.
1900 - 1910 Hundreds of pogroms against the Jews were initiated and supported by the Czar's Black Hundreds in Russia and Ukraine.
A short version of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" was published by Pavolackai Krushevan in his newspaper Znamya in St. Petersburg. The acceptance of this forgery by the Czar's secret police even by Christians here and later in other countries proved how Christian anti-Judaism had predispositioned the people to believe the weirdest antisemitic propaganda. S. A. Nilus published the whole text of the Protocols in the third edition of his book, "The Great in the Small", in St. Petersburg. G. Butmi published his version of the Protocols, "The Enemies of the Human Race", in St. Petersburg (four editions in two years).(See also 1917 and 1937).
1911 Werner Sombart published his book, "The Jew and Modern Capitalism". He claimed that Judaism and capitalism are practically synonymous. He stated: "Intellectual interests and intellectual skill are more strongly developed in him [the Jew] than physical (manual) powers. (Compare 1881 where Duhring had stated the exact opposite).
1914 Anti-Jewish laws were abolished so that Jews could fight for Holy Mother Russia in WW I.
1915 Grand Duke Sergei, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian armies decreed the relocation of all Jews from the Pale fearing they would side with the Germans. 600,000 were forcibly transported to the interior of Russia. About 100,000 of them died from exposure and starvation.
1918 - 1920 Up to 200,000 Jews suffered violent death during Russia's fratricidal civil war and the Russo-Polish war in 1920. It was mainly in Ukraine, but there was also mass murder of Jews in Minsk, Pinsk and Vilna by the Polish army (documented by the US government) and in Yekaterinburg, Siberia. In July 1919 over 2,000 Jews were slaughtered by the "White" army under Admiral Kolchak. Jews were accused by the Bolshewiks of being capitalists and opposed to them, and by Whites to be Reds and Communists. They suffered more by the Whites, though, who made no difference between them and the Reds. Lenin outlawed pogroms, but the better treatment Jews received from the Reds gave Whites more "proof" that Jews were communists. Terrible tortures and slaughters of Jews happened in Ukraine under General Denikin whose White army in South Russia was armed and financed mainly by the Allies, chiefly the British.
In the Balfour Declaration the British Foreign Secretary declared Palestine to be the "national home" for the Jews. The Arab nations protested.
The "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" was first published in England.
In riots in Berlin and Munich Jews were blamed for Germany losing the war.
1920 - 1921 Gottfried zer Beek (Ludwig Müller) published the Protocols in German. It reached six editions. Müller's version became the official version of the Nazis in 1929. The Protocols were also published in France, the United States and Poland.
The "Return to Normalcy" revived the Ku Klux Klan in the United States and restrictions of all sorts were imposed on people of "Hebrew descent".
Hitler made his first important speech against the Jews on Aug. 13, urging to take away all their rights.
Approximately 1,450,000 Jews had immigrated to the United States over a period of about 30 years. To stem the immigration President Harding and the Congress rewrote the laws limiting immigration by nationality per year to three percent of the number of people of that nationality already in the U.S. as of the 1910 census. Another severe restriction of immigration was legislated in 1924.
1925 Hitler published his Mein Kampf: "If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity...Today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
1926 - 1933 Pogroms continued in the USSR, Poland, Rumania, Hungary, Greece and Mexico. In Germany Jewish cemeteries and synagogues were desecrated.
1933 Hitler came to power in Germany. Jews were barred from civil service, legal professions and universities, were not allowed to teach in schools and could not be editors of newspapers.
1934 Anti-Jewish groups formed throughout Canada. Antisemitism was blatent in many magazines and newspapers.
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yep, so the solution is to burn NT ? like they did in Israel


jesus himself is semitic, he just blamed the israelites who want to kill him and for their more.

Well, perhaps they wouldn't try to push them on jews who don't want it pushed on them.

They gave their "literature" on people who didn't want them. It's their right to burn them.

Next time they shouldn't be so rude to prostelize in such an offensive manner. They had a legal right to do it, the jews they were so arrogant with had a legal right to burn what they gave them.
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yep, so the solution is to burn NT ? like they did in Israel


jesus himself is semitic, he just blamed the israelites who want to kill him and for their more.

Really? You must have missed all the vile and hate in the NT.

Here it is to remind you.

The Anti-Jewish New Testament

Anti-Jewish polemic in the Gospel of Matthew

The Pharisees and Sadducees are called poisonous snakes

The Pharisees are called evil poisonous snakes

Condemnation of the Pharisees for rejecting the commandments

The Pharisees are called blind guides leading the blind

Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees

The Pharisees are said to be hard-hearted

The disciples of Jesus will judge the twelve tribes of Israel

The Pharisees are called hypocrites

The scribes and Pharisees are repeatedly vilified as hypocrites

The house of Jerusalem is to be forsaken and desolate

The chief priests and council condemn Jesus as deserving death

The guards tremble and become like dead when the angel appears

Gospel of Mark contains approximately 40 verses of defamatory anti-Jewish polemic. These are shown in Table II.B-1.

Table II.B-1 – Anti-Jewish polemic in the Gospel of Mark

The Pharisees are said to have begun to plan to destroy Jesus

Condemnation of the Pharisees for rejecting the commandments

Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees

The Pharisees are said to be hard-hearted

Gospel of Luke contains approximately 60 verses of defamatory anti-Jewish polemic. These are shown in Table II.C-1.

Table II.C-1 – Anti-Jewish polemic in the Gospel of Luke
The multitudes are called poisonous snakes

The members of the synagogue in Nazareth try to kill Jesus

The Pharisees are said to have rejected the purposes of God

The Pharisees and Torah scholars are repeatedly condemned

Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy

The ruler of the synagogue is condemned as a hypocrite

The house of Jerusalem is to be forsaken

The Gospel of John contains approximately 130 verses of defamatory anti-Jewish polemic. These are shown in Table II.D-1.

Table II.D-1 – Anti-Jewish polemic in the Gospel of John
The Jews are said to have persecuted Jesus and wanted to kill him

It is said that God's word and God's love is not in the Jews

It is said that none of the Jews do (what is written in) the Torah

It is said that the Jews do not know the One who has sent Jesus

It is said that the Pharisees know neither Jesus nor the Father

The Jews are said to be descendants of their father, the Devil

The Pharisees and other Jews are condemned as guilty

The Jews are said to be thieves and robbers

The Jews are depicted as those who steal and kill and destroy

The Jews are said to have picked up stones to throw at Jesus

It is said that most Jews loved the praise of men more than of God

(The Jews who) kill Jesus' disciples will think they are serving God

Acts of the Apostles contains approximately 120 verses of defamatory anti-Jewish polemic. These are shown in Table II.E-1.

Table II.E-1 – Anti-Jewish polemic in the Book of Acts


It is said that the Jews were pleased when Herod killed James

Herod is said to have seized Peter also to please the Jews

Peter is said to have realized that the Jews wanted to kill him

Paul is said to have condemned the Jew Elymas as a son of the Devil

It is said that Jews cannot be forgiven by means of the Torah

Jews are said to have spoken against Paul

Paul said to have told the Jews, "Your blood will be on your own heads!"
Jewish exorcists are shown to be condemned

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