Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin The biggest mass - killer in the History , a Muscovite and commie


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin The biggest mass - killer in the History , a Muscovite and commie of ´cos.

a monster made for Hollywood?


Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin (Russian: Васи́лий Миха́йлович Блохи́н, 7 January 1895 – 3 February 1955) was a Soviet Russian Major-General who served as the chief executioner of the Stalinist NKVD under the administrations of Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov, and Lavrentiy Beria.

Hand-picked for the position by Joseph Stalin in 1926, Blokhin led a company of executioners that performed and supervised numerous mass executions during Stalin's reign, mostly during the Great Purge and World War II.[2] He is recorded as having executed tens of thousands of prisoners by his own hand, including his killing of about 7,000 Polish prisoners of war during the Katyn massacre in spring 1940,[2][3] making him the most prolific official executioner and mass murderer in recorded world history.[2][4] Forced into retirement following the death of Stalin, Blokhin died in 1955, officially reported as a suicide."

Vasily Blokhin - Wikipedia
Nothin kills like a Commie. Oh, and Hollywood wouldn't touch it, he was a Jew.
I've read he himself was murdered, as he murdered:\

After Beria's fall from power in June of the same year, Blokhin's rank was stripped from him in the de-Stalinization campaigns of Nikita Khrushchev. He reportedly sank into alcoholism, went insane, and died on 3 February 1955, with the official cause of death listed as "suicide".[21][15][22][23]

Suicide was a cover, as the Stalinists did not disappear quickly.
I've read he himself was murdered, as he murdered:\

After Beria's fall from power in June of the same year, Blokhin's rank was stripped from him in the de-Stalinization campaigns of Nikita Khrushchev. He reportedly sank into alcoholism, went insane, and died on 3 February 1955, with the official cause of death listed as "suicide".[21][15][22][23]

Suicide was a cover, as the Stalinists did not disappear quickly.

you are 100% right, he was killed in 1955. he killed too many commies, their commie- friends after Koba´s death took revenge on Blokhin
Nothin kills like a Commie. Oh, and Hollywood wouldn't touch it, he was a Jew.
no he was not , "Nationality "Russian"
Well Russian tells me nothing. There were millions of Russian Jews. However I did find his headstone and there is an orthodox cross on it. Odd for a staunch Commie hit man. But, I guess not.View attachment 150608


funny "an orthodox cross ", who allowed it? during commie-time ...
I've read he himself was murdered, as he murdered:\

After Beria's fall from power in June of the same year, Blokhin's rank was stripped from him in the de-Stalinization campaigns of Nikita Khrushchev. He reportedly sank into alcoholism, went insane, and died on 3 February 1955, with the official cause of death listed as "suicide".[21][15][22][23]

Suicide was a cover, as the Stalinists did not disappear quickly.

have you seen it? "Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin - History channel"
I've read he himself was murdered, as he murdered:\

After Beria's fall from power in June of the same year, Blokhin's rank was stripped from him in the de-Stalinization campaigns of Nikita Khrushchev. He reportedly sank into alcoholism, went insane, and died on 3 February 1955, with the official cause of death listed as "suicide".[21][15][22][23]

Suicide was a cover, as the Stalinists did not disappear quickly.

have you seen it? "Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin - History channel"

No, I will save and watch. thank you.
I've read he himself was murdered, as he murdered:\

After Beria's fall from power in June of the same year, Blokhin's rank was stripped from him in the de-Stalinization campaigns of Nikita Khrushchev. He reportedly sank into alcoholism, went insane, and died on 3 February 1955, with the official cause of death listed as "suicide".[21][15][22][23]

Suicide was a cover, as the Stalinists did not disappear quickly.

have you seen it? "Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin - History channel"

No, I will save and watch. thank you.

its only promo. i couldn´t find a full version (((
Nothin kills like a Commie. Oh, and Hollywood wouldn't touch it, he was a Jew.
no he was not , "Nationality "Russian"
Well Russian tells me nothing. There were millions of Russian Jews. However I did find his headstone and there is an orthodox cross on it. Odd for a staunch Commie hit man. But, I guess not.View attachment 150608


funny "an orthodox cross ", who allowed it? during commie-time ...

Not unheard of............among the elite, the people were discouraged from religions, but Patriarch Kirill was openly a RO leader, then Bishop from the 70s until the end of the USSR. And the Jewish community survived even under Stalin's iron fist:

By 1970, there were three functioning synagogues in Moscow, the most historically significant of which was the Moscow Choral Synagogue (one of the three would be closed down by the authorities in 1972). In the 1950s and 1960s, The Moscow Choral Synagogue was allowed to issue a Jewish calendar and to send it to other synagogues in the USSR. In 1956 the synagogue's rabbi, Rabbi Solomon Schliefer ,was granted permission to print a prayer book from older prayer books. He named it "Siddur Ha-Shalom" ("The Prayer Book of Peace") and deleted all references to wars and victories (for example, the prayers said on Chanukkah and Purim). He is said to have printed 3,000 copies, but it was rarely seen in other synagogues in the Soviet Union. In 1957, Rabbi Schliefer was given permission by the authorities to open a yeshiva on the premesis of The Great Synagogue. He called it "Kol Ya'akov" ("The Voice of Jacob") and for several years a small number of young and middle-aged Jewish men, mostly from Georgia, were trained there.
Nothin kills like a Commie. Oh, and Hollywood wouldn't touch it, he was a Jew.
no he was not , "Nationality "Russian"
Well Russian tells me nothing. There were millions of Russian Jews. However I did find his headstone and there is an orthodox cross on it. Odd for a staunch Commie hit man. But, I guess not.View attachment 150608


funny "an orthodox cross ", who allowed it? during commie-time ...

Not unheard of............among the elite, the people were discouraged from religions, but Patriarch Kirill was openly a RO leader, then Bishop from the 70s until the end of the USSR. And the Jewish community survived even under Stalin's iron fist:

By 1970, there were three functioning synagogues in Moscow, the most historically significant of which was the Moscow Choral Synagogue (one of the three would be closed down by the authorities in 1972). In the 1950s and 1960s, The Moscow Choral Synagogue was allowed to issue a Jewish calendar and to send it to other synagogues in the USSR. In 1956 the synagogue's rabbi, Rabbi Solomon Schliefer ,was granted permission to print a prayer book from older prayer books. He named it "Siddur Ha-Shalom" ("The Prayer Book of Peace") and deleted all references to wars and victories (for example, the prayers said on Chanukkah and Purim). He is said to have printed 3,000 copies, but it was rarely seen in other synagogues in the Soviet Union. In 1957, Rabbi Schliefer was given permission by the authorities to open a yeshiva on the premesis of The Great Synagogue. He called it "Kol Ya'akov" ("The Voice of Jacob") and for several years a small number of young and middle-aged Jewish men, mostly from Georgia, were trained there.

still, a commie could not show up a religious person until 1986, as far as i remember Molotov or his wife has had an icon in one coffin and his is it. today putler´s commies lie about Koba´s religious side , but no one believes them , except such freaks

Being religious was not for the party elite, but useful at times in herding the masses.
How is the execution of seven thousand Russians a world record when the Nazis executed more than seven million Jews?
How is the execution of seven thousand Russians a world record when the Nazis executed more than seven million Jews?
7 OR 6? Blokhin did it by his own hands, no one killed that many , by the way Koba- Stalin killed MUCH MORE THAN 7 million. JUST IN Ukraine in just 2 years.

Holodomor - Wikipedia

Kazakhstan famine of 1932-1933 - Wikipedia

The Kazakhstan famine of 1932–1933, described as Kazakh catastrophe by Robert Conquest,[6] was part of the Soviet famine of 1932–33. While Ukraine was worst affected, the famine also spread to the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic's autonomous republic, Kazakhstan and other areas.[7] Kazakhs were most severely affected by the Soviet famine in terms of percentage of people who died (approximately 38%).[8] Around 1.5 million (or possibly as many as 2.0–2.3 million) people died in Kazakhstan of whom 1.3 million were ethnic Kazakhs.[1]

It is known in Kazakshan as "Goloshchekin genocide" (Kazakh: Голощекиндік геноцид),[3] in reference to Filipp Goloshchyokin, who carried out the Sovietization of Kazakhstan at the time.

Taking into an account the Kazakh famine of 1919–1922, in 10–15 years Kazakh lands lost more than half of its population due to the actions of the Soviet power."

Filipp Isayevich Goloshchyokin (Russian: Филипп Исаевич Голощёкин, birth name Isay Isaakovich Goloshchyokin) was a Russian revolutionary, Old Bolshevik, and Soviet party functionary, member of the Bolshevk Central Committee (1927-1934). He is known for taking part in the murder of the Romanov family and for the devastating role in Sovietization of Kazakhstan (Small October (ru), Russian: Малый Октябрь, a hint to the Great October) which resulted in a deadly famine in Kazakhstan of 1932–33, which took between 1 and 2 million lives and is known in Kazakhstan as "the Goloshchekin genocide" (Kazakh: Голощёкинский геноцид).[1]

At a telegraph office in Ekaterinburg on 18 July 1918, he caught Sir Thomas Preston, a diplomat at the British consulate, attempting to cable Arthur Balfour in London with the message, "The Tsar Nicholas the Second was shot last night."[2] Goloshchyokin snatched it and struck out the words of Preston's text with a red pencil, rewriting on the paper, "The hangman Tsar Nicholas was shot today - a fate he richly deserved."[2] Goloshchyokin was himself arrested in June 1941 and shot that October in an NKVD prison in Kuybyshev (now Samara, Russia), and was consigned to an unmarked grave.[3]"

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