Vancouver Museum: Knights Templar [Chinon Parchment/Decadence]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-fable involving a fictionalized Knights Templar mythology, inspired by the film The Jewel of the Nile.

It's dedicated to TrumpUSA, so I didn't want to post it in the Writing section, but what do you think?


"The Knights Templar were a special and valiant order of warriors who assisted the Christian Crusades but were involved in their own peculiar missions about the accessibility of the divine on Earth. The Knights Templar were persecuted and then 'half-assisted' by Pope Clement V who created for them the iconic Chinon Parchment which described their liberty from an unjust governance structure. This parchment came in two copies, and the first copy was discovered in 2001. The second copy is still undiscovered."


"Well, as it turns out, there's a theory that this second parchment-copy made it over to the New World (North America) where it was eventually hidden somewhere in the Museum of Vancouver (British Columbia). To find the parchment, you have to find the right triangulation of points in the Egyptian exhibit area upon which you'll find the center of the triangle which holds (in some container/vessel) the second (hidden) parchment. The parchment reveals the location of a special double-set of glass-head scepters which are also hidden in that museum."


"You then have to choose the right scepter to use to shine in a certain place through a window opening of the museum where the bright sunlight shines through and hits the glass-head of the rightly-chosen scepter and shines the light through the right angle down onto a spot on the floor which has a camouflaged glass (if colored) cylinder which heats up when the light-energy shined on it hits it. When the cylinder heats up, and the light-heat energy flows down the glass (if colored) cylinder, it hits a reflective lens underneath the floor which then redirects the light-heat to a sensitive patch of ice nearby which then melts to release a metal screw that lands on a gear-switch which opens up the trap-door to the floor, revealing an underground chamber completely cased in ice. The real trick is to choose the correct scepter to perform this deed, because the wrong scepter does not have the right glass-head composition to create the rightly sensitized frequency of light, and you can only do this 'trick' once because the ice-reflective lens/switch only works once if at all (completely or not at all if incompletely!). You determine which scepter to use (e.g., silver or gold) based on your perspective of Egyptian mythology (so the legend goes)."


"If you believe Egypt was a land only of pomp and circumstance, you might choose the gold scepter; but if you believe Egypt was a land of pomp but also grand art/architecture, you might choose the silver scepter which represents more industriousness than luxury. Choosing the right scepter will enable you to open the magic trap-door immediately and then reveal what is underneath, frozen in ice. This would be the trick of the hypothetical idealistic archaeologists interested in such a 'bizarre quest'."


"The theory is that what is hidden underground in that museum is a collection of rich red crystals which when held up to the light to reflect natural sunlight, reveals a rich blood-red color which the Knights Templar considered to be a metaphysical symbol of the transcendent quality of blood (and hence vitality). Finding the red crystal collection of note and then shining it in sunlight to praise its natural/mineral splendor will help a human being (as the Knights Templar believed) see the 'true radiance' of the paradoxical humility of blood itself --- perhaps the blood of Jesus Christ. This is what makes this Knights Templar linked 'folklore' such a symbolic notion of 'immortal fortune'."


TRUMP: What do you make of this 'Knights Templar' myth of red crystals?
CARTER: I read about it in the Post.
TRUMP: Yes, it was written by a Marvel Comics artist/writer.
CARTER: Yes, the Marvel writer infused it into a story about the Red Goblin.
TRUMP: Right; the Red Goblin is a mutant terrorist who represents anarchy.
CARTER: Correct; if these red crystals of 'metaphysical illumination' exist, it'd be great!
TRUMP: Surely it would; but who wants to go through the trouble and then get it all wrong?
CARTER: Right, after all blood-red crystals shining in sunlight reminds a man of death.
TRUMP: Perhaps these red crystals are omen-minerals the Knights Templar referenced.
CARTER: Perhaps it was a prophecy about the treasure-hunting 'mindset' of capitalism.
TRUMP: The key, according to the Marvel writer, seems to be the Chinon Parchment.
CARTER: Also choosing the correct glass-head scepter is symbolic.
TRUMP: You have to know the precise location in the Egyptian exhibit area of the museum.
CARTER: The Vancouver Museum is a celebrated site of British Columbia culture/history.
TRUMP: You know Carter, men will kill their own brothers for a taste of immortality!
CARTER: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, capitalism-titans, were also fierce rivals...
TRUMP: To embrace the 'aesthetic' of capitalism, we have to appreciate the 'spirit' of money.
CARTER: That's the real secret/message --- embracing the 'magic' of treasure/antiques.
TRUMP: I believe that's possible...I think that's the scope of capitalism.
CARTER: Superstition?
TRUMP: No, archaeology!



{Red Goblin}


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