Value added tax, (VAT)


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
“Value Added Tax”, (i.e. VAT) is a particular and superior method of administrating a sales tax.

Unlike prior (conventional) sales tax methods, VAT never taxes any prior levied taxes carried forward from prior sales transactions. Within a chain of sales links, the tax levied upon the purchaser within any transaction link is government’s total revenue realized up to that particular point within the chain of transactions.

Unlike other sales tax methods, enterprises reduce their amounts of VAT collected by the VATs they’ve paid, and only pass the difference on to the government. There is little advantage or reason for intermediate purchasers to request the seller not record a sales transaction.
VAT’s particularly suitable for global trade.
Governments waive taxes upon their exports, but they can only do so to the extent that they’re able to identify specific amounts of taxes levied upon the products within each of their export shipments.

VAT levied within the export sales’ transaction are the entire VAT (from all prior and the export link within the chain of sales transactions that can be identified and attributed to a shipment of exported goods.
The prices of exports from VAT nations are reduced by the greatest amounts.

In the case of a non-VAT nation, only sales taxes from the export transaction itself can be identified. The prices of exports are reduced by lesser amounts.

Other than sales taxes of any kind, there are few if any other taxes that can e identified and be attributed to the products within an export shipment.

[Excerpted from
“ “.

(Brookings Institute is widely regarded as a conservative think tank).

The key distinction is that VATs are collected at each stage of production, whereas retail sales taxes are collected only at point of final sale. As a result, the VAT is easier to enforce and is widely regarded as having a superior administrative structure to a retail sales tax”.

Respectfully, Supposn
(Brookings Institute is widely regarded as a conservative think tank).

If you say so.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Brookings describes itself as independent and non-partisan. The New York Times has referred to the organization as liberal, liberal-centrist, centrist, and conservative.[23][24][25][26][27][28][29] The Washington Post has described Brookings as centrist and liberal.[30][31][32][33] The Los Angeles Times described Brookings as liberal-leaning and centrist before concluding these labels made no sense.[34][35][36][37] In 1977, Time Magazine described it as the "nation's pre-eminent liberal think tank".[38] Newsweek has described Brookings as centrist[39] while Politico has used the term "center-left".[40] In addition, the organization is described as conservative by the media watchdog group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.[20][41][42][43]

Brookings Institution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cut spending.... stop looking for more ways to support their spending habit, and demand cuts!

No NEW taxes!!! Its Bullshit... leave us alone, and cut spending damn it! :mad:
In the UK, they introduced a VAT which was sold as a tax to replace income tax... people bought that shit... guess what? They pay both now. I wouldn't trust a government to do the right thing... regardless of their party. The more we give them, the more out of control they become. Stop it. Now.
I was just in ireland and England on vacation recently. They both have the VAT tax. The deal was you paid the VAT tax when you made your purchase and when you left the country, you could stop by a desk at the airport and be refunded the VAT you had paid because you were a tourist. Well, it didn't work out well in either Ireland and England. Out of all of the VAT we paid, we only got back about 10% of those taxes after filing all the paperwork and going through their procedures. It's a scam. I agree with the above posters. NO NEW TAXES OF ANY KIND. Washington needs to reduce all the damned spending they are doing and also lower the current taxes. I agree with the term "BULLSHIT".
In the UK, they introduced a VAT which was sold as a tax to replace income tax... people bought that shit... guess what? They pay both now. I wouldn't trust a government to do the right thing... regardless of their party. The more we give them, the more out of control they become. Stop it. Now.

Like hooking up a junkie to an endless supply. This would hammer the people who could afford it least.

(Brookings Institute is widely regarded as a conservative think tank).


Change 'conservative' to 'liberal' and you'd be correct. They may have been considered conservative when they questioned FDRs policies during the great depression saying they were making matters worse, but those days are long gone.

BTW, imposing a VAT tax would complete the transformation of the US into a European-style slow-growth nation. A better idea is for you to move to Europe.
“Value Added Tax”, (i.e. VAT) is a particular and superior method of administrating a sales tax.

Unlike prior (conventional) sales tax methods, VAT never taxes any prior levied taxes carried forward from prior sales transactions. Within a chain of sales links, the tax levied upon the purchaser within any transaction link is government’s total revenue realized up to that particular point within the chain of transactions.

Unlike other sales tax methods, enterprises reduce their amounts of VAT collected by the VATs they’ve paid, and only pass the difference on to the government. There is little advantage or reason for intermediate purchasers to request the seller not record a sales transaction.
VAT’s particularly suitable for global trade.
Governments waive taxes upon their exports, but they can only do so to the extent that they’re able to identify specific amounts of taxes levied upon the products within each of their export shipments.

VAT levied within the export sales’ transaction are the entire VAT (from all prior and the export link within the chain of sales transactions that can be identified and attributed to a shipment of exported goods.
The prices of exports from VAT nations are reduced by the greatest amounts.

In the case of a non-VAT nation, only sales taxes from the export transaction itself can be identified. The prices of exports are reduced by lesser amounts.

Other than sales taxes of any kind, there are few if any other taxes that can e identified and be attributed to the products within an export shipment.

[Excerpted from
“ A Value-Added Tax for the United States: Part of the Solution | Brookings Institution “.

(Brookings Institute is widely regarded as a conservative think tank).

The key distinction is that VATs are collected at each stage of production, whereas retail sales taxes are collected only at point of final sale. As a result, the VAT is easier to enforce and is widely regarded as having a superior administrative structure to a retail sales tax”.

Respectfully, Supposn

another of your idiotic liberal ideas

1) conservative won't support it because it is just another revenue stream for big government anti-American liberals

2) liberals won't support it because our class warfare communist president as trained his followers to want to tax the rich class only.
Value actually needs to be added befor it can be taxed.

How much value does the government add?

Some people say 'much'.

Then it should be taxed.

Fair is fair.

VAT to replace Corporate Income Tax would grow manufacturing jobs, economy. (Bill Clinton explains VAT.) Go to:
VAT to replace Corporate Income Tax would grow manufacturing jobs, economy. (Bill Clinton explains VAT.) Go to:
A VAT tax will NEVER replace an existing tax, it'll just be added on top and we'll be told afterwards: "Well it's too late to change it now".
VAT to replace Corporate Income Tax would grow manufacturing jobs, economy. (Bill Clinton explains VAT.) Go to:
A VAT tax will NEVER replace an existing tax, it'll just be added on top and we'll be told afterwards: "Well it's too late to change it now".

and we would be told pass this bill into law so we can see whats in it...
VAT to replace Corporate Income Tax would grow manufacturing jobs, economy. (Bill Clinton explains VAT.) Go to:
A VAT tax will NEVER replace an existing tax, it'll just be added on top and we'll be told afterwards: "Well it's too late to change it now".

yes exactly, Republicans can never support a VAT because it will be just another tax for bigger and bigger, liberal government while Democrats can never support it because everyone pays it while now only the rich pay taxes.
In the UK, they introduced a VAT which was sold as a tax to replace income tax... people bought that shit... guess what? They pay both now. I wouldn't trust a government to do the right thing... regardless of their party. The more we give them, the more out of control they become. Stop it. Now.

If politicians claim that they create a new tax to replace another one, the old tax will remain. This is a lesson that educated citizens should know.

The key distinction is that VATs are collected at each stage of production, whereas retail sales taxes are collected only at point of final sale. As a result, the VAT is easier to enforce and is widely regarded as having a superior administrative structure to a retail sales tax.

In fact, the VAT is the first source of revenue for the European Union governments, according to Eurostat. Followed by taxes on labour. Taxes on capital only come in third place.

The European Union does not allow any member state to cut the VAT standard rate below 15%. But Brussels bureaucrats have nothing to worry about: most governments are actually raising it to 20-25% levels.
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In the UK, they introduced a VAT which was sold as a tax to replace income tax... people bought that shit... guess what? They pay both now. I wouldn't trust a government to do the right thing... regardless of their party. The more we give them, the more out of control they become. Stop it. Now.

If politicians claim that they create a new tax to replace another one, the old tax will remain. This is a lesson that educated citizens should know.

The key distinction is that VATs are collected at each stage of production, whereas retail sales taxes are collected only at point of final sale. As a result, the VAT is easier to enforce and is widely regarded as having a superior administrative structure to a retail sales tax.

In fact, the VAT is the first source of revenue for the European Union governments, according to Eurostat. Followed by taxes on labour. Taxes on capital only come in third place.

The European Union does not allow any member state to cut the VAT standard rate below 15%. But Brussels bureaucrats have nothing to worry about: most governments are actually raising it to 20-25% levels.

EuroConservative, to whatever extent feasible I advocate shifting from taxing net incomes to a general sales tax.

Income taxes by far our nation’s major federal tax revenue source. If we enact major transformations of our major tax revenue sources, prudence suggests incremental rather than a single step enactment. I hope and believe U.S.Congress will not be so imprudent.

I do not believe that complete replacement of income taxes with a sales tax would be the optimum tax policy. At some incremental transformation step the sales tax will approach an unacceptable rate and further transformation will be interrupted (f not permanently halted).

If I’m incorrect, income taxes will be entirely eliminated. I of course believe myself to be correct.

Respectfully, Supposn
EuroConservative, to whatever extent feasible I advocate shifting from taxing net incomes to a general sales tax.

its not even on the table because it would be just another tax on top of all the other liberal taxes and so just another excuse to treasonously grow the limited government our Founders gave us.

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