
Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
Just got done watching the auto-documentary "Val", about Val Kilmer.

I had no idea he'd battled throat cancer. That makes it a bit difficult to watch at times.

His son Jack narrates as his father, and the voice similarity is spooky.

If you ever thought Val Kilmer was just Iceman and the genius in Real Science, you should watch this. It's really well done...
I started on it, and wanted to see what's up with it, as I've wondered about that guy, and got to the part where he was admitted to the prestigious Julliard school in NYC, that is as high as you can go in regards to drama school. It looked really well done and will finish it for sure, but I had to get back to "The Last Narc", about the murder of DEA agent Kiki Camarena in 1985.

Holy fuck, this is not only well done, but it is revealing things about his murder I never knew, like a CIA spook named Felix Rodriguez was present at his 36 hour torture and murder, and how the DEA and CIA actively impeded investigating his murder. This was during Iran-Contra. Mexican government complicity in the drug trade went all the way to the President of Mexico, all the top generals and police officers were in on it.

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