Utah Bill Criminalizes Miscarriage


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
A bill passed by the Utah House and Senate this week and waiting for the governor's signature, will make it a crime for a woman to have a miscarriage, and make induced abortion a crime in some instances.

According Lynn M. Paltrow, executive director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, what makes Utah's proposed law unique is that it is specifically designed to be punitive toward pregnant women, not those who might assist or cause an illegal abortion or unintended miscarriage.

The bill passed by legislators amends Utah's criminal statute to allow the state to charge a woman with criminal homicide for inducing a miscarriage or obtaining an illegal abortion. The basis for the law was a recent case in which a 17-year-old girl, who was seven months pregnant, paid a man $150 to beat her in an attempt to cause a miscarriage. Although the girl gave birth to a baby later given up for adoption, she was initially charged with attempted murder. However the charges were dropped because, at the time, under Utah state law a woman could not be prosecuted for attempting to arrange an abortion, lawful or unlawful.

The bill passed by the Utah legislature would change that. While the bill does not affect legally obtained abortions, it criminalizes any actions taken by women to induce a miscarriage or abortion outside of a doctor's care, with penalties including up to life in prison.

"What is really radical and different about this statute is that all of the other states' feticide laws are directed to third party attackers," Paltrow explained. "[Other states' feticide laws] were passed in response to a pregnant woman who has been beaten up by a husband or boyfriend. Utah's law is directed to the woman herself and that's what makes it different and dangerous

Utah Bill Criminalizes Miscarriage | RHRealityCheck.org

shades of atwood's "hand maiden's tale"
A bill passed by the Utah House and Senate this week and waiting for the governor's signature, will make it a crime for a woman to have a miscarriage, and make induced abortion a crime in some instances.

According Lynn M. Paltrow, executive director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, what makes Utah's proposed law unique is that it is specifically designed to be punitive toward pregnant women, not those who might assist or cause an illegal abortion or unintended miscarriage.

Does not match with
The bill passed by legislators amends Utah's criminal statute to allow the state to charge a woman with criminal homicide for inducing a miscarriage or obtaining an illegal abortion.
First you say it punished women for having a miscarriage and not just for inducing it. Then you say it's for inducing it.

Which is it?
"What is really radical and different about this statute is that all of the other states' feticide laws are directed to third party attackers," Paltrow explained.
And the women got away scot-free? And going after the women herself for is wrong.... why?

Utah's law is directed to the woman herself and that's what makes it different and dangerous."

So it's dangerous because it says women are responsible for their actions as men are?

In addition to criminalizing an intentional attempt to induce a miscarriage or abortion, the bill also creates a standard that could make women legally responsible for miscarriages caused by "reckless" behavior.
Using the legal standard of "reckless behavior" all a district attorney needs to show is that a woman behaved in a manner that is thought to cause miscarriage, even if she didn't intend to lose the pregnancy. Drink too much alcohol and have a miscarriage? Under the new law such actions could be cause for prosecution.

Sounds similar o child endangerment laws.

"This creates a law that makes any pregnant woman who has a miscarriage potentially criminally liable for murder," says Missy Bird, executive director of Planned Parenthood Action Fund of Utah.

Not based on what the articles' said thus far.

Bird says there are no exemptions in the bill for victims of domestic violence

Being a victim would generally rule out acting of your own volition, no?

Such a standard could even make falling down stairs a prosecutable event, such as the recent case in Iowa where a pregnant woman who fell down the stairs at her home was arrested under the suspicion she was trying to terminate her pregnancy.

Many people are investigated and/or arrested under suspicion of committing crimes. If they find a baby dead at the bottom of the stairs, is there something wrong with acting as though it's possible I dropped it intentionally, if there are suspicious circumstances?

While many states have fetal homicide laws most apply only in the third trimester. Utah's bill would apply throughout the entirety of a woman's pregnancy. Even first trimester miscarriages could become the basis for a murder trial.

It took an awful long time before you finally made what could be a valid complaint. Do they plan to cite the relevant language in the bill?

"Science now makes clear that drug use by pregnant women does not create unique risks for pregnant women, although it is likely that among those targeted for prosecutions by this statute will be women who go to term under drug usage," she said.

Huh? Crackbabies and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome- ever heard of them?
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Your headline is misleading. The law criminalizes the act of creating a miscarriage not a miscarriage caused by natural events. But then we have never accused the left of being honest now have we?

And if someone decides to accuse a woman of inducing her miscarriage?

Or will medical staffs grill women over their miscarriage as they now grill parents over children brought in with injuries (not that I disagree with that, mind you)?
Your headline is misleading. The law criminalizes the act of creating a miscarriage not a miscarriage caused by natural events. But then we have never accused the left of being honest now have we?

And if someone decides to accuse a woman of inducing her miscarriage?

Or will medical staffs grill women over their miscarriage as they now grill parents over children brought in with injuries (not that I disagree with that, mind you)?

Your headline is misleading. The law criminalizes the act of creating a miscarriage not a miscarriage caused by natural events. But then we have never accused the left of being honest now have we?

And if someone decides to accuse a woman of inducing her miscarriage?

Or will medical staffs grill women over their miscarriage as they now grill parents over children brought in with injuries (not that I disagree with that, mind you)?

Yup? how can they prove it was intentional. Yet another stupid law
first it is not my headline...its the headline that ran with the story.....2nd....only the last part..saying shades of atwoods handmaidens tale...is mine...but i got 2 neg reps for being dishonest????

what the fuck is with that?

New reputation!


Hi, you have received -1 reputation points from Nonelitist.
Reputation was given for this post.

dishonest post


now please explain how this was a "dishonest post"?

New reputation!


Hi, you have received -17 reputation points from ☭proletarian☭.
Reputation was given for this post.

You proved your own claims a lie


now what claims did i make?
bones, "induced miscarriage" is abortion. Just saying.

i understand the concept of induced miscarriage....i also see a slippery slope...

should "induced miscarriage" be considered when a woman leads a lifestyle not good for the fetus?

Exactly. Will a woman be charged if she's known to drink while pregnant? Exercise while pregnant? Smoke while pregnant?
I see more teenage mothers in Utah's future...

Why? They are able to get legal abortions. If anything, this law is protecting them..... from themselves and their own stupidity.

how is it protecting them?

it's making it illegal to take RU-486.... and it's nothing more than more religious right BS to try to give fetuses rights.

This law will last about as long as it just took me to type this response
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A bill passed by the Utah House and Senate this week and waiting for the governor's signature, will make it a crime for a woman to have a miscarriage, and make induced abortion a crime in some instances.

According Lynn M. Paltrow, executive director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, what makes Utah's proposed law unique is that it is specifically designed to be punitive toward pregnant women, not those who might assist or cause an illegal abortion or unintended miscarriage.

The bill passed by legislators amends Utah's criminal statute to allow the state to charge a woman with criminal homicide for inducing a miscarriage or obtaining an illegal abortion. The basis for the law was a recent case in which a 17-year-old girl, who was seven months pregnant, paid a man $150 to beat her in an attempt to cause a miscarriage. Although the girl gave birth to a baby later given up for adoption, she was initially charged with attempted murder. However the charges were dropped because, at the time, under Utah state law a woman could not be prosecuted for attempting to arrange an abortion, lawful or unlawful.

The bill passed by the Utah legislature would change that. While the bill does not affect legally obtained abortions, it criminalizes any actions taken by women to induce a miscarriage or abortion outside of a doctor's care, with penalties including up to life in prison.

"What is really radical and different about this statute is that all of the other states' feticide laws are directed to third party attackers," Paltrow explained. "[Other states' feticide laws] were passed in response to a pregnant woman who has been beaten up by a husband or boyfriend. Utah's law is directed to the woman herself and that's what makes it different and dangerous

Utah Bill Criminalizes Miscarriage | RHRealityCheck.org

shades of atwood's "hand maiden's tale"

How is it criminal if done outside of a doctor's care but okey-dokey if the doc performs the abortion? Don't you end up with a dead, unborn human either way? :confused:
This is about banning RU-486 sales?

No because that is prescribed by a doctor, I think?

'Plan B' Gets FDA's Over-Counter Approval : NPR

Plan B and RU486 aren't the same thing.

A common concern that people always share with me is whether or not Plan B (also known as the morning-after pill) is the same thing as RU486 (the abortion pill). Emergency contraception is often viewed synonymously with the abortion pill. It is important to realize, however, that these two medications serve two different purposes and work completely different from one another.

RU486 results in a termination of a pregnancy and is only used after pregnancy is established (and no more than 49 days since a woman’s last menstrual period). On the other hand, Plan B is used to prevent pregnancy when taken within 5 days after unprotected intercourse. It will not harm an existing pregnancy and does not cause an abortion.
The Abortion Pill vs. The Morning-After Pill... Are they the same thing?

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