USMB Late Night Bar & Grill


Active Member
Apr 12, 2006
New Jersey
So what brings you guys to this place at 1:05 AM (EST)?

My deal is pretty simple...

I have been visiting my father in Michigan this summer. My girlfriend is back in Jersey. She is supposed to call me sometime soon. So I wait...and chat it up on the ol' message board.

I have never lived in Michigan, so I do not have much of a social life here. My life consists of golfing with my dad, eating, watching baseball, and spending time online. Not that I am complaining, I enjoy spending time with my dad. Next week I start work back in Jersey, and I will be living at a friends house.

So there is my story.

Who else wants to share a little slice of life at the USMB bar & grill.
I am a true night owl, and my husband isn't. Also, I don't work on Fridays.


Btw, I like my Grills with an "e" on the end. Makes me feel all sophisticated and stuff.

Abbey Normal said:
I am a true night owl, and my husband isn't. Also, I don't work on Fridays.


Btw, I like my Grills with an "e" on the end. Makes me feel all sophisticated and stuff.


The phone call is over, lol...a quick one tonight.

Anyways, is there a way I can add the 'e'?
Abbey Normal said:
Nah, but we will all imagine it is there. :wine:

Sounds good.

A little bit of bar stool conversation: are you from anywhere in the mid-atlantic in particular. I here mid-atlantic and I think of Maryland. I went to a Cheese Cake Factory in Baltimore...they were out of Oreo Cheese Cake :duh3: .
1549 said:
Sounds good.

A little bit of bar stool conversation: are you from anywhere in the mid-atlantic in particular. I here mid-atlantic and I think of Maryland. I went to a Cheese Cake Factory in Baltimore...they were out of Oreo Cheese Cake :duh3: .

I grew up in and went to college in NYC, and am now in Delaware, where my husband grew up. ClayTaurus lives in Maryland. Annapolis, to be exact, the lucky duck.

Btw, if you are interested, there is a map here somewhere that shows where people live.
I'm in the painful process of readjusting my sleep cycle. I've been hitting the hay at about 4 AM and waking up at 3 PM for the last week or so, but I've got an internship starting in two weeks, and all my college friends have left for parts unknown. Although I'm from New Orleans, I haven't really lived here for any extended period of time since I left for boarding school at the beginning of 9th grade, so I don't know anyone really well. Still can't get to sleep though, and I'm the only one left awake, so it's either this or Jared Diamond's Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.
Abbey Normal said:
I grew up in and went to college in NYC, law school in PA, spent some time in Jersey, and am now in Delaware, where my husband grew up. ClayTaurus lives in Maryland. Annapolis, to be exact, the lucky duck.

Btw, if you are interested, there is a map here somewhere that shows where people live.

So the question is, where haven't you lived in the mid-atlantic?

I went to a town in Delaware after high school prom, Bethany Beach I believe it was called.

Sometimes I regret not applying to any NYC schools. Not that I don't like Rutgers, it is just that going to school in NYC would be a whole lot of fun. To be honest though, I am a Chicago guy. Living in the big apple would betray my windy city roots.
1549 said:
Sometimes I regret not applying to any NYC schools. Not that I don't like Rutgers, it is just that going to school in NYC would be a whole lot of fun. To be honest though, I am a Chicago guy. Living in the big apple would betray my windy city roots.

Ironically, I am trying to convince my daughter to not go to school in NYC.

I've never been to Chicago, but being right on the lake looks very nice.
Mr.Conley said:
I'm in the painful process of readjusting my sleep cycle. I've been hitting the hay at about 4 AM and waking up at 3 PM for the last week or so, but I've got an internship starting in two weeks, and all my college friends have left for parts unknown. Although I'm from New Orleans, I haven't really lived here for any extended period of time since I left for boarding school at the beginning of 9th grade, so I don't know anyone really well. Still can't get to sleep though, and I'm the only one left awake, so it's either this or Jared Diamond's Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.

I feel ya buddy. All of my classes last semester were later in the day. I fell into the pattern of staying up until 3 or 4. When finals came around I had to wake up at 7 the first morning...I was screwed. I was running on coffee that day.
1549 said:
Sometimes I regret not applying to any NYC schools. Not that I don't like Rutgers, it is just that going to school in NYC would be a whole lot of fun. To be honest though, I am a Chicago guy. Living in the big apple would betray my windy city roots.
I had an older brother at Columbia and a cousin at NYU Stern, at first they both loved the big city atmosphere. But by the end of their time, both were scrambling to get out. They couldn't take the city anymore. My brother ended up doing a year guiding tours in the Appalacians to get it out of him. THen again, they're both from "small" cities, nothing like Chicago.
Abbey Normal said:
Ironically, I am trying to convince my daughter to not go to school in NYC.

I've never been to Chicago, but being right on the lake looks very nice.

The lake is nice in the summer. People think of Chicago as a cold city, but the summers can be brutally hot and humid. I remember one summer as a kid ('94 or '95) when quite a few people died. So when the wind blows in off the lake during the summer it is refreshing.

Chicago is a nice city. An NYC resident once described Chicago to me like this, "If you turned New York upside down, shook out all the garbage, and turned it back over, you would have Chicago". I would agree that Chicago is cleaner. It also has better food. I really do like New York though, and I make sure to enjoy every trip across the Hudson.
1549 said:
The lake is nice in the summer. People think of Chicago as a cold city, but the summers can be brutally hot and humid. I remember one summer as a kid ('94 or '95) when quite a few people died. So when the wind blows in off the lake during the summer it is refreshing.

Chicago is a nice city. An NYC resident once described Chicago to me like this, "If you turned New York upside down, shook out all the garbage, and turned it back over, you would have Chicago". I would agree that Chicago is cleaner. It also has better food. I really do like New York though, and I make sure to enjoy every trip across the Hudson.

NYC is a lot of fun. But when you live there and work there, it can get to be a bit much. Just my opinion, though. Tons of people wouldn't have it any other way.
1549 said:
I feel ya buddy. All of my classes last semester were later in the day. I fell into the pattern of staying up until 3 or 4. When finals came around I had to wake up at 7 the first morning...I was screwed. I was running on coffee that day.
My finals weren't bad, but I had 3 term papers. I ended up pulling three consecutive all-nighters in order to get them done. Talk about pain. I literally got a point where I was so tired that didn't feel tired anymore.

Next years going to be great though. I'm going to Beijing University for the fall semester. Not only will I have a bunch of hardcore rote learning classes, but it'll be in a language I'm barely proficent in.
Mr.Conley said:
I had an older brother at Columbia and a cousin at NYU Stern, at first they both loved the big city atmosphere. But by the end of their time, both were scrambling to get out. They couldn't take the city anymore. My brother ended up doing a year guiding tours in the Appalacians to get it out of him. THen again, they're both from "small" cities, nothing like Chicago.

Columbia is a beautiful campus. I went there for a journalism conference a couple of years ago and absolutley enjoyed walking through the old buildings.

My girlfriend's sister goes to NYU. NYU has the city atmosphere, but does not have a Columbia-style central campus. I think that sort of takes away from the college experience a little bit. She has a lot of fun though...and her meal card works at Starbucks.
Mr.Conley said:
My finals weren't bad, but I had 3 term papers. I ended up pulling three consecutive all-nighters in order to get them done. Talk about pain. I literally got a point where I was so tired that didn't feel tired anymore.

Next years going to be great though. I'm going to Beijing University for the fall semester. Not only will I have a bunch of hardcore rote learning classes, but it'll be in a language I'm barely proficent in.

Sounds like a pretty exciting semester, what is your major?
1549 said:
Columbia is a beautiful campus. I went there for a journalism conference a couple of years ago and absolutley enjoyed walking through the old buildings.

My girlfriend's sister goes to NYU. NYU has the city atmosphere, but does not have a Columbia-style central campus. I think that sort of takes away from the college experience a little bit. She has a lot of fun though...and her meal card works at Starbucks.
It's a great place, but after 9/11, I didn't want to live in the #1 terrorist target on the planet. Plus the neighborhood was in too many ways like home.

As for NYU, as far as I can tell, that is New York.

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