Using Ultralight Planes To Drop Drugs


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
In Risky Twist, Using Ultralight Planes To Drop Drugs
Peter O'Dowd | NPR |
May 26th, 2011

They've used tunnels and boats, and now Mexican drug traffickers are getting more creative. Smugglers are using ultralight airplanes to drop a few hundred pounds of marijuana at a time into the United States.
It's just one more method in a smuggling portfolio that appears to be expanding as pressure increases on the ground from American law enforcement.
88.5 WFDD | NPR: In Risky Twist, Using Ultralight Planes To Drop Drugs

How much more will it take before our government get the message that we have been invaded, attacked and occupied by Mexico and like any other terrorist organization, drugs cartels need to be met with all the force we have. Drugs are destorying Americans and most come across the border.
Arizona is becoming as dangerous as Mexico.
The answer is obvious; Ban Ultralight Planes! Those planes are evil I say, EVIL! :uhoh3:

Seriously now, the border is wide open because the US Government, who is owned by corporate and banking interests, want's it that way.

It will stay that way until we all realize that and demand our elected reps do what we tell them to do.
the US-Mexico border is open because it is 2,200 miles of mostly badlands...If a drug-trafficer is using ultralight aricraft, then they're crossing terrain so remote and unaccessable from the ground. With tighter security at the check points, mules have been forced to the most remote areas to make their drops.

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