US To Tell Turkey End Religious Discrimination!


Jun 29, 2011
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Sponsor: Rep. Edward “Ed” Royce [R-CA40]

Rep. Ed Royce American Armenian’s Man of the Year
Rep. Ed Royce American Armenian

Why should any Turk give a fuck about "Ed Royce" ?
I don't, and I'm sure Turkish government doesn't also.
Never heard of him before.
Sponsor: Rep. Edward “Ed” Royce [R-CA40]

Rep. Ed Royce American Armenian’s Man of the Year
Rep. Ed Royce American Armenian

Why should any Turk give a fuck about "Ed Royce" ?
I don't, and I'm sure Turkish government doesn't also.
Never heard of him before.
Islam and Muslims in general are intolerant and violent towards other religions, and show a total lack of repect for shrines and sites that are Holy to other religions.

My question is why doesn't the West and the non Muslim world treat Muslims exactly the way Muslims treat non Muslims? Is it because we cannot lower ourselves to their barbaric level? Or is it that we are denial, brainwashed and being lied to abut the true nature of Islam and Muslim culture? Or perhaps we have decided to believe the liberalist philosophy of tolerating the intolerants hoping that we will not self destruct as a result? Maybe it's a combination of all three.
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The Christian Byzantines built the Hagia Sophia cathedral in Constantinople that was the most magnificent church in the world for 1000 years until turkish barbarians conquered Constantinople, renamed it istanbul, and defaced and raped the Hagia Sophia by transforming it into a disgusting mosque with vulgar minarets.

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My question is why doesn't the West and the non Muslim world treat Muslims exactly the way Muslims treat non Muslims? Is it because we cannot lower ourselves to their barbaric level? Or is it that we are denial, brainwashed and being lied to abut the true nature of Islam and Muslim culture? Or perhaps we have decided to believe the liberalist philosophy of tolerating the intolerants hoping that we will not self destruct as a result? Maybe it's a combination of all three.

Or maybe you are just poorly informed.

I can think of a dozen examples of Christians slaughtering religions minorities with great pleasure and cruetly, enslaving them and butchering them. I can also think of a dozen examples of minorities living in Muslim countries and being treated with dignity and respect.

Your post smacks of exactly the disrespect and intolerance you claim to oppose...maybe you should practice tolerance yourself?
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My question is why doesn't the West and the non Muslim world treat Muslims exactly the way Muslims treat non Muslims? Is it because we cannot lower ourselves to their barbaric level? Or is it that we are denial, brainwashed and being lied to abut the true nature of Islam and Muslim culture? Or perhaps we have decided to believe the liberalist philosophy of tolerating the intolerants hoping that we will not self destruct as a result? Maybe it's a combination of all three.

Or maybe you are just poorly informed.

I can think of a dozen examples of Christians slaughtering religions minorities with great pleasure and cruetly, enslaving them and butchering them. I can also think of a dozen examples of minorities living in Muslim countries and being treated with dignity and respect.

Your post smacks of exactly the disrespect and intolerance you claim to oppose...maybe you should practice tolerance yourself?

Jesus preached peace. Christian doctrine is one of peace.

The perverted pedophile muhammad preached war. Most of the pedophile prophet's biography is about his caravan hijackings and his wars. Military career of Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islime is a cult of killing to find the mythical 72 whores in that bordello in the sky. :bow3:

Quran 9:111: Verily, Allâh has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allâh's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success.
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My question is why doesn't the West and the non Muslim world treat Muslims exactly the way Muslims treat non Muslims? Is it because we cannot lower ourselves to their barbaric level? Or is it that we are denial, brainwashed and being lied to abut the true nature of Islam and Muslim culture? Or perhaps we have decided to believe the liberalist philosophy of tolerating the intolerants hoping that we will not self destruct as a result? Maybe it's a combination of all three.

Or maybe you are just poorly informed.

I can think of a dozen examples of Christians slaughtering religions minorities with great pleasure and cruetly, enslaving them and butchering them. I can also think of a dozen examples of minorities living in Muslim countries and being treated with dignity and respect.

Your post smacks of exactly the disrespect and intolerance you claim to oppose...maybe you should practice tolerance yourself?
Can you show me where in the world today Christians are committing genocide on others, blowing up their shrines, carrying out terrorism on a regular basis on on Christians? Can you show me a Christian state or entity that is promoting and financing slaughter of all Christians? I don't see it.
Can you show me where in the world today Christians are committing genocide on others, blowing up their shrines, carrying out terrorism on a regular basis on on Christians? Can you show me a Christian state or entity that is promoting and financing slaughter of all Christians? I don't see it.

Oh, absolutely I can - I can think of a dozen instances within the past 20 years or so when we have seen so-called Christians involved in genocide or at east mass slaughter. In some cases against other Christians, in some cases against people they consider lesser mortals.

Have you heard of the Lord's Resistance Army?

How about the Dirty Generals in Argentina, Pinochet in Chile or Cristiani in El Salvador?

And then, just off the top of my head: Liberia, Sierra Leone, DR Congo, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Guatemala...shall I go on?

In each case we saw armed groups fighting and killing in the name of Jesus.

I don't see any connection between religion and violence myself - they all seem to fight without any thought for ethics or belief when they feel like it. I don't think any major religion can claim to be a real religion of peace.
Can you show me where in the world today Christians are committing genocide on others, blowing up their shrines, carrying out terrorism on a regular basis on on Christians? Can you show me a Christian state or entity that is promoting and financing slaughter of all Christians? I don't see it.

Oh, absolutely I can - I can think of a dozen instances within the past 20 years or so when we have seen so-called Christians involved in genocide or at east mass slaughter. In some cases against other Christians, in some cases against people they consider lesser mortals.

Have you heard of the Lord's Resistance Army?

How about the Dirty Generals in Argentina, Pinochet in Chile or Cristiani in El Salvador?

And then, just off the top of my head: Liberia, Sierra Leone, DR Congo, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Guatemala...shall I go on?

In each case we saw armed groups fighting and killing in the name of Jesus.

I don't see any connection between religion and violence myself - they all seem to fight without any thought for ethics or belief when they feel like it. I don't think any major religion can claim to be a real religion of peace.

You're allowed to be dumb. It's the only thing you do well. :clap2:

Those Christians who perpetrate terrorism go against Christian doctrine.

Those muslimes who perpetrate terrorism follow the path to allah. :bow3:

Quran 9:111 Verily, Allâh has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allâh's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success.
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."

Matthew 10.34

"Now go and and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.' "

1 Samuel 15
Torah: Love thy neighbor as thyself. 10 Commandments: Thou Shall Not Kill.

Quran: We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"

Quran 8:12: I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes."

Alexis de Toqueville...
I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.
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The Christian Byzantines built the Hagia Sophia cathedral in Constantinople that was the most magnificent church in the world for 1000 years until turkish barbarians conquered Constantinople, renamed it istanbul, and defaced and raped the Hagia Sophia by transforming it into a disgusting mosque with vulgar minarets.

The Ottoman Empire was known as the Sick Man of Europe and today turkey is the pathetic third world remnant of the Sick Man of Europe.
The Ottoman Empire was known as the Sick Man of Europe and today turkey is the pathetic third world remnant of the Sick Man of Europe.

Says the man who has never been there.

In reality it's a really vibrant country, has amazing culture, and in many ways is doing very well as an economy. I was there twice last year, and love being there.

GDP per capita is over US$10,000 a year, which is good for a massive and largely rural country, and exports are worth $140 billion a year.

It does need to sort the issues with Kuridstan and Cyprus out, and there is a risk of exremism becoming a problem, but right now it is secular, safe and stable.

Why not grow a pair and go and see it for yourself rather than just posting chidlish gossip?
Can you show me where in the world today Christians are committing genocide on others, blowing up their shrines, carrying out terrorism on a regular basis on on Christians? Can you show me a Christian state or entity that is promoting and financing slaughter of all Christians? I don't see it.

Oh, absolutely I can - I can think of a dozen instances within the past 20 years or so when we have seen so-called Christians involved in genocide or at east mass slaughter. In some cases against other Christians, in some cases against people they consider lesser mortals.

Have you heard of the Lord's Resistance Army?

How about the Dirty Generals in Argentina, Pinochet in Chile or Cristiani in El Salvador?

And then, just off the top of my head: Liberia, Sierra Leone, DR Congo, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Guatemala...shall I go on?

In each case we saw armed groups fighting and killing in the name of Jesus.

I don't see any connection between religion and violence myself - they all seem to fight without any thought for ethics or belief when they feel like it. I don't think any major religion can claim to be a real religion of peace.
Idiot, try keeping up, I asked for an example of Christians slaughtering non Christians in the name of Jesus, on a regular basis, as we see Muslims doing allowed the world today. You are not only ignorant, but dense as well. So far you've shown jack.
Roudy -

I answered your point accurately, and with a dozen recent examples of "Christians slaughtering non Christians (sic) in the name of Jesus".

Rather than get angry, why not acknowledge that these examples are all accurate, and adjust your thinking accordingly?

Feel free to debate the merits of each country I have one by one if you like - I am fairly familiar with each country, and assume you are as well.
Can you show me where in the world today Christians are committing genocide on others, blowing up their shrines, carrying out terrorism on a regular basis on on Christians? Can you show me a Christian state or entity that is promoting and financing slaughter of all Christians? I don't see it.

Oh, absolutely I can - I can think of a dozen instances within the past 20 years or so when we have seen so-called Christians involved in genocide or at east mass slaughter. In some cases against other Christians, in some cases against people they consider lesser mortals.

Have you heard of the Lord's Resistance Army?

How about the Dirty Generals in Argentina, Pinochet in Chile or Cristiani in El Salvador?

And then, just off the top of my head: Liberia, Sierra Leone, DR Congo, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Guatemala...shall I go on?

In each case we saw armed groups fighting and killing in the name of Jesus.

I don't see any connection between religion and violence myself - they all seem to fight without any thought for ethics or belief when they feel like it. I don't think any major religion can claim to be a real religion of peace.
Idiot, try keeping up, I asked for an example of Christians slaughtering non Christians in the name of Jesus, on a regular basis, as we see Muslims doing allowed the world today. You are not only ignorant, but dense as well. So far you've shown jack.

The Crusades however that dates back several centuries and Christians have since learned from their mistakes.

When will this allah send a memo to the religion of peace'ers to knock off the jihad?

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