US to leave Syria after ISIS´ defeat


Nov 14, 2012
Contrary to prior reports, the US State Department announced that no US forces will stay in Syria after ISIS is defeated.

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:45 P.M.) – The U.S. does not plan on extending their stay in Syria after the Islamic State (ISIL) is defeated, the Spokesperson for the U.S. State Department, Heather Nauert stated this week.

“That is not our plan, our intent is to defeat ISIS,” Nauert said when asked if the United States plans to stay in Syria after defeating ISIS, as quoted by Ara News Agency.

“Syria must be governed by its own people and not by the United States or other forces,” Nauert added.

This latest statement by the U.S. State Department comes after some reports surfaced claiming the U.S. plans to remain in Syria for several years."

US will not remain in Syria after ISIL's defeated: State Dept
There was a thread stating just the opposite yesterday.

To leave Syria would be a lot wiser decision though. The Noble Peace Prizer Obama had NO business there to begin with, neither he had in Libya and Ukraine.

not at the time he ventured forth---however look at a map ----there are very important issues that interest the Imperialist Iran and Russia in those places (hint waterway control)
There was a thread stating just the opposite yesterday.

To leave Syria would be a lot wiser decision though. The Noble Peace Prizer Obama had NO business there to begin with, neither he had in Libya and Ukraine.
Let´s not forget there is no such thing as Obama or Trump really ruling something. This started under Bush:

"In the past few months, as the situation in Iraq has deteriorated, the Bush Administration, in both its public diplomacy and its covert operations, has significantly shifted its Middle East strategy. The “redirection,” as some inside the White House have called the new strategy, has brought the United States closer to an open confrontation with Iran and, in parts of the region, propelled it into a widening sectarian conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda."
The Redirection
Obama and Bush have been following a certain program. Trump has a great opportunity to do something completely opposite. However so far it looks like Pentagon is still obeying Obama.

Here is a great article by a Virginia Senator Richard Black: Origins of the Syrian War

...... Western nations promote terrorism. Sadly, the French, British and American governments have trained, armed and organized jihadist terrorists from 60 foreign nations to invade and destabilize Syria. They are willing to use any means, however hideous to topple Syria. Jihadist training takes place at camps in Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. The U.S. actually pays the salaries of terrorist mercenaries, who frequently graduate from CIA camps to join al Qaeda and ISIS, where they conduct mass executions, beheadings, and crucifixions. Those western-trained terrorists enslave Christian and Yazidi women; they rape them and their children. This is a filthy war—a despicable crime against Syria in every sense.

The U.S. led Coalition against ISIS is a complete sham. We pretend to bomb ISIS but 75% of our planes return without engaging the enemy. In every war we’ve fought before, we attacked the enemy’s capital cities. It speaks volumes that—before the Russians’ arrival–the ISIS capital of Raqqa was never targeted for a serious onslaught. Rules of engagement tie the hands of American flyers in ways that benefit ISIS. When Turkey joined the “anti-ISIS Coalition,” it launched 300 air strikes against our valiant Kurdish allies—but only three against ISIS. Turkey is closely allied with ISIS and al Qaeda. They will never deliberately harm them........

600 U.S.-supplied TOW anti-tank missiles sent to al Qaeda-linked forces for that specific purpose.

when the news stops: Origins of the Syrian War, Richard H. Black, Senator of Virginia
There was a thread stating just the opposite yesterday.

To leave Syria would be a lot wiser decision though. The Noble Peace Prizer Obama had NO business there to begin with, neither he had in Libya and Ukraine.
Let´s not forget there is no such thing as Obama or Trump really ruling something. This started under Bush:

"In the past few months, as the situation in Iraq has deteriorated, the Bush Administration, in both its public diplomacy and its covert operations, has significantly shifted its Middle East strategy. The “redirection,” as some inside the White House have called the new strategy, has brought the United States closer to an open confrontation with Iran and, in parts of the region, propelled it into a widening sectarian conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda."
The Redirection

Obama and Bush have been following a certain program. Trump has a great opportunity to do something completely opposite. However so far it looks like Pentagon is still obeying Obama.

Here is a great article by a Virginia Senator Richard Black: Origins of the Syrian War

Western nations promote terrorism. Sadly, the French, British and American governments have trained, armed and organized jihadist terrorists from 60 foreign nations to invade and destabilize Syria. They are willing to use any means, however hideous to topple Syria. Jihadist training takes place at camps in Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. The U.S. actually pays the salaries of terrorist mercenaries, who frequently graduate from CIA camps to join al Qaeda and ISIS, where they conduct mass executions, beheadings, and crucifixions. Those western-trained terrorists enslave Christian and Yazidi women; they rape them and their children. This is a filthy war—a despicable crime against Syria in every sense.

The U.S. led Coalition against ISIS is a complete sham. We pretend to bomb ISIS but 75% of our planes return without engaging the enemy. In every war we’ve fought before, we attacked the enemy’s capital cities. It speaks volumes that—before the Russians’ arrival–the ISIS capital of Raqqa was never targeted for a serious onslaught. Rules of engagement tie the hands of American flyers in ways that benefit ISIS. When Turkey joined the “anti-ISIS Coalition,” it launched 300 air strikes against our valiant Kurdish allies—but only three against ISIS. Turkey is closely allied with ISIS and al Qaeda. They will never deliberately harm them.

600 U.S.-supplied TOW anti-tank missiles sent to al Qaeda-linked forces for that specific purpose.

when the news stops: Origins of the Syrian War, Richard H. Black, Senator of Virginia

They were all globalists, from Reagan on..until Trump.
The Capt. Blei position is------Israel and the USA are in cohoots in the cosmic program focused on the
DESTRUCTION OF ISLAAAAAM. This program has been in place since the CREATION OF THE
UNIVERSE. I first heard about it before I reached the age of 20-----which is more than 50
years ago------in a mosque which was situated walking distance from the site upon which the WORLD
TRADE CENTER would later be built. It was a Shiite mosque. I did have other informants over the
years----mostly sunnis.
The major focus of AGREEMENT between Shiites and sunnis----who have hated each other
for more than 1000 years ----is the FACT that Christians, jews, hindus etc LIVE AND BREATHE
one desire-----THE DESTRUCTION OF ISLAAAAM. Obviously, BUSH thinks of nothing else, too.
The Capt. Blei position is------Israel and the USA are in cohoots in the cosmic program focused on the
DESTRUCTION OF ISLAAAAAM. This program has been in place since the CREATION OF THE
UNIVERSE. I first heard about it before I reached the age of 20-----which is more than 50
years ago------in a mosque which was situated walking distance from the site upon which the WORLD
TRADE CENTER would later be built. It was a Shiite mosque. I did have other informants over the
years----mostly sunnis.
The major focus of AGREEMENT between Shiites and sunnis----who have hated each other
for more than 1000 years ----is the FACT that Christians, jews, hindus etc LIVE AND BREATHE
one desire-----THE DESTRUCTION OF ISLAAAAM. Obviously, BUSH thinks of nothing else, too.
This is not a sectarian war. It is about to balkanize Syria and other countries. The countries of the "Arab Spring" surround Europe.
However, it is quite funny how the goal could be the "destruction of Islam" when Islam, radical Islam, is the actual tool to reach the goal.
The whole thing does not only target Syria, but also aims at the further Islamization of Europe to eventually repeat the Libyan and Syrian scenarios in Europe for what reason ever, probably imperialism.
The Capt. Blei position is------Israel and the USA are in cohoots in the cosmic program focused on the
DESTRUCTION OF ISLAAAAAM. This program has been in place since the CREATION OF THE
UNIVERSE. I first heard about it before I reached the age of 20-----which is more than 50
years ago------in a mosque which was situated walking distance from the site upon which the WORLD
TRADE CENTER would later be built. It was a Shiite mosque. I did have other informants over the
years----mostly sunnis.
The major focus of AGREEMENT between Shiites and sunnis----who have hated each other
for more than 1000 years ----is the FACT that Christians, jews, hindus etc LIVE AND BREATHE
one desire-----THE DESTRUCTION OF ISLAAAAM. Obviously, BUSH thinks of nothing else, too.
This is not a sectarian war. It is about to balkanize Syria and other countries. The countries of the "Arab Spring" surround Europe.
However, it is quite funny how the goal could be the "destruction of Islam" when Islam, radical Islam, is the actual tool to reach the goal.
The whole thing does not only target Syria, but also aims at the further Islamization of Europe to eventually repeat the Libyan and Syrian scenarios in Europe for what reason ever, probably imperialism.

ARABIST SOPHISTRY -------got that every one?------the KAFFIRIN OF THE WORLD are out to
destroy BAATHISM because it is the greatest form of government ever invented. Amongst the
Baathists par excellence have been those with the blood of millions on their hands-----
to name a few Grand Mufti a husseini ----best friend of adolf and famous for his penchant for
slitting the throats of infants, Gamal Abdel Nasser---founder of the famous UAR that managed
to murder in hundreds of thousands and being about the war of 1967 and the capt. blei's all time
FAVE noble Baathist----Saddam Hussein----supporter of international terrorism. Make no mistake---
Baathism is nothing other than Arabism Uber Alles----intensely imperialistic -------and PROJECTIONIAST----------it is "we"-----DA WEST AND DA JOOOOS who cast EVIL UPON ALL DA WORLD
There was a thread stating just the opposite yesterday.

To leave Syria would be a lot wiser decision though. The Noble Peace Prizer Obama had NO business there to begin with, neither he had in Libya and Ukraine.
Let´s not forget there is no such thing as Obama or Trump really ruling something. This started under Bush:

"In the past few months, as the situation in Iraq has deteriorated, the Bush Administration, in both its public diplomacy and its covert operations, has significantly shifted its Middle East strategy. The “redirection,” as some inside the White House have called the new strategy, has brought the United States closer to an open confrontation with Iran and, in parts of the region, propelled it into a widening sectarian conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda."
The Redirection

Obama and Bush have been following a certain program. Trump has a great opportunity to do something completely opposite. However so far it looks like Pentagon is still obeying Obama.

Here is a great article by a Virginia Senator Richard Black: Origins of the Syrian War

Western nations promote terrorism. Sadly, the French, British and American governments have trained, armed and organized jihadist terrorists from 60 foreign nations to invade and destabilize Syria. They are willing to use any means, however hideous to topple Syria. Jihadist training takes place at camps in Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. The U.S. actually pays the salaries of terrorist mercenaries, who frequently graduate from CIA camps to join al Qaeda and ISIS, where they conduct mass executions, beheadings, and crucifixions. Those western-trained terrorists enslave Christian and Yazidi women; they rape them and their children. This is a filthy war—a despicable crime against Syria in every sense.

The U.S. led Coalition against ISIS is a complete sham. We pretend to bomb ISIS but 75% of our planes return without engaging the enemy. In every war we’ve fought before, we attacked the enemy’s capital cities. It speaks volumes that—before the Russians’ arrival–the ISIS capital of Raqqa was never targeted for a serious onslaught. Rules of engagement tie the hands of American flyers in ways that benefit ISIS. When Turkey joined the “anti-ISIS Coalition,” it launched 300 air strikes against our valiant Kurdish allies—but only three against ISIS. Turkey is closely allied with ISIS and al Qaeda. They will never deliberately harm them.

600 U.S.-supplied TOW anti-tank missiles sent to al Qaeda-linked forces for that specific purpose.

when the news stops: Origins of the Syrian War, Richard H. Black, Senator of Virginia

They were all globalists, from Reagan on..until Trump.

true----with no particular designs on Syria-----Syria was a mess long before Reagan. Reagan did not
invent fhe depraved filth that was once called the U. A. R <<< the united arab republic

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