US teens more likely to die violently - study



CHICAGO - Adolescents in the United States are no more violent than their counterparts surveyed in four other countries, but are more likely to die a violent death, researchers reported on Monday.

The difference may involve the availability of lethal weapons in the United States or perhaps varying attitudes about life and death, the report said.

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The scary part is that of the other four countries (which included Ireland, Portugal, Sweden) one of them is ISRAEL!!

An American adolescent is more likely to die violently than an Israeli one.
two main questions:

1)How does this compare to all nations? Lets get a broad perspective.

2)Why does the article assume that its teens killing other teens? Isnt it more likely that there are more sick adults out there killing teens rather than simply teens killing teens? What does it matter if teens have access to weapons if they are the ones dying violently. I would think teaching a teen to use a weapon properly and responsibly might save them.
Gee, I wonder why?
In 2000, youths of color accounted for approximately 32 percent of the U.S. juvenile population, but 58 percent of youth in juvenile facilities. Of the 78 percent of boys in juvenile facilities across the country, nearly 60 percent are minority youth. More than half of all girls in juvenile facilities are minorities.
Nationally, Black youth under age 18 represent 15 percent of the juvenile population but make up 26 percent of juvenile arrests, 31 percent of referrals to juvenile court, 44 percent of the detained population, 34 percent of youth formally processed by the juvenile court, 46 percent of youth sent to adult court, 32 percent of youth adjudicated delinquent, 40 percent of youth in residential placement, and 58 percent of youth in state adult prisons.
Between 1988 and 1997, the percent increase in the number of cases involving detention was more than two times greater for Black youths than for White youths (52 versus 25 percent, respectively). For every year during that same time period, Black youths were more likely to be detained than White youths for all offense categories.
In 1997, Hispanic juveniles in residential placement were more likely to be confined behind locked doors than any other racial group.

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