US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
When can we call the Great Society a Great liberal failure?

US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

My Way News - US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

WASHINGTON (AP) - The ranks of America's poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net.

Census figures for 2011 will be released this fall in the critical weeks ahead of the November elections.

The Associated Press surveyed more than a dozen economists, think tanks and academics, both nonpartisan and those with known liberal or conservative leanings, and found a broad consensus: The official poverty rate will rise from 15.1 percent in 2010, climbing as high as 15.7 percent. Several predicted a more modest gain, but even a 0.1 percentage point increase would put poverty at the highest since 1965.
I agree, what is the exit strategy on the War on Poverty...funny liberals never have an answer....Noone knows any metrics on this
I agree, what is the exit strategy on the War on Poverty...funny liberals never have an answer....Noone knows any metrics on this

Their answer is that the Republicans didn't let them take, from the producers, and spend enough money. Always the same tune from the liberal left, if we only spent more money.
I agree, what is the exit strategy on the War on Poverty...funny liberals never have an answer....Noone knows any metrics on this

Their answer is that the Republicans didn't let them take, from the producers, and spend enough money. Always the same tune from the liberal left, if we only spent more money.

yeah I love that, I tried it on my dad as a kid and he's not as stupid as democrats....IF I couldnt manage a little, you cant manage alot and these guys cant manage dick.
Those who wish to blame liberal policies , which none are noted , are usually the same folks who don't even dare whisper the name of Dubya , the creator of the failed policies that has put more people into poverty . The gap between the halves and have nots greatly increases under republican stewardship , that's an undeniable fact . And what does the party of God mean to do to alleviate poverty ? why more tax cuts for the one percenters while raising them on the middle class and the poor . Forget job creating , even though they said they would laser in on job creating is they got congress back all they've done was push more of the same failed economic policies that have pushed more people into poverty then at any other time in history . The republican party doesn't care about America , if they did those blaming Obama would put forth examples of their accomplishments in contrast to what ths president has actually done , created more jobs than all of the Bush years combined .

Given the nature, severity, depth and breadth of this meltdown, I'm not at all surprised. An entirely self-inflicted wound, decades in the making and cultural in character.

We now return you to the simplistic partisan finger-pointing, see if you can stay awake.


I am unafraid to point fingers in both directions, I havent seen you step up....

Given the nature, severity, depth and breadth of this meltdown, I'm not at all surprised. An entirely self-inflicted wound, decades in the making and cultural in character.

We now return you to the simplistic partisan finger-pointing, see if you can stay awake.


I am unafraid to point fingers in both directions, I havent seen you step up....

Then you haven't been paying attention, not that you're required to.


Given the nature, severity, depth and breadth of this meltdown, I'm not at all surprised. An entirely self-inflicted wound, decades in the making and cultural in character.

We now return you to the simplistic partisan finger-pointing, see if you can stay awake.


I am unafraid to point fingers in both directions, I havent seen you step up....

Then you haven't been paying attention, not that you're required to.


Possibly, I havent read much of you lately. A change would be welcome.

Given the nature, severity, depth and breadth of this meltdown, I'm not at all surprised. An entirely self-inflicted wound, decades in the making and cultural in character.

We now return you to the simplistic partisan finger-pointing, see if you can stay awake.


No the bigger problem is we dont know the point of these programs, ok to lower poverty, we need a little more detail than that. There are no metrics, so there is no way we can measure if they're working and all indicators are things are worsening. It's obvious that welfare has been very very detrimental to alot of people on it. They really need a time limit, it works for unemployment, people find alot more jobs right after those benefits run out.
Those who wish to blame liberal policies , which none are noted , are usually the same folks who don't even dare whisper the name of Dubya , the creator of the failed policies that has put more people into poverty . The gap between the halves and have nots greatly increases under republican stewardship , that's an undeniable fact . And what does the party of God mean to do to alleviate poverty ? why more tax cuts for the one percenters while raising them on the middle class and the poor . Forget job creating , even though they said they would laser in on job creating is they got congress back all they've done was push more of the same failed economic policies that have pushed more people into poverty then at any other time in history . The republican party doesn't care about America , if they did those blaming Obama would put forth examples of their accomplishments in contrast to what ths president has actually done , created more jobs than all of the Bush years combined .

Did you forget that Obama is now president? Obama created no jobs the free market did.
Those who wish to blame liberal policies , which none are noted , are usually the same folks who don't even dare whisper the name of Dubya , the creator of the failed policies that has put more people into poverty . The gap between the halves and have nots greatly increases under republican stewardship , that's an undeniable fact . And what does the party of God mean to do to alleviate poverty ? why more tax cuts for the one percenters while raising them on the middle class and the poor . Forget job creating , even though they said they would laser in on job creating is they got congress back all they've done was push more of the same failed economic policies that have pushed more people into poverty then at any other time in history . The republican party doesn't care about America , if they did those blaming Obama would put forth examples of their accomplishments in contrast to what ths president has actually done , created more jobs than all of the Bush years combined .

I believe if you check, you'll find that the current republican lead house has submitted more than a dozen jobs bills to the senate, and Reid will not allow any of them to reach the floor of the senate.
Obama's job bill was voted down by the senate 98-0.
Yet another repeat failed thread. Can't you wingnuts coordinate?
Those who wish to blame liberal policies , which none are noted , are usually the same folks who don't even dare whisper the name of Dubya , the creator of the failed policies that has put more people into poverty . The gap between the halves and have nots greatly increases under republican stewardship , that's an undeniable fact . And what does the party of God mean to do to alleviate poverty ? why more tax cuts for the one percenters while raising them on the middle class and the poor . Forget job creating , even though they said they would laser in on job creating is they got congress back all they've done was push more of the same failed economic policies that have pushed more people into poverty then at any other time in history . The republican party doesn't care about America , if they did those blaming Obama would put forth examples of their accomplishments in contrast to what ths president has actually done , created more jobs than all of the Bush years combined .

I believe if you check, you'll find that the current republican lead house has submitted more than a dozen jobs bills to the senate, and Reid will not allow any of them to reach the floor of the senate.
Obama's job bill was voted down by the senate 98-0.

Calling a bill a 'jobs bill' does not make it so. Repealing the ACA won't create jobs, and neither will banning abortion or giving the rich more tax cuts (we've already tried that one -- the results are evident).
When can we call the Great Society a Great liberal failure?

US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

My Way News - US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

WASHINGTON (AP) - The ranks of America's poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net.

Census figures for 2011 will be released this fall in the critical weeks ahead of the November elections.

The Associated Press surveyed more than a dozen economists, think tanks and academics, both nonpartisan and those with known liberal or conservative leanings, and found a broad consensus: The official poverty rate will rise from 15.1 percent in 2010, climbing as high as 15.7 percent. Several predicted a more modest gain, but even a 0.1 percentage point increase would put poverty at the highest since 1965.

You can thank Reaganomics and bullshit supply side trickle down economics. The middle class was thriving in the 1970s before idiot Reagan took over. Of course, you Repug dumb fucks will NEVER understand that because you are fucking serfs sucking the cocks of rich Repugs.

It is your poor white trash duty after all to do the bidding of your rich Repug feudal masters, just like the poor white trash who fought for the plantantion owners during the Civil War.
When can we call the Great Society a Great liberal failure?

US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

My Way News - US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

WASHINGTON (AP) - The ranks of America's poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net.

Census figures for 2011 will be released this fall in the critical weeks ahead of the November elections.

The Associated Press surveyed more than a dozen economists, think tanks and academics, both nonpartisan and those with known liberal or conservative leanings, and found a broad consensus: The official poverty rate will rise from 15.1 percent in 2010, climbing as high as 15.7 percent. Several predicted a more modest gain, but even a 0.1 percentage point increase would put poverty at the highest since 1965.

You can thank Reaganomics and bullshit supply side trickle down economics. The middle class was thriving in the 1970s before idiot Reagan took over. Of course, you Repug dumb fucks will NEVER understand that because you are fucking serfs sucking the cocks of rich Repugs.

It is your poor white trash duty after all to do the bidding of your rich Repug feudal masters, just like the poor white trash who fought for the plantantion owners during the Civil War.

Yes, I recall unemployment being high and interest rates through the roof during Carters term.

The middle class was smokin'.

You should know about sucking.
When can we call the Great Society a Great liberal failure?

US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

My Way News - US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

WASHINGTON (AP) - The ranks of America's poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net.

Census figures for 2011 will be released this fall in the critical weeks ahead of the November elections.

The Associated Press surveyed more than a dozen economists, think tanks and academics, both nonpartisan and those with known liberal or conservative leanings, and found a broad consensus: The official poverty rate will rise from 15.1 percent in 2010, climbing as high as 15.7 percent. Several predicted a more modest gain, but even a 0.1 percentage point increase would put poverty at the highest since 1965.

You can thank Reaganomics and bullshit supply side trickle down economics. The middle class was thriving in the 1970s before idiot Reagan took over. Of course, you Repug dumb fucks will NEVER understand that because you are fucking serfs sucking the cocks of rich Repugs.

It is your poor white trash duty after all to do the bidding of your rich Repug feudal masters, just like the poor white trash who fought for the plantantion owners during the Civil War.

Yes, I recall unemployment being high and interest rates through the roof during Carters term.

The middle class was smokin'.

You should know about sucking.

OMG liberals are always right and everything they do is gold and their shit never stinks, these people are vapid dumbasses that are full of themselves and cant argue with facts or logic at all.

I mean things were rollin under Carter so well that he gave this speech:
[ame=]President Jimmy Carter - "Crisis of Confidence" Speech - YouTube[/ame]

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