US official: Libya attack not planned in advance


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The September 11 attack in Libya that killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three colleagues wasn’t coordinated in advance, according to Matthew Olsen, director of the US National Counterterrorism Center.

US and Libyan officials differ publicly on whether the attack on the American compound in Benghazi, Libya, was planned in advance by radical Islamists or whether extremists took advantage of a peaceful protest to attack the US consulate in the country’s second-largest city.

Olsen said the US is “looking at indications” that individuals involved in the attack may have had connections to al-Qaida or its North African affiliate, al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb.

“The best information we have now indicates that this was an opportunistic attack,” Olsen, who cautioned that the investigation isn’t finished, said at a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing today in Washington.

“What we don’t have at this point is specific intelligence that there was significant advance planning or coordination for this attack,” he said.

US official: Libya attack not planned in a... JPost - Middle East

Without question, the people who attacked the US embassy and killed our diplomats were extremists, but were the protests "hijacked" by extremists, as the Obama administration has claimed, or did the attacks arise organically from the protests? Stated more broadly, to what extent do Muslims living in Muslim countries identify with Islam as a personal religious belief and to what extent do they identify with Islam as a cultural political movement that must be protected against other cultures and other political entities like the US?
Even though I have never liked Hillary Clinton, she has been made an absolute fool of. Her credibility around the world is shattered. She has got to be seething right now. I feel a lot of sympathy for her having been made the goat sacrifice for obama's glory.
This IDIOT administration is putting out a video in Pakistan apologizing YET AGAIN. What the video is really doing, is reminding the muslims about the film and resulting in even more violence. They have turned sporadic protests into a nationwide conflagration.

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