US labels Chechen resistance leader "terrorist"


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2009
In a brazen display of weakness and tractability, the US Department of State opted to label Dokka Umarov (RA), a rebel commander in Russia's volatile North Caucasus region, a "terrorist" and a "radical jihadist." Predictably, this move was praised by the US government's handlers in Russia as President Dmitri Medvedev's visit to the White House approaches. The measure comes after nearly 20 years of Russian genocide in Chechnya; the US and most Western governments had previously hesitated to apply the "terrorist" label to the resistance movement there. In fact, Europe and the United States have been harshly critical of Russia's abhorrent human rights record in the region, and rightfully so. The extent to which our government will continue to acquiesce to the demands of Kremlin thugs remains to be seen.

Of course, this will do nothing to impede the liberation of the Caucasus from Russian tyranny, for no number of men or countries can hope to succeed against the will of God (SWT). May He grant victory to these noble mujahideen and protect them from any new threat posed by this poor diplomatic decision.

[ame=]YouTube - Jihad in Chechnya[/ame]

More info:
U.S. Declares Chechen Militant a Terrorist -
Good for the US. Its about time.

What the Russians did was deplorable, but that doesnt excuse what these terrorists do. You give them a pass because youre fucked up in the head. Islam poisoned you and now you are broken.

I see youre still pimping a terrorist propaganda video in your sig. You need to get a life dude.
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Good for the US. Its about time.

What the Russians did was deplorable, but that doesnt excuse what these terrorists do. You give them a pass because youre fucked up in the head. Islam poisoned you and now you are broken.
But it's all well and fine for the DoS to give the Russian terrorists a pass, yes? Even if both sides were "terrorists", it's patently obvious that the resistance would be the lesser of two evils. Fortunately, things look a bit more black and white than that from where I'm standing.

I see youre still pimping a terrorist propaganda video in your sig. You need to get a life dude.
Chechnya is a tiny republic and her mujahideen are few in number; I'm happy to spread awareness of the struggle for independence in any way that I can. I will also not attempt to whitewash it for Westerners - this is jihad and everybody should be aware of the consequences of oppression.
Good. He is a terrorist.

And the Russians?

"I admit, I'm a bad guy, a bandit, a terrorist... but what would you call them (the Russians)? If they are the keepers of constitutional order, if they are anti-terrorists, then I spit on all these agreements and nice words." - Shamil Basayev (RA)​
The only reason the area is volatile is because there are muslims living there in large numbers. I wonder if there is any connection?
Good. He is a terrorist.

And the Russians?

"I admit, I'm a bad guy, a bandit, a terrorist... but what would you call them (the Russians)? If they are the keepers of constitutional order, if they are anti-terrorists, then I spit on all these agreements and nice words." - Shamil Basayev (RA)​

ISM handbook:

“Some pacifists are uncomfortable with property damage. For myself...I see it as a great tool.”

“[Some] settle for tactical nonviolence, but given the right historical circumstance, armed struggle would be justified...”


“When TERRORISM is mentioned, emphasize STATE TERRORISM.”
Merely continuing the new Obama policy of sucking up to Communists.

Here's how the Dalai Lama was treated so as not to upset the ChiComs

In a brazen display of weakness and tractability, the US Department of State opted to label Dokka Umarov (RA), a rebel commander in Russia's volatile North Caucasus region, a "terrorist" and a "radical jihadist." Predictably, this move was praised by the US government's handlers in Russia as President Dmitri Medvedev's visit to the White House approaches. The measure comes after nearly 20 years of Russian genocide in Chechnya; the US and most Western governments had previously hesitated to apply the "terrorist" label to the resistance movement there. In fact, Europe and the United States have been harshly critical of Russia's abhorrent human rights record in the region, and rightfully so. The extent to which our government will continue to acquiesce to the demands of Kremlin thugs remains to be seen.

Of course, this will do nothing to impede the liberation of the Caucasus from Russian tyranny, for no number of men or countries can hope to succeed against the will of God (SWT). May He grant victory to these noble mujahideen and protect them from any new threat posed by this poor diplomatic decision.

YouTube - Jihad in Chechnya

More info:
U.S. Declares Chechen Militant a Terrorist -

He's a terrorist. Try to not let your religion get in the way of your brain.
The only reason the area is volatile is because there are muslims living there in large numbers.

The total population of Chechnya hovers barely over 1 million; Russia has killed hundreds of thousands. The only reason the area is volatile is because Russia denied independence to this small republic when the rest of the former Soviet Union liberated itself without facing any resistance. You get three guesses as to why. Here's a clue:

He's a terrorist. Try to not let your religion get in the way of your brain.

He's a product of Russia's policy in the region. He's a perfect example of the "radicalizing" effect of foreign imperialism; Umarov didn't even know how to pray when the conflict begin and now he's proclaiming himself the Amir of an Islamic state.

What right do State Department officials have to call Amir Dokka a terrorist while they glad-hand the very thugs who created him?

Merely continuing the new Obama policy of sucking up to Communists.

Here's how the Dalai Lama was treated so as not to upset the ChiComs


Exactly. When Obama promised to take a "diplomatic" approach to foreign policy, he forgot to mention that this would only extend to thug-run dictatorships like Russia, China, North Korea, and Cuba. If you're seeking independence from one of these countries, don't expect any help while Barry's in the White House. :thup:
The only reason the area is volatile is because there are muslims living there in large numbers.

The total population of Chechnya hovers barely over 1 million; Russia has killed hundreds of thousands. The only reason the area is volatile is because Russia denied independence to this small republic when the rest of the former Soviet Union liberated itself without facing any resistance. You get three guesses as to why. Here's a clue:


Islam fuels the chechen revolt. Not oil.
I'd like to clear something up, the Russians that the Chechs are fighting, are these the same Russians who were supplying the Islamic Insurgency in Iraq with explosives and know-how with IED's?
Damn, this guy was too late for the party. 20 years ago he would've been getting millions in cash and a subsidized international propaganda effort courtesy of Ronald Reagan.

More seriously speaking, I had to do this project last semester on civil war termination and post-conflict reconstruction, and one of my group members picked Chechnya as his case study - HOLY. SHIT. It was literally the most fucked case we had (and we had Congo, Rwanda, and Nicaragua too). The Russians completely leveled Grozny (the capital) and murdered hundreds of thousands of people. I mean, everything you can imagine, mass executions, mass rape, and total domination. Today Grozny is somewhat rebuilt and the government is more or less a Russian puppet... they actually sped up and poured money into the reconstruction of the downtown because there's enormous mass graves underneath, so they basically had to 'bury the evidence'. It's really a very brutal story and I'd recommend reading more on it, especialyl to those that feel compelled to defend the interests of absolute power and of the strong against the weak.
The only reason the area is volatile is because there are muslims living there in large numbers.

The total population of Chechnya hovers barely over 1 million; Russia has killed hundreds of thousands. The only reason the area is volatile is because Russia denied independence to this small republic when the rest of the former Soviet Union liberated itself without facing any resistance. You get three guesses as to why. Here's a clue:


Islam fuels the chechen revolt. Not oil.
Islam fuels the resistance, oil fuels the Russian oppressors.
Damn, this guy was too late for the party. 20 years ago he would've been getting millions in cash and a subsidized international propaganda effort courtesy of Ronald Reagan.

More seriously speaking, I had to do this project last semester on civil war termination and post-conflict reconstruction, and one of my group members picked Chechnya as his case study - HOLY. SHIT. It was literally the most fucked case we had (and we had Congo, Rwanda, and Nicaragua too). The Russians completely leveled Grozny (the capital) and murdered hundreds of thousands of people. I mean, everything you can imagine, mass executions, mass rape, and total domination. Today Grozny is somewhat rebuilt and the government is more or less a Russian puppet... they actually sped up and poured money into the reconstruction of the downtown because there's enormous mass graves underneath, so they basically had to 'bury the evidence'. It's really a very brutal story and I'd recommend reading more on it, especialyl to those that feel compelled to defend the interests of absolute power and of the strong against the weak.

The initial denial of independence after the USSR's collapse, the double-crossings, the slaying of human rights activists and news reporters, the bombing of refugee convoys, the My Lai-style village massacres...

My sympathy for the Russian people erodes a bit more whenever I read about one of these brutal crimes, which continue to this day.
The total population of Chechnya hovers barely over 1 million; Russia has killed hundreds of thousands. The only reason the area is volatile is because Russia denied independence to this small republic when the rest of the former Soviet Union liberated itself without facing any resistance. You get three guesses as to why. Here's a clue:


Islam fuels the chechen revolt. Not oil.
Islam fuels the resistance, oil fuels the Russian oppressors.

Oppression, objecting to Islam and jihad .
Who cares.
Islam fuels the chechen revolt. Not oil.
Islam fuels the resistance, oil fuels the Russian oppressors.

Oppression, objecting to Islam and jihad .
Who cares.

Not you, because genocide doesn't appear on your radar as long as Muslims are the victims, right?

"Dozens of charred corpses of women and children lay in the courtyard of the mosque, which had been destroyed. The first thing my eye fell on was the burned body of a baby, lying in fetal position... A wild-eyed woman emerged from a burned-out house holding a dead baby. Trucks with bodies piled in the back rolled through the streets on the way to the cemetery.

While treating the wounded, I heard stories of young men - gagged and trussed up - dragged with chains behind personnel carriers. I heard of Russian aviators who threw Chechen prisoners, screaming, out their helicopters. There were rapes, but it was hard to know how many because women were too ashamed to report them. One girl was raped in front of her father. I heard of one case in which the mercenaries grabbed a newborn baby, threw it among each other like a ball, then shot it dead in the air.

Leaving the village for the hospital in Grozny, I passed a Russian armored personnel carrier with the word SAMASHKI written on its side in bold, black letters. I looked in my rearview mirror and to my horror saw a human skull mounted on the front of the vehicle. The bones were white; someone must have boiled the skull to remove the flesh."
- Dr. Khassan Baiev, The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire

July Final Edit @ National Geographic Magazine
UNHCR | Refworld | Russia/Chechnya - February 5: A Day of Slaughter in Novye Aldi
Russians 'mowed down fleeing civilian convoy' | World news | The Observer

Go ahead, kafir, defend the swine.
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[ame=]YouTube - Our Sisters in Jihad (Dagestan), Caucasian Emirate[/ame]

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