US Judge OKs confession extracted by threatening suspect with rape


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
US Judge OKs confession extracted by threatening suspect with rape | Raw Story

In May hearings, a man identified as Interrogator 1 said in testimony that he threatened Mr. Khadr with being gang-raped to death if he did not co-operate. That interrogator was later identified as former U.S. Army Sergeant Joshua Claus. He has also been convicted of abusing a different detainee and has left the military.

what scum these people are and they represent nothing of america
It is pretty much the same thing that police do every day all over the United States.

and it's legal... pretty good motivation to. Ok dude confess to the crime and we'll go to bad with the judge to get you assigned to non rape jail. Make us work for it though an well ...............
It is pretty much the same thing that police do every day all over the United States.

No. Not at all. I have been practicing criminal law for 43 years, the last 19 of those years as a deputy public defender. I have NEVER had a defendant tell me that he was threatened with physical harm of any kind by the police. They pull all kinds of stuff, but they don't do that. In the first place, in a REAL court of law, if the judge found that a defendant was threatened with physical harm, any confession he gave as a consequence of that would be excluded from evidence.

This court in this case is a MILITARY court - not a REAL court.
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It is pretty much the same thing that police do every day all over the United States.

and it's legal... pretty good motivation to. Ok dude confess to the crime and we'll go to bad with the judge to get you assigned to non rape jail. Make us work for it though an well ...............

you are a complete douchebag. first off rape shouldn't be happening in jail but people like you cheer it on so nothing happens. second, all this does is bring false confessions that will later be overturned since they were under duress and they had no chance due to asshole cops making up for childhood problems
It is pretty much the same thing that police do every day all over the United States.

and it's legal... pretty good motivation to. Ok dude confess to the crime and we'll go to bad with the judge to get you assigned to non rape jail. Make us work for it though an well ...............

you are a complete douchebag. first off rape shouldn't be happening in jail but people like you cheer it on so nothing happens. second, all this does is bring false confessions that will later be overturned since they were under duress and they had no chance due to asshole cops making up for childhood problems

Yes yes, I said I hope criminals are raped. You fool, actually Syrenn DID say that in another thread and I told her how stupid a statement that was.

But let me clue you in on something. Detectives usually question suspects, and they have no control over how a jail is ran, those are operated by corrections officers, technically police, sometimes, but not the guys arresting criminals. Therefor a detective has NO say in whether rape happens in a prison or not.

Second, if you're so weak minded to believe that a detective could get you into a rape free prison, then cest la vie.

Third, this sorta thing was just upheld, so what are you talking about false confessions that get over turned.

Fourth, RARELY , if ever is a case taken to court on nothing more than a confession

Fifth, you were on here just last week talking about how LEO should get their heads blown off for doing their jobs so you probably do not have much room to call out anyone, well unless you actually believe that everyone but LEO has the protection of the 4th Amendment? Rhetorical, I have no doubt that you do.
No. Not at all. I have been practicing criminal law for 43 years, the last 19 of those years as a deputy public defender. I have NEVER had a defendant tell me that he was threatened with physical harm of any kind by the police. They pull all kinds of stuff, but they don't do that. In the first place, in a REAL court of law, if the judge found that a defendant was threatened with physical harm, any confession he gave as a consequence of that would be excluded from evidence.

So an interrogator that tells a suspect that if they DON'T cooperate,

the prison term will be longer, or at an historically violent prison,

is NOT threatening that person with any Physical Harm???

Right. :cuckoo:
No. Not at all. I have been practicing criminal law for 43 years, the last 19 of those years as a deputy public defender. I have NEVER had a defendant tell me that he was threatened with physical harm of any kind by the police. They pull all kinds of stuff, but they don't do that. In the first place, in a REAL court of law, if the judge found that a defendant was threatened with physical harm, any confession he gave as a consequence of that would be excluded from evidence.

So an interrogator that tells a suspect that if they DON'T cooperate,

the prison term will be longer, or at an historically violent prison,

is NOT threatening that person with any Physical Harm???

Right. :cuckoo:

no, a threat of violence would be "tell me or I'll beat you".

LEO routinely do what would classify as you suggest. For instance a popular one that I saw while with the drug task force was

"okay man here's your choices you can either cooperate with us, or we're going to drop you off right in front of ______'s house , hand you a hundred dollars, and thank you for your help . In broad daylight." Believe me , they always cooperated.
It is pretty much the same thing that police do every day all over the United States.

No. Not at all. I have been practicing criminal law for 43 years, the last 19 of those years as a deputy public defender. I have NEVER had a defendant tell me that he was threatened with physical harm of any kind by the police. They pull all kinds of stuff, but they don't do that. In the first place, in a REAL court of law, if the judge found that a defendant was threatened with physical harm, any confession he gave as a consequence of that would be excluded from evidence.

This court in this case is a MILITARY court - not a REAL court.

Police never mention that it might be dangerous for a person in a particular prison, and that if they cooperate they can see that they are placed in a different, safer prison?
It is pretty much the same thing that police do every day all over the United States.
Yeah! I got a speeding ticket yesterday but I told the Cop I wasn't going over the limit. He said I should confess or he'd rape me so I did. But you know what? He raped me anyway! :omg:
No. Not at all. I have been practicing criminal law for 43 years, the last 19 of those years as a deputy public defender. I have NEVER had a defendant tell me that he was threatened with physical harm of any kind by the police. They pull all kinds of stuff, but they don't do that. In the first place, in a REAL court of law, if the judge found that a defendant was threatened with physical harm, any confession he gave as a consequence of that would be excluded from evidence.

So an interrogator that tells a suspect that if they DON'T cooperate,

the prison term will be longer, or at an historically violent prison,

is NOT threatening that person with any Physical Harm???

Right. :cuckoo:

That's not the same thing. Oh, don't get me wrong - cops LIE to suspects ROUTINELY. They can threaten them with getting "more time" if they don't cooperate or "less time" if they do.

But threatening them with a physical beating if they don't cooperate is not the same thing. This, cops cannot do.
It is pretty much the same thing that police do every day all over the United States.

No. Not at all. I have been practicing criminal law for 43 years, the last 19 of those years as a deputy public defender. I have NEVER had a defendant tell me that he was threatened with physical harm of any kind by the police. They pull all kinds of stuff, but they don't do that. In the first place, in a REAL court of law, if the judge found that a defendant was threatened with physical harm, any confession he gave as a consequence of that would be excluded from evidence.

This court in this case is a MILITARY court - not a REAL court.

Police never mention that it might be dangerous for a person in a particular prison, and that if they cooperate they can see that they are placed in a different, safer prison?

OK - I see now that I may not have properly read the OP. What you describe here would be borderline, at best. I thought that the OP described a situation where the cops were threatening the suspect with an immediate beating or some such, which THEY would administer to him on the spot if he didn't confess or provide information.
US Judge OKs confession extracted by threatening suspect with rape | Raw Story

In May hearings, a man identified as Interrogator 1 said in testimony that he threatened Mr. Khadr with being gang-raped to death if he did not co-operate. That interrogator was later identified as former U.S. Army Sergeant Joshua Claus. He has also been convicted of abusing a different detainee and has left the military.

what scum these people are and they represent nothing of america

The guy your defending killed one American and blinded another, not that it matters to you.
No. Not at all. I have been practicing criminal law for 43 years, the last 19 of those years as a deputy public defender. I have NEVER had a defendant tell me that he was threatened with physical harm of any kind by the police. They pull all kinds of stuff, but they don't do that. In the first place, in a REAL court of law, if the judge found that a defendant was threatened with physical harm, any confession he gave as a consequence of that would be excluded from evidence.

So an interrogator that tells a suspect that if they DON'T cooperate,

the prison term will be longer, or at an historically violent prison,

is NOT threatening that person with any Physical Harm???

Right. :cuckoo:

An officer can threaten you with a lot of things like more jail time, placing you in a cell with violent offenders and none is illegal. Police even have the right to lie to you. Just place this in the "been there, done that' colummn.
US Judge OKs confession extracted by threatening suspect with rape | Raw Story

In May hearings, a man identified as Interrogator 1 said in testimony that he threatened Mr. Khadr with being gang-raped to death if he did not co-operate. That interrogator was later identified as former U.S. Army Sergeant Joshua Claus. He has also been convicted of abusing a different detainee and has left the military.

what scum these people are and they represent nothing of america

The guy your defending killed one American and blinded another, not that it matters to you.

If a man killed a hundred AMericans and a cop beat the shit out of him , blu would protest, if the man killed 100 american LEO blu would cheer

blu is scum

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