US in tough debate on UN Internet rules


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
US in tough debate on UN Internet rules

The US faces a tough debate with emerging nations such as India and Brazil at an upcoming UN conference discussing global rules for the Internet, the US delegation chief said Wednesday.

Terry Kramer, who heads the US delegation for the December gathering of the UN's International Telecommunications Union, said he has seen a number of "surprising" and "worrisome" proposals. The discussions are being held ahead of the ITU's World Conference on International Communications opening next month in Dubai where global telecom rules are to be updated for the first time since 1988.

US officials and lawmakers, along with a number of Internet activists, have expressed concern that proposals from China, Russia and other nations could threaten the open model of the Internet by giving the UN agency a greater role. Other proposals being floated have drawn fire in the United States because they would impose a "transfer" payment model, requiring companies such as Facebook and Google to pay data charges, upsetting the existing Internet model.

Read more at: US in tough debate on UN Internet rules

This could be really bad as a large part of the world don't enjoy our level of freedom.
Obama loves the idea of a UN-regulated internet. And now, with the help of 61 million moronic Americans, it might come true.

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