US Healthcare System Wastes $750 Billion Annually. Who pays?


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
How the U.S. Health-Care System Wastes $750 Billion Annually
How the U.S. Health-Care System Wastes $750 Billion Annually - Brian Fung - The Atlantic

According to some, the US has the best healthcare system in the world. Really?
Our healthcare isn't ranked the best, but damn it, we pay the most by about double, so we are Number 1 in healthcare (that's cost, folks).
One of the reasons it's so expensive is because of the waste and guess who gets stuck with the bill for this waste?
Maybe if the US did what every other country in the world does, negotiate medical costs with providers, there wouldn't be so much waste and it's a fact that the approach of negotiating what providers charge by countries' governments lowers the cost of healthcare. In order to live within the boundaries of the negotiated costs, the healthcare industry would have to make a concentrated effort to rid itself of all the waste. At this point, the healthcare industry doesn't care, they get their money and will continue to get their money as long as politicians are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry. It seems our politicians are content to let the US citizens and businesses pay through the nose, just as long as they get their political contributions. This hurts families and hurts business to the point it hurts their ability to compete on the world stage.
Well based on all those responses, I guess people don't care how much they are getting screwed over by the healthcare industry (which I am in, by the way:redface:).
So as Roseanne Rosannadanna would say,,,,nevermind.
[ame=]Gilda Radner Nevermind - YouTube[/ame]
How the U.S. Health-Care System Wastes $750 Billion Annually

According to some, the US has the best healthcare system in the world. Really?
Our healthcare isn't ranked the best, but damn it, we pay the most by about double, so we are Number 1 in healthcare (that's cost, folks).
One of the reasons it's so expensive is because of the waste and guess who gets stuck with the bill for this waste?
Maybe if the US did what every other country in the world does, negotiate medical costs with providers, there wouldn't be so much waste and it's a fact that the approach of negotiating what providers charge by countries' governments lowers the cost of healthcare. In order to live within the boundaries of the negotiated costs, the healthcare industry would have to make a concentrated effort to rid itself of all the waste. At this point, the healthcare industry doesn't care, they get their money and will continue to get their money as long as politicians are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry. It seems our politicians are content to let the US citizens and businesses pay through the nose, just as long as they get their political contributions. This hurts families and hurts business to the point it hurts their ability to compete on the world stage.

The American Health Care system has been unsustainable for a long time. Reform is overdue and it looks like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( Obamacare) is a step in the right direction. That is…if you are humane or truly Christian in your philosophy.

How is it that churches of every denomination are embracing the opposition to something so altruistically designed? I am not so sure that God or Christ would be pleased with such diversions from the path of righteousness! The PPACA is a godsend for millions of us and I applaud Obama for having the courage to get it passed into law. I am also grateful for the swashbuckling courage demonstrated by Justice Roberrts, a Republican, who stood up for common people and saved Obamacare..

Nevertheless, due to more people coming into the system we are going to need more doctors and medical practitioners. A viable solution would be to give free tuition to all American born Medical students along with a salary; contingent with a Public Health contract for a number of years with the government..
How the U.S. Health-Care System Wastes $750 Billion Annually

According to some, the US has the best healthcare system in the world. Really?
Our healthcare isn't ranked the best, but damn it, we pay the most by about double, so we are Number 1 in healthcare (that's cost, folks).
One of the reasons it's so expensive is because of the waste and guess who gets stuck with the bill for this waste?
Maybe if the US did what every other country in the world does, negotiate medical costs with providers, there wouldn't be so much waste and it's a fact that the approach of negotiating what providers charge by countries' governments lowers the cost of healthcare. In order to live within the boundaries of the negotiated costs, the healthcare industry would have to make a concentrated effort to rid itself of all the waste. At this point, the healthcare industry doesn't care, they get their money and will continue to get their money as long as politicians are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry. It seems our politicians are content to let the US citizens and businesses pay through the nose, just as long as they get their political contributions. This hurts families and hurts business to the point it hurts their ability to compete on the world stage.

The American Health Care system has been unsustainable for a long time. Reform is overdue and it looks like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( Obamacare) is a step in the right direction. That is…if you are humane or truly Christian in your philosophy.

How is it that churches of every denomination are embracing the opposition to something so altruistically designed? I am not so sure that God or Christ would be pleased with such diversions from the path of righteousness! The PPACA is a godsend for millions of us and I applaud Obama for having the courage to get it passed into law. I am also grateful for the swashbuckling courage demonstrated by Justice Roberrts, a Republican, who stood up for common people and saved Obamacare..

Nevertheless, due to more people coming into the system we are going to need more doctors and medical practitioners. A viable solution would be to give free tuition to all American born Medical students along with a salary; contingent with a Public Health contract for a number of years with the government..

How do you know when our medical system is broken? When people are telling us that it's a bad thing that more people will be entering the system. Have you ever heard of a business that wanted fewer customers? So someone won't go to school to become a doctor because they can only make $200,000 per year and they won't even have to look for customers? Seriously? I find this incredibly funny.
MittWitt says we should keep our SOCIALIST system which includes free health care for illegals.

So, uh, no savings there.

OTOH, RomneyCare AND ObamaCare both drive costs down and services up.
Healthcare is a business today and like any other business the major motto is profit. But at the same time technological advances are required because until and unless the caregivers provide advanced technology and advanced result the patients will not trust them.

MittWitt says we should keep our SOCIALIST system which includes free health care for illegals.

Hehe.... you still campaigning against Romney?

Look at the date of my post.

Everybody with a brain and the ability to read was campaigning against Mittens at that time. Now, those same people are just happy that most voters agreed that we shouldn't be forced to pay for free health care, including delivering babies and abortions for illegals. You sheeples are welcome to disagree but, your candidate did lose. Deal with it.
MittWitt says we should keep our SOCIALIST system which includes free health care for illegals.

Hehe.... you still campaigning against Romney?

Look at the date of my post.

Ahh... my bad.

Everybody with a brain and the ability to read was campaigning against Mittens at that time.

Likewise with Obama.

You sheeples are welcome to disagree but, your candidate did lose. Deal with it.

Silly neddly, you know Romney wasn't my candidate! And I get a tickle out of you suggesting I'm a "sheeple". Please go on.
How the U.S. Health-Care System Wastes $750 Billion Annually

According to some, the US has the best healthcare system in the world. Really?
Our healthcare isn't ranked the best, but damn it, we pay the most by about double, so we are Number 1 in healthcare (that's cost, folks).
One of the reasons it's so expensive is because of the waste and guess who gets stuck with the bill for this waste?
Maybe if the US did what every other country in the world does, negotiate medical costs with providers, there wouldn't be so much waste and it's a fact that the approach of negotiating what providers charge by countries' governments lowers the cost of healthcare. In order to live within the boundaries of the negotiated costs, the healthcare industry would have to make a concentrated effort to rid itself of all the waste. At this point, the healthcare industry doesn't care, they get their money and will continue to get their money as long as politicians are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry. It seems our politicians are content to let the US citizens and businesses pay through the nose, just as long as they get their political contributions. This hurts families and hurts business to the point it hurts their ability to compete on the world stage.

The American Health Care system has been unsustainable for a long time. Reform is overdue and it looks like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( Obamacare) is a step in the right direction. That is…if you are humane or truly Christian in your philosophy.

How is it that churches of every denomination are embracing the opposition to something so altruistically designed? I am not so sure that God or Christ would be pleased with such diversions from the path of righteousness! The PPACA is a godsend for millions of us and I applaud Obama for having the courage to get it passed into law. I am also grateful for the swashbuckling courage demonstrated by Justice Roberrts, a Republican, who stood up for common people and saved Obamacare..

Nevertheless, due to more people coming into the system we are going to need more doctors and medical practitioners. A viable solution would be to give free tuition to all American born Medical students along with a salary; contingent with a Public Health contract for a number of years with the government..

I thought the left, who favors big government intrusion and Obamacare, were the very same loud voices that demand Separation of Church and State? Glad to see Christianity treated like a buffett ..... just pick and choose which forum you want to include him in, then exclude the reference to "Jesus" and Christianity in this country when it suits you.
MittWitt says we should keep our SOCIALIST system which includes free health care for illegals.

So, uh, no savings there.

OTOH, RomneyCare AND ObamaCare both drive costs down and services up.

Actually the system of RomneyCare, which was the first state to seek coverage of Health Care to all within that state, later turned out the highest insurance costs in the nation:

August 4, 2012

... when it comes to controlling health care costs, Massachusetts has no advantage, and in fact is starting behind most other states. It's costs are among the highest in the nation, and they have been growing in recent years at 6 percent to 7 percent while the economy has been growing at less than 4 percent.

This problem is nothing new, as the rising budget to cover this new "government" controlled Health Care system has been a problem since its passage and implementation. Exactly when does Health Care become cheaper when the Government runs it?
$750 billion seems a little short....a trillion of fraud and waste is probably more like it.

Doctors have teamed up and bought expensive imaging companies. So if you just need an X-ray you'll get a CAT scan.

I had to have THREE MRI's in a short period of time for the same thing. Each doctor insisted on billing for the test ordered on his part-owned machine.

If all three doctors had to share the result from just one machine then nearly $3500 would have been saved. In one month for only one patient.

That is why I think $750 billion is an underestimate.

Regards from Rosie

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