US growth hits highest level in five years

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
US growth hits highest level in five years - Yahoo! News

"This uptick is no doubt due in part to the certainty that Washington has given the private sector through the recent tax deal and the newly elected House Republican majority," the office of House majority leader Eric Cantor said in a statement.

Just like Republitards to try to steal credit, especially when newly elected House majority was just seated this year and had nothing to do with the lame duck minority and Obama who cut the tax deal.

Any any rate, will the Republitards give Obama some credit, or will they just remain biased partisan hacktards and give credit to unknown Republitards and factors they can't prove?
If this had been just another recession the growth rate we've been having would have been enough to matter,

Sadly the meltdown that happened means that we'll need to about double the rate of growth to return to what most of us think of as a normally functioning economy.

My guess is that we will never return to the kind of economy we had in the past.

We'll get used to having a 10-15% unemployment rate and also to watching the purchasing power of the average worker continue the decline that IS NOW(and has been for the last 40 years) a normal state of affairs in this society.

I cannot see how it can turn out any better than that given that we have done absolutely nothing to change the conditions that existed before the meltdown.

We are, I suspect, in a temporary false recovery of this economy at best.
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US growth hits highest level in five years - Yahoo! News

"This uptick is no doubt due in part to the certainty that Washington has given the private sector through the recent tax deal and the newly elected House Republican majority," the office of House majority leader Eric Cantor said in a statement.

Just like Republitards to try to steal credit, especially when newly elected House majority was just seated this year and had nothing to do with the lame duck minority and Obama who cut the tax deal.

Any any rate, will the Republitards give Obama some credit, or will they just remain biased partisan hacktards and give credit to unknown Republitards and factors they can't prove?

What they will give him is a budget and a recomendation that he can use to guide the country to a brighter future, as the Republicans did in cooperative effort with Clinton, or that he can reject in a partisan rage and be a single termer.

Just a Nixon was the only President who could have gone to China, a Democrat is the only President that can restrict spending. Obama needs to embrace this as a good thing for the country.

I fear that he will reflexively reject any moves to comprimise on the healthcare bill. I fear that he will jealously try to protect the spending that has created the ridiculous deficit he is building.

The Big 0 would be well served to actively lead the country to reductions in spending to 2008 levels, but he seems committed to keeping spending at levels 20% higher than that.

In his State of the Union, he was proposing programs that we don't have the money to buy. He already spent it all. What was Janis Joplin's Prayer? "Oh, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercades Benz?".

In the last days of the Nazi control of Berlin, Hitler was organizing a defense plan for the capital using Wermacht Divisions that had been destroyed. His planning considering that departure from reality is said to be evidence of his insanity at the time.

What may we gleen from the planning of the Big 0?
good grief, Obamabots are hilarious.

give the Obama credit for our economy growing..:lol:
So Obama gets no credit but the republicans do ?
rdean said that trillions were being held back by "greedy business owners who hate the black man in the WHITE house" so yeah, the new Republican dominated House should get the credit.

Business owners all across America breathed a sigh of relief now that adults are in charge.
So Obama gets no credit but the republicans do ?
rdean said that trillions were being held back by "greedy business owners who hate the black man in the WHITE house" so yeah, the new Republican dominated House should get the credit.

Business owners all across America breathed a sigh of relief now that adults are in charge.

Ah Ha! So! It is RDean who says that the Republican Congress is responsible for this.

Then it must be right.

Seriously, though, if it is clear that both houses of Congress and the White House are continuously conspiring to remove any and all profits from your pocket if your earn them, what is the incentive to earn them in the first place?

The election of the Republican majority in the House at least puts a speed bump in the road to nationalization of all industry.
US growth hits highest level in five years - Yahoo! News

"This uptick is no doubt due in part to the certainty that Washington has given the private sector through the recent tax deal and the newly elected House Republican majority," the office of House majority leader Eric Cantor said in a statement.

Just like Republitards to try to steal credit, especially when newly elected House majority was just seated this year and had nothing to do with the lame duck minority and Obama who cut the tax deal.

Any any rate, will the Republitards give Obama some credit, or will they just remain biased partisan hacktards and give credit to unknown Republitards and factors they can't prove?

Bullony! You are posting little more than Obama Propaganda that the economy is getting better, when in reality things are getting far worse. The reason things appear to be getting better is over one reason: Fed Stimulus through overprinting of more worthless fiat currency.

[ame=""]Quantitative Easing Explained[/ame]

The so-called 'Quantitative Easing' is destroying the US dollar, while the big banks get zero-percent money to lend out at 5 to 10 to 20 to 30 percent on credit cards, while the remainder is used speculating in the markets that are rising due to INFLATION. That means you need more dollars to buy the same stock and the same gold and silver and everything else, which makes the numbers go up; when actually the value of each dollar is going down. Buy Silver Now! (around 26 bucks during the current dips $25-30).

[ame=]Peter Schiff On the Coming Stimulus Bubble Bursting[/ame]

There is no credit to be handed out to Obama (Illegal Alien #1) or any of our corrupt politicians. The Stimulus Bubble is going to BURST and the party will be over and those of you holding fiat currency will be crying like babies when the crap hits the fan.

[ame=""]Listen To Paul Craig Roberts Adviser To Ronald Reagan[/ame]


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I'll believe the economy is growing when I see at least half of the 31 Million unemployed return to full time jobs.

That will be nice if it happens.

The actuality of business today is that the wage to hire a person is only part of the consideration. It's cheaper right now to pay two workers to work 120 hours/week even with 40 hours at time and a half than it is to pay 3 workers to work 120 hours at straight time due to the benefits cost.

As long as that equation is true, hiring will lag the economy. I have seen allot of increase in the hours worked in the companies that I work with and also an increase in the number employed, but not enough to get back to 2008 levels.

There is improvement, but the mathematics demand that hiring be slow.

Want to promote hiring? Reduce the cost of the benefits to a level at which it is cheaper to hire more people than it is to pay overtime. If that had been the goal of the Failed Stimulus, we would have full employment today.

Sadly, Nancy, Harry and the Big 0 don't have an ounce of business sense between them.
China is spending 3 T on construction, at the height of the US boom the equivalent figure was about 2.25T. China's GDP is a bit more than 1/3 the size of US GDP so as that bubble pops world GDP is going to take a huge hit. Obama will be blamed for the resulting downturn even though there is nothing good or bad that he can do about it.
China is spending 3 T on construction, at the height of the US boom the equivalent figure was about 2.25T. China's GDP is a bit more than 1/3 the size of US GDP so as that bubble pops world GDP is going to take a huge hit. Obama will be blamed for the resulting downturn even though there is nothing good or bad that he can do about it.

What's the urbanization rate in China?
If they build, they build because the population is moving into the cities.

Countries like Spain built for the sake of building and faking economic growth. Then Spain had a lot of empty structures.
In China, those structures won't stay empty as the population is moving into the cities.
I'll believe the economy is growing when I see at least half of the 31 Million unemployed return to full time jobs.

That will be nice if it happens.

The actuality of business today is that the wage to hire a person is only part of the consideration. It's cheaper right now to pay two workers to work 120 hours/week even with 40 hours at time and a half than it is to pay 3 workers to work 120 hours at straight time due to the benefits cost.

As long as that equation is true, hiring will lag the economy. I have seen allot of increase in the hours worked in the companies that I work with and also an increase in the number employed, but not enough to get back to 2008 levels.

There is improvement, but the mathematics demand that hiring be slow.

Want to promote hiring? Reduce the cost of the benefits to a level at which it is cheaper to hire more people than it is to pay overtime. If that had been the goal of the Failed Stimulus, we would have full employment today.

Sadly, Nancy, Harry and the Big 0 don't have an ounce of business sense between them.

business is working on that problem, they are increasingly ending benefits.

"This uptick is no doubt due in part to the certainty that Washington has given the private sector through the recent tax deal and the newly elected House Republican majority," the office of House majority leader Eric Cantor said in a statement.


In bold is liberal code term for Bush tax cuts. In reality we call it an extension of something that isn't new.
So Obama gets no credit but the republicans do ?
rdean said that trillions were being held back by "greedy business owners who hate the black man in the WHITE house" so yeah, the new Republican dominated House should get the credit.

Business owners all across America breathed a sigh of relief now that adults are in charge.


Prove I ever said that.

"This uptick is no doubt due in part to the certainty that Washington has given the private sector through the recent tax deal and the newly elected House Republican majority," the office of House majority leader Eric Cantor said in a statement.


In bold is liberal code term for Bush tax cuts. In reality we call it an extension of something that isn't new.

Oh it was new all right. Never in my life did a political party hold millions of Americans hostage, threatening their unemployment benefits, simply so millionaires and billionaires could get even more tax breaks.

From 2001 to 2008, Republicans worked to move millions of jobs to China which led to Americans losing their jobs and then Republicans turned around and held them hostage. That was new.
China is spending 3 T on construction, at the height of the US boom the equivalent figure was about 2.25T. China's GDP is a bit more than 1/3 the size of US GDP so as that bubble pops world GDP is going to take a huge hit. Obama will be blamed for the resulting downturn even though there is nothing good or bad that he can do about it.

What's the urbanization rate in China?
If they build, they build because the population is moving into the cities.

Countries like Spain built for the sake of building and faking economic growth. Then Spain had a lot of empty structures.
In China, those structures won't stay empty as the population is moving into the cities.
They've been staying empty in mind-blowing percentages since the 90s. By my calculations based on vacancy rates I suspect all non-Muslim Indians could be housed in China's vacant houses and apartments. I'm not saying that is carved in stone but I am saying that there are roughly 1 billion spare housing spaces in China.

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