US drought reaches HISTORIC LOWS?


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Ummm..........what were the meathead alarmists saying about a year ago? Talking about how rampant drought was getting and that it was all due to climate change!!

duh......these people are sick in the head s0ns!!:spinner:

I continually post up a map of drought conditions for the past 100+ years ( will gladly do again by request only )........and what do we see? Drought comes.............drought goes. Sometimes here.........sometimes there...........sometimes, nowhere s0ns!!:popcorn:

We skeptics have to deal with environmental human racists k00ks every day in here............but I gotta say.........dang do I enjoy publically humiliating these mental cases!!:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Do you ever get sick of being stupid, skook? Nobody ever predicted endless drought everywhere. The models predict that El Nino is a drought buster.

So, what you did is show how good the models are. Holey shit, you're stupid.

By the way, have you ever held a job in your life? I only ask because you're by far the most obsessive poster here. You never seem to leave the forum. Nobody else even comes close to how much time you spend here. By your own standards, that makes you a ghey loser. If you want to stop looking so ghey, you need to stop hanging out here 24/7.
Every time you look up, an alarmist guy in here is linking drought to climate can actually set your watch by it.

Then..........and this is the most hysterical part of it...........they say, "Hey I never said that!".:disbelief: These bozo's do it with everything from snow to hurricanes to floods to.................drought!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:And they run from it by pointing to some other naturally occurring phenomenon like, "Well.......nobody knew the El Nino.............". Fake phony frauds reign in this forum if one is paying attention....but they always get exposed. Easily identified by the head explosions like we see in the post above.....:gay:.....even social oddballs don't like to get humiliated in a public forum.

Oh.....and the next time some alarmist in here posts up a thread about drought being linked to climate change...........


Then they tell you are OCD in the forum............until you look at THEIR post count total compared to yours over time!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

We had a pretty good drought going here for a long time until mid 2015.

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