Uranium One/obama/clinton foundation, the undercover FBI mole laying it all out...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The FBI under cover mole who was involved in spying on the Russian attempt to take control over uranium around the world......is exposing obama, the clintons, the clinton foundation and the officials in the obama government...this is just starting.....

The greatest scandal in American history is about to break......

Docs Show FBI Informant Gathered Extensive Evidence Tying Russia to Uranium One

The evidence, gathered by FBI informant William Campbell who was working undercover for six years, includes corruption inside a U.S. nuclear transport company and Obama administration approvals that let Moscow buy and sell atomic fuels.

The more than 5,000 pages of documents from the counterintelligence investigation, reviewed by the reporters, are just the tip of the iceberg, Solomon told Sean Hannity on Fox News Monday night.

But the memos are already conflicting with statements made by Justice Department officials, who in recent days threw cold water on Campbell’s assertions, saying they wouldn't shed much light on the U.S. government’s 2010 decision to approve Russia’s purchase of the Uranium One mining company.

Solomon held up an email that he said the FBI has had for six years.

"It shows that Uranium One was part of a Russia strategy to control -- not just benefit from the global market, control the global market. That would put the United States at a disadvantage. That's the sort of evidence that this FBI informant has right now," Solomon said.
The FBI under cover mole who was involved in spying on the Russian attempt to take control over uranium around the world......is exposing obama, the clintons, the clinton foundation and the officials in the obama government...this is just starting.....

The greatest scandal in American history is about to break......

Docs Show FBI Informant Gathered Extensive Evidence Tying Russia to Uranium One

The evidence, gathered by FBI informant William Campbell who was working undercover for six years, includes corruption inside a U.S. nuclear transport company and Obama administration approvals that let Moscow buy and sell atomic fuels.

The more than 5,000 pages of documents from the counterintelligence investigation, reviewed by the reporters, are just the tip of the iceberg, Solomon told Sean Hannity on Fox News Monday night.

But the memos are already conflicting with statements made by Justice Department officials, who in recent days threw cold water on Campbell’s assertions, saying they wouldn't shed much light on the U.S. government’s 2010 decision to approve Russia’s purchase of the Uranium One mining company.

Solomon held up an email that he said the FBI has had for six years.

"It shows that Uranium One was part of a Russia strategy to control -- not just benefit from the global market, control the global market. That would put the United States at a disadvantage. That's the sort of evidence that this FBI informant has right now," Solomon said.

What were the RCMP, TPS or OPP doing about this Russian threat on Canadian soil? Not a damn thing.

No wonder our allies don't trust us...
The other night I stated that IMHO this was blatant treason against the US. With the release of these documents I can now say that is the crime I would take before the grand-jury for indictment. The trail goes all the way to the Obama's.
This is blowing up in democrat faces.. Between this and the sex scandal's the left wing is being decimated by their own stupidity.

The wife and I were talking an hour ago about how the left has been trying to discredit, embarrass and impeach Trump and every day something blows back in their faces and the more they try to ruin him the more deeper in shit they get. Guess they'll never learn to STFU.
Most of their noise is to draw attention away from the real bad sh@t they Actually Did
And still Mueller haunts your nights. LOL

So if it's proven, once again, that Hillary broke the law, should she be prosecuted or should she skate again?

Do you believe we should have laws? Or should we have laws only for Republicans?

I tell you what. If Mueller finds evidence of crimes by Trump and/or his team, they should be prosecuted. Why is it that I never read liberals like you saying the same about Hillary, Lois Lerner, Obama, etc.?
Since you asses investigated Clinton constantly, and never could find anything that was even worth one person being indicted, maybe you silly fools should shut you yaps about that. Either there is nothing in the accusations or you idiots are the most incompetent investigators in the world. LOL
Since you asses investigated Clinton constantly, and never could find anything that was even worth one person being indicted, maybe you silly fools should shut you yaps about that. Either there is nothing in the accusations or you idiots are the most incompetent investigators in the world. LOL

As usual, you dodged some very simple questions.
The other night I stated that IMHO this was blatant treason against the US. With the release of these documents I can now say that is the crime I would take before the grand-jury for indictment. The trail goes all the way to the Obama's.

That is why this is bigger than Watergate...this scandal involves the almost every branch of the government controlled by obama, and clinton, it involves selling out our country to a foreign government.....this is the biggest scandal we have ever seen in this country.......
Since you asses investigated Clinton constantly, and never could find anything that was even worth one person being indicted, maybe you silly fools should shut you yaps about that. Either there is nothing in the accusations or you idiots are the most incompetent investigators in the world. LOL

The clinton's always controlled the government when they were under investigation......they controlled, with obama, the Department of Justice and the State Department.....they don't control it any more....

FBI Informant Testifies: Moscow Routed Millions To Clinton Foundation In "Russian Uranium Dominance Strategy"
Clinton sold America and its people
Her next step was to rule us and her and her minions are still throwing obstructive sh$t fits because they lost
Clinton sold America and its people
Her next step was to rule us and her and her minions are still throwing obstructive sh$t fits because they lost

I don't even want to imagine where she would be taking this Country at this point.

We would be at war for sure, economy totally tanked, which it still might happen because of the past Presidents........

Screwing lamp post would be legal............ lol and the list goes on and on.

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