Update on Trump's illegal foundation scam.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The attorney general also cited Trump’s $10,000 bid for a portrait of himself -- which he then directed the foundation to pay for -- during a charity auction at his Mar-A-Lago estate in Florida.

"The foundation cannot conveniently distance itself from these unlawful transactions," the attorney general told the court.

Underwood is seeking restitution of funds paid to the presidential campaign and a court order banning Trump from serving as a director of a New York not-for-profit for 10 years, as well as one-year bans for each of his three children that serve as board members on the foundation.

The case is People of the State of New York v. Trump, 451130-2018, Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York (Manhattan).

New York Urges Judge to Find Trump Foundation Misused Funds

Trump Foundation lawsuit paused until higher court weighs in

A New York judge on Thursday mothballed a lawsuit over President Donald Trump's charitable foundation until a higher court rules in an unrelated case whether a sitting president can be sued in state court.

The lawsuit alleged Trump and his foundation used his charity's money to settle business disputes and to boost his 2016 presidential campaign.

Brought against Trump and three of his children who serve as the foundation's directors, the lawsuit seeks $2.8 million in restitution and the dissolution of the foundation.

New York AG fires another salvo at Trump Foundation

Maybe he got Kavanaugh just time time.
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New York state judge rejects Trump claim that he can't be sued because he's president
  • The suit from New York state Attorney General Barbara Underwood alleges that the charitable foundation violated state and federal laws for "more than a decade."
While the Constitution prohibits state courts from exercising "direct control" in a way that interferes with federal officers' duties, Scaruplla wrote: "Here, the allegations raised in the Petition do not involve any action taken by Mr. Trump as president and any potential remedy would not affect Mr. Trump's official federal duties."

New York judge denies president’s attempt to dismiss Trump Foundation lawsuit

Trump used his charity money to pay legal bills, promote hotels, lawsuit alleges


Not only is Trump under investigation by Democrats controlling the house, his nefarious and illegal affairs outside of his office are catching up.

Can you imagine what even his base will think if he is found guilty of literally taking money from sick children. It's one thing to call it fake news, another if it's proven in court with evidence.
Can you imagine what the left would think if bill had to pay someone in court
They would back him all day.

It's a civil trial.

Trump Foundation agrees to dissolve under court supervision - CNNPolitics

President and his children violated campaign finance laws and abused its tax-exempt status. The lawsuit will continue in court because it also seeks two other outcomes: $2.8 million in restitution, plus penalties, and a ban on Trump and his three eldest children serving on the board of any other New York nonprofit.

"This is an important victory for the rule of law, making clear that there is one set of rules for everyone," Underwood said. "We'll continue to move our suit forward to ensure that the Trump Foundation and its directors are held to account for their clear and repeated violations of state and federal law."
I wonder how many laws they broke?
The funds from the charity foundation are going to be distributed among (gasp) actual charities.

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