Update California 'drought' 05/22


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011
The dear Guv, by executive order, has mandated a statewide 25% reduction of potbale water usage.

"The State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) shall impose restrictions to achieve a statewide 25% reduction in potable urban water usage through February 28, 2016."

I live in Northern Cali, we might have a ton of water, but the PCWB has planned ahead some and my county has no water concerns.
Until now.
Being the restrictions are cumulative, for example, LA uses 35% and my county uses 15%, would equal the EOs goal of 25%.
But it's bull sh!t!
Why the hell should the county I live in, who planned ahead and conserved, have to conserve an additional 15% while LA continues to use 35%?

Cali must protect the guppies or polywogs, or whatever!
The county I live in has resevoirs. When the reseviors are overflowing, the water is released to the...

wait for it....


the sea.

Logic dictates the state should build desalination/ treatment plants. Which would actually creat jobs - *gasp* But noooooooo

More BS here...

California Farmers Strike a Deal to Cut Water Use - ABC News
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Logic dictates that in order to build those desalination plants, which cost a good deal of money, you have to pay more in taxes. And northen California is not home free, either.
U.S. Drought Monitor
Well, given that antipathy that you 'Conservatives' have toward any public transportation, I would have to see a cost/benefit analysis before I regarded your statement as having any validity.
Well, given that antipathy that you 'Conservatives' have toward any public transportation, I would have to see a cost/benefit analysis before I regarded your statement as having any validity.
Cost versus benefit...........................LOL

Water versus a train.....................Ummmm................Water...........might be a higher priority..............

The Great Infrastructure spending of Obama.................given to their buddies for kick backs instead of using the money COMPLETELY AND WISELY FOR INFRASTRUCTURE................

3 P's.................Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance...................

Same as the Electrical Grid Fiasco back in the day...........
Drought puts new focus on proposed desalination plant in Huntington Beach 89.3 KPCC

Poseidon Water pulled its coastal development permit application during a November 2013 California Coastal Commission hearing after commission staff recommend approval only if the company were required to use intake pipes installed beneath the ocean floor to draw water from the sea. Poseidon proposed using existing open ocean intakes, which critics say harms marine life.

Scott Maloni with Poseidon Water said the company is now working with commission staff to study the use of subsurface intakes.

“Which involves a joint fact-finding process where the [Coastal Commission] staff and Poseidon would work with a third party facilitator that would manage an independent technical advisory panel that would evaluate the science and the feasibility behind building an alternative seawater intake system," said Maloni.

He said that panel would likely be in place by the end of March and their review would take between four and six months.

"I think both sides want to avoid the 'he-said, she-said' and commit ourselves to an independent third-party process where somebody else is the arbiters of the science," Maloni said.

They've been trying for years on this one.............Still stalling on allowing it to be built..................Pound sand.
Largest Seawater Desalination Plant to Open Next Year

It has taken 12 years of planning, including more than six years in the state’s permitting process, to get the final approvals from state regulatory agencies. Construction was also delayed by more than a dozen lawsuits that raised environmental concerns.

A 30-year Water Purchase Agreement is in place between the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) and Poseidon Water for the entire output of the plant. Poseidon specializes in developing and financing water infrastructure projects, primarily seawater desalination and water treatment plants.

The desalination plant site is a 6-acre parcel in an area that leaves the majority of the Encina Power Station (EPS) property open for potential recreational or redevelopment activity at some future date.

The desalination facility is connected to the discharge channel of the EPS at two locations. The intake pump station is connected to the upstream portion of the discharge channel and delivers 100 million gallons per day of seawater to the desalination facility. Half the seawater processed by the desalination facility will be converted to high-quality drinking water. This water is delivered to Carlsbad and the surrounding communities.

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