Update: 197 Iron Dome intercepts; IAF hit 613 total targets


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Through Friday evening, the third day of Operation Pillar of Defense, the IAF struck 613 targets in Gaza, focusing on rocket depots and launchers. It also destroyed a bomb-laden smuggling tunnel.

The Iron Dome intercepted 99 rockets today. In total, it intercepted 197 rockets since the start of the operation.

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

The Iron Dome fires two missiles at each incoming missile it tries to stop. Each interceptor missile costs $50,000 to $60,000 dollars. That means Israel has spent at least $20,000,000 so far in this conflict to stop incoming missiles. It should begin deducting this expense as well as the cost of the military buildup it has been forced into and the damage to infrastructure and harm to Israeli civilians from the tax money it collects on behalf of the PA since about half of that money goes to pay salaries and expenses in Gaza.
The Iron Dome fires two missiles at each incoming missile it tries to stop. Each interceptor missile costs $50,000 to $60,000 dollars. That means Israel has spent at least $20,000,000 so far in this conflict to stop incoming missiles. It should begin deducting this expense as well as the cost of the military buildup it has been forced into and the damage to infrastructure and harm to Israeli civilians from the tax money it collects on behalf of the PA since about half of that money goes to pay salaries and expenses in Gaza.

Sponge off the US taxpayer, thats what they normally do
Through Friday evening, the third day of Operation Pillar of Defense, the IAF struck 613 targets in Gaza, focusing on rocket depots and launchers. It also destroyed a bomb-laden smuggling tunnel.

The Iron Dome intercepted 99 rockets today. In total, it intercepted 197 rockets since the start of the operation.

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

The Iron Dome fires two missiles at each incoming missile it tries to stop. Each interceptor missile costs $50,000 to $60,000 dollars. That means Israel has spent at least $20,000,000 so far in this conflict to stop incoming missiles. It should begin deducting this expense as well as the cost of the military buildup it has been forced into and the damage to infrastructure and harm to Israeli civilians from the tax money it collects on behalf of the PA since about half of that money goes to pay salaries and expenses in Gaza.

Jews know what the number 613 represents.
Excellent idea 'toomuch' not only does the "tax deduction" idea recover the money ----it will act as a deterrent to further bombing----like a monetary penalty
Through Friday evening, the third day of Operation Pillar of Defense, the IAF struck 613 targets in Gaza, focusing on rocket depots and launchers. It also destroyed a bomb-laden smuggling tunnel.

The Iron Dome intercepted 99 rockets today. In total, it intercepted 197 rockets since the start of the operation.

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

The Iron Dome fires two missiles at each incoming missile it tries to stop. Each interceptor missile costs $50,000 to $60,000 dollars. That means Israel has spent at least $20,000,000 so far in this conflict to stop incoming missiles. It should begin deducting this expense as well as the cost of the military buildup it has been forced into and the damage to infrastructure and harm to Israeli civilians from the tax money it collects on behalf of the PA since about half of that money goes to pay salaries and expenses in Gaza.

It is estimated that Gaza has about 30,000 rockets times $100,000...WOW, that is a chunk of change.

Israel is in a bad spot with the PA. The Abbas government has a 50,000 man security force. Their job is not to protect Palestinians. It is to protect Israel. If the Abbas government fails these forces may fall into the hands of the elected Hamas government.
Through Friday evening, the third day of Operation Pillar of Defense, the IAF struck 613 targets in Gaza, focusing on rocket depots and launchers. It also destroyed a bomb-laden smuggling tunnel.

The Iron Dome intercepted 99 rockets today. In total, it intercepted 197 rockets since the start of the operation.

Jerusalem Post - Breaking News

The Iron Dome fires two missiles at each incoming missile it tries to stop. Each interceptor missile costs $50,000 to $60,000 dollars. That means Israel has spent at least $20,000,000 so far in this conflict to stop incoming missiles. It should begin deducting this expense as well as the cost of the military buildup it has been forced into and the damage to infrastructure and harm to Israeli civilians from the tax money it collects on behalf of the PA since about half of that money goes to pay salaries and expenses in Gaza.

It is estimated that Gaza has about 30,000 rockets times $100,000...WOW, that is a chunk of change.

Israel is in a bad spot with the PA. The Abbas government has a 50,000 man security force. Their job is not to protect Palestinians. It is to protect Israel. If the Abbas government fails these forces may fall into the hands of the elected Hamas government.

Actually, Gaza was estimated to have about 12,000 rockets of various types at the start of this conflict, but many of them have been destroyed and many of the firing platforms for the longer range rockets have been destroyed. What we have seen so far is that the Gaza rockets have caused very little damage while the response they have drawn from Israel has caused considerable damage.

There are no elected Hamas officials. Their term in office expired in 2009 and they hold power in Gaza only because they have more guns than anyone else. The cost of the PA's security force is being paid by the US and they do protect the Palestinians in the West Bank by preventing the terrorist attacks on Israel that have caused so much suffering for the people of Gaza.

The corrupt and incompetent Abbas government may well fall, and if it does, no doubt Hamas and the other terrorist gangs, having so little regard for he lives and welfare for the Palestinian Arab people, will try to foment fresh conflict with Israel, and if they do, Israel will be forced to resume the posture it held during the second intifada causing much more pain for the Palestinian Arab people.
this is bad-----you know how cranky arabs get when someone destroys their MURDER POTENTIAL they start whining about being "poor" and "not well armed" and ----VICTIMS OF WESTERN IMPERIALISM
so? if it bothers you------don't give him anything lots of muslims in the world die with a tin cup in their hands -----
here in the USA I never fail to give SOMETHING to the Burkah ladies -----begging in the streets I have noticed
the streets filled with them during holidays-----like this past
EID ..uhn A_____ something You have something against the concept of HELPING ONE's FELLOW HUMAN?

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