Univision does job American mainstream media won’t do: Ask tough questions


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Univision does job American mainstream media won’t do: Ask tough questions

Glenn Beck

Most of the media is content to follow along whatever story line the Obama campaign leads them down. War on women. Romney is a bully. Romney might be a felon etc. In a horrible economy and unstable world Obama has amazingly been questioned very little. It took a foreign media outlet, Univision, to finally ask him some tough questions – and he failed badly.

“We have to go to a foreign entity to be able to get an interview that even asks a hard question of this president. We have to go to Univision,” Glenn lamented on radio this morning.

The Blaze describes:

Jorge Ramos: I Don't Want This To Get Lost in Translation That You Broke Immigration Promise - YouTube

Jorge Ramos Grills Obama On His Promise To Pass Immigration Bill - YouTube

Maria Elena Salinas: You Offered Many Excuses For Broken Immigration Promise - YouTube

Univision does job American mainstream media won
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It was an amazing interview and you can bet the last one Barry gives them before packing up for home in January.

He made himself look uninformed and incompetent, probably the most honest thing he's done since being sworn in as president. And that on top of a nite or two before when the dumbass couldn't recall
what the national debt was when he took office. Maybe because he's been too busy lying to every American and the rest of the world for nine days about his administration's negligence in Libya - 4 murdered including our Ambassador. But thanks to his secretary of state we now know it was a planned, coordinated terrorist attack. You remember them, don't you? They're the folks this fucked up administration would only address with their lunatic PC jargon because they didn't want to offend the pig-shit-sucking Muslim scumbags the whole rest of the world knows as terrorists!.

Obama effigies are burning across the world, and these clowns actually think they're going to get reelected? Guess what? The other 53% aren't that stupid, and even some of the 47% folks won't support this bumbling, lying, racist, divisive, ignorant phony again.
It was an amazing interview and you can bet the last one Barry gives them before packing up for home in January.

He made himself look uninformed and incompetent, probably the most honest thing he's done since being sworn in as president. And that on top of a nite or two before when the dumbass couldn't recall
what the national debt was when he took office. Maybe because he's been too busy lying to every American and the rest of the world for nine days about his administration's negligence in Libya - 4 murdered including our Ambassador. But thanks to his secretary of state we now know it was a planned, coordinated terrorist attack. You remember them, don't you? They're the folks this fucked up administration would only address with their lunatic PC jargon because they didn't want to offend the pig-shit-sucking Muslim scumbags the whole rest of the world knows as terrorists!.

Obama effigies are burning across the world, and these clowns actually think they're going to get reelected? Guess what? The other 53% aren't that stupid, and even some of the 47% folks won't support this bumbling, lying, racist, divisive, ignorant phony again.


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