University Education For Free - Another Advertising Trick or a Reality?

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
It’s indecent to speak about the debts of graduates of American colleges and universities - it has reached unthinkable sizes. However, this is the way it HAS to be in this society, rolling towards its decline - as long as a person has debts - he is absolutely manageable ...

But even The Wall Street Journal admits the situation is abnormal. French President Francois Macron recently stated that "capitalism has gone crazy."

We do not share this point of view and believe that European society in the 16th-5th centuries began to show the first signs of insanity, as a result of the fever of uncontrolled immoral individual accumulation of capital.

One way or another, there are countries, by the way, also the capitalist ones, where school graduates go to universities and graduate without being entangled in bank debts.

One of these countries is the Czech Republic ...

However, this is not all ...

According to the Constitution of the country, ANY foreigner has the right to obtain higher university education at STATE Universities for FREE under two conditions:

- A graduate of a foreign school must confirm his certificate of secondary education:

- A graduate of a foreign school must pass an exam (oral, as a rule) or read an interview on knowledge of the Czech language at level B2 (Pre-Intermediate).

The cost of studying at a private university does not go beyond 2500 euros.

Six months of intensive (two to three times a week) language training is enough to achieve this level of knowledge of the language.

Interested in? Write.

It's immoral to drag young people into debts. No surprise the suicide rate among the youth goes up. What do they see in their future? Debts, debts, debts...
Free University ... worth every penny you pay.

Your mania of superiority causes painful colic from laughter. Prague University is the SECOND oldest university in Europe, including the medical school. And your ancestors - from Europe, if they did not fall from the moon.

You rot and refuse to admit it.

Bank slavery is immoral!
It’s indecent to speak about the debts of graduates of American colleges and universities - it has reached unthinkable sizes. However, this is the way it HAS to be in this society, rolling towards its decline - as long as a person has debts - he is absolutely manageable ...

But even The Wall Street Journal admits the situation is abnormal. French President Francois Macron recently stated that "capitalism has gone crazy."

We do not share this point of view and believe that European society in the 16th-5th centuries began to show the first signs of insanity, as a result of the fever of uncontrolled immoral individual accumulation of capital.

One way or another, there are countries, by the way, also the capitalist ones, where school graduates go to universities and graduate without being entangled in bank debts.

One of these countries is the Czech Republic ...

However, this is not all ...

According to the Constitution of the country, ANY foreigner has the right to obtain higher university education at STATE Universities for FREE under two conditions:

- A graduate of a foreign school must confirm his certificate of secondary education:

- A graduate of a foreign school must pass an exam (oral, as a rule) or read an interview on knowledge of the Czech language at level B2 (Pre-Intermediate).

The cost of studying at a private university does not go beyond 2500 euros.

Six months of intensive (two to three times a week) language training is enough to achieve this level of knowledge of the language.

Interested in? Write.

It's immoral to drag young people into debts. No surprise the suicide rate among the youth goes up. What do they see in their future? Debts, debts, debts...
It’s immoral, so why do students do it? Mine didn’t. They worked for scholarships, and worked so they could pay their own way. They took school seriously for those very reasons. Give someone a free ride, most don’t appreciate it.
THe Czech are asking for trouble.

Is this a threat from Wall Street predators ???
No it's a threat of predators in general. Look at the US...look at Western Europe. When you incentivize you attract vermin. Not only those vermin who abuse your system...but those who manipulate and change it for THEIR benefit.

תנשק אותי ...

You're going to have to get him pretty drunk. He says he doesn't like Jews.
THe Czech are asking for trouble.

Is this a threat from Wall Street predators ???
No it's a threat of predators in general. Look at the US...look at Western Europe. When you incentivize you attract vermin. Not only those vermin who abuse your system...but those who manipulate and change it for THEIR benefit.

תנשק אותי ...
I love you too shlomo.
It’s indecent to speak about the debts of graduates of American colleges and universities - it has reached unthinkable sizes. However, this is the way it HAS to be in this society, rolling towards its decline - as long as a person has debts - he is absolutely manageable ...

But even The Wall Street Journal admits the situation is abnormal. French President Francois Macron recently stated that "capitalism has gone crazy."

We do not share this point of view and believe that European society in the 16th-5th centuries began to show the first signs of insanity, as a result of the fever of uncontrolled immoral individual accumulation of capital.

One way or another, there are countries, by the way, also the capitalist ones, where school graduates go to universities and graduate without being entangled in bank debts.

One of these countries is the Czech Republic ...

However, this is not all ...

According to the Constitution of the country, ANY foreigner has the right to obtain higher university education at STATE Universities for FREE under two conditions:

- A graduate of a foreign school must confirm his certificate of secondary education:

- A graduate of a foreign school must pass an exam (oral, as a rule) or read an interview on knowledge of the Czech language at level B2 (Pre-Intermediate).

The cost of studying at a private university does not go beyond 2500 euros.

Six months of intensive (two to three times a week) language training is enough to achieve this level of knowledge of the language.

Interested in? Write.

It's immoral to drag young people into debts. No surprise the suicide rate among the youth goes up. What do they see in their future? Debts, debts, debts...
It’s immoral, so why do students do it? Mine didn’t. They worked for scholarships, and worked so they could pay their own way. They took school seriously for those very reasons. Give someone a free ride, most don’t appreciate it.

You can never prove to anyone that a higher education system with DEBTS is, for most, better than a FREE higher education system. And the science and economics of Europe confirm this. American science rests only on emigrant scientists. Unfortunately, our nation CANNOT intellectually reproduce itself.

READ the Wall Street Journal and ONLY THEN try to oppose me

At the beginning of the XX-th century debt was a SIN and a SHAME in America... This is NOT America as it was forseen...
THe Czech are asking for trouble.

Is this a threat from Wall Street predators ???
No it's a threat of predators in general. Look at the US...look at Western Europe. When you incentivize you attract vermin. Not only those vermin who abuse your system...but those who manipulate and change it for THEIR benefit.

תנשק אותי ...

You're going to have to get him pretty drunk. He says he doesn't like Jews.

I LOVE HONEST people, including honest Jews.
THe Czech are asking for trouble.

Is this a threat from Wall Street predators ???
No it's a threat of predators in general. Look at the US...look at Western Europe. When you incentivize you attract vermin. Not only those vermin who abuse your system...but those who manipulate and change it for THEIR benefit.

תנשק אותי ...

You're going to have to get him pretty drunk. He says he doesn't like Jews.

I LOVE HONEST people, including honest Jews.
Then try to emulate them and stop trying to convince people that university is free.
It’s indecent to speak about the debts of graduates of American colleges and universities - it has reached unthinkable sizes. However, this is the way it HAS to be in this society, rolling towards its decline - as long as a person has debts - he is absolutely manageable ...

But even The Wall Street Journal admits the situation is abnormal. French President Francois Macron recently stated that "capitalism has gone crazy."

We do not share this point of view and believe that European society in the 16th-5th centuries began to show the first signs of insanity, as a result of the fever of uncontrolled immoral individual accumulation of capital.

One way or another, there are countries, by the way, also the capitalist ones, where school graduates go to universities and graduate without being entangled in bank debts.

One of these countries is the Czech Republic ...

However, this is not all ...

According to the Constitution of the country, ANY foreigner has the right to obtain higher university education at STATE Universities for FREE under two conditions:

- A graduate of a foreign school must confirm his certificate of secondary education:

- A graduate of a foreign school must pass an exam (oral, as a rule) or read an interview on knowledge of the Czech language at level B2 (Pre-Intermediate).

The cost of studying at a private university does not go beyond 2500 euros.

Six months of intensive (two to three times a week) language training is enough to achieve this level of knowledge of the language.

Interested in? Write.

It's immoral to drag young people into debts. No surprise the suicide rate among the youth goes up. What do they see in their future? Debts, debts, debts...
It’s immoral, so why do students do it? Mine didn’t. They worked for scholarships, and worked so they could pay their own way. They took school seriously for those very reasons. Give someone a free ride, most don’t appreciate it.

You can never prove to anyone that a higher education system with DEBTS is, for most, better than a FREE higher education system. And the science and economics of Europe confirm this. American science rests only on emigrant scientists. Unfortunately, our nation CANNOT intellectually reproduce itself.

READ the Wall Street Journal and ONLY THEN try to oppose me

At the beginning of the XX-th century debt was a SIN and a SHAME in America... This is NOT America as it was forseen...
Neither is good. And university is never free. Someone pays for it. But you need to worry about your own rather than ours.
Is this a threat from Wall Street predators ???
No it's a threat of predators in general. Look at the US...look at Western Europe. When you incentivize you attract vermin. Not only those vermin who abuse your system...but those who manipulate and change it for THEIR benefit.

תנשק אותי ...

You're going to have to get him pretty drunk. He says he doesn't like Jews.

I LOVE HONEST people, including honest Jews.
Then try to emulate them and stop trying to convince people that university is free.

It seems that your cerebral cortex is seriously leaking - consult a roof repair specialist

Another backward country with the same policy: Germany.

Foreign students, like German students, can have a "free" university education for the asking. Don't have to be fluent in German, either, although it certainly helps.

American students essentially never avail themselves. Not surprising. You would have to actually WORK to pass and graduate.
Another backward country with the same policy: Germany.

Foreign students, like German students, can have a "free" university education for the asking. Don't have to be fluent in German, either, although it certainly helps.

American students essentially never avail themselves. Not surprising. You would have to actually WORK to pass and graduate.

The biggest problem of a very certain part of American people is isolationism, which is typical for the inhabitants of island states. I noticed this feature already among the Brits.

Americans are afraid to fly somewhere if it is farther than Mexico or Hawaii. And those who multiply their fortunes by means of debts of young Americans CONSCIOUSLY support this fear and ignorance.

We need to work with young people and explain that the Moon has a another side ... And it is no less attractive than the one that they see every day.

The first reaction of young Americans who came to Europe is a cultural shock and “horror” at the thought of returning back to America. These are not my words - these are the words of a student from Arkansas whom I met in Prague.

America has many advantages, but terribly expensive food and services, terribly sweet and primitive confectionery, a terribly limited assortment of products - all this immediately catches your eye upon arrival in Europe and comparing the stalls of European grocery stores with the American ones..

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