United States of Satan


Apr 15, 2008
So read it, tell me if you really think that this is not happening in the US. You see it all around and are familar with the system. It doesn't look so appealing now does it?

This next passage is from

U know me2:

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I think the point is that the poster is a fucking nut job and the sooner their part of the world ends, the better the rest of us will be.
When will the mass slaughter start?, for those who refuse to whorship Satan, and the Anti Christ, or the 666 beast system? I read there is to be a mass purgh for all those
who refuse to accept the Satanic 666 One world System and the Anti Christ .Has the slaughter already
Your living in one right now. Please do understand that while the system the NWO is putting into place that they are going to optimize their system with population control. You are aware that they want to limit the population to 500 Million. We Currently have 7.5 Billion. That is 85 Percent of people being wiped out but they want more of a 90 percent. If you are one that is left you will not no anyone of your family members. Many sercret society members will not make the cut either.

7,500,000,000 to

The Georgia Guidestones
You can wiki or google for those stones if you think that they do not exist and something I made up.

Tell me why are they there?
So read it, tell me if you really think that this is not happening in the US. You see it all around and are familar with the system. It doesn't look so appealing now does it?

This next passage is from








Countdown To The Final Battle™

Copyright © November 2006 by: LA Heller Library International

All rights reserved

When the Freemasons were working on the philosophical foundations of the American forefathers, the Jesuits had to work on solidifying the ideology of the one-world government. In 1776, a Jesuit priest, named Adam Weishaupt, who was not only a professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University in Germany, but also a member of the Illuminati, formalized the principles of totalitarianism. He founded another order of the Illuminati there, which was financed by House of Rothchild; an international Illuminati banking family.

Weishaupt advocated the exact list of things that will be permanently implemented in these End Times, which include the “abolition of all ordered (Latin-ordinem-order, row, rank, series; arranged or governed by laws or rules) national governments who could protect their citizens, patriotism (love or support of one’s country), all religions that are established and existing, the individual home and family life as a cell (Latin-cella- small room; a small group that acts as a political, social, or religious unit) from which all civilizations have stemmed, inheritance of any kind, and private property, so that the ideology of totalitarianism may be imposed on mankind.” This provided the foundation for the treatise on communism, written by Karl Marx called, “The Communist Manifesto.” Weishaupt also described the construct (Latin-constructus-to build; to make or form by the arrangement of elements) of the one world order, which will be under a totalitarian government, that imposes communism as the social and economic system, controlled by a fascist one-world religion. So under a fascist totalitarian one-world order the goal of a world takeover will be accomplished.

If one is to understand how the organization of Satan will install the new one-world order machine, it is important to understand the economic and political systems they will use. So the following terms must be understood. Totalitarianism (Latin-total-totalis-all) is the political concept of a government controlled by one political group which forcefully suppresses all opposition, and that the citizen should be totally subject to an absolute state authority. Fascism (Latin fascis, Italian-fascismo, fascio-bundle, group of things considered together, bunch- as political emblem) are the principles or methods of a government or a political party favoring rule by a dictator, with strong control of industry and labor by the central government, great restrictions upon the freedom of individuals and extreme nationalism (Latin-nation-nationem-race, nasci-be born; patriotic feelings or efforts) and militarism (Latin-militem-soldier; policy of making military organization and power very strong, and military interest is predominant in government).

Communism (French-communisme, commun-common) is an economic and social system based on the ownership of land, factories, and other means of production by the community as a whole, or the state. It includes a totalitarian form of government, which controls the distribution and consumption of the products of industry. The theory advocates elimination of private property. Socialism is a political or economic theory which describes a system of social organization by which the means of production and distribution are owned, managed, or controlled by the government, by associations of workers, or by the community as a whole, where there is no private ownership of property. In Marxist theory it is a transitory stage of society between capitalism and communism, whereby there is unequal distribution of goods and pay according to the work done.
Social (Latin-socialis-companion) is dealing with human society; the living conditions, health, etc., of human beings as members of society (a broad grouping of people having common traditions, activities and customs.)

Capitalism (Latin-capitalem-chief; national or individual wealth as produced by industry and available for reinvestment in the production of goods); capitalism is an economic system based on the ownership of land, factories, and other means of production by private individuals or groups of individuals who compete with one another, using the hired labor of other persons, to produce goods and services that are offered on the free market for whatever profit may be obtainable. Although capitalism seems like a good idea, it is not based on the Biblical principles of “free enterprise,” where everyone wins. The capitalist ideology was written by a Jesuit, who worked for an organization that has world domination as its primary goal. In both capitalism and communism, there are a few people at the top, who benefit only, while the laborers below support the whole edifice.

Republic (Latin-foederis-compact, league (Latin-ligare-to bind; a union of persons, parties, or countries formed to help one another)); republic is a nation or state in which the citizens elect representatives to manage the government which is usually headed by a president. Republican is someone who favors a republic. The United States was set up as a constitutionally - limited republic, not a democracy.

Democracy (Greek- demokratia, demos-people, kratos-rule) a government by the people, especially rule of the majority or the mobs. The people rule either directly or indirectly through a system of representation by periodic elections. This form of government is especially subject to social engineering campaigns to get the mobs to agree with a new Satanic scheme through promotion or protest, in order to get “the masses of people” to sway their opinions about a subject or issue. Also by giving the people money through free programs, guarantees a politician his job. The constituents (voters) and their votes can be bought for a price or empty promises.

A democracy can destroy minority groups or individual rights, if the mobs can be convinced to take your property, by campaigns that entice jealousy, they can succeed. This is how the Freemasons were able to pass the 1913 Federal income tax amendment, through ad campaigns which convinced the middle and working class people that it was a tax “for the rich.” Because of jealousy, the mobs agreed to it. Why did they think that the rich people who passed this amendment would enact a law that would harm them? It was a tactic to destroy the middle class - the competitors of the rich and the potentially troublesome protesters to the new one-world order. If you take enough money from a person through taxation, they are less likely to start another competing oil company, which would dilute the profits for the large capitalist companies already in business.

Federal is formed by agreement between states establishing a central government to handle their common affairs while the states keep separate control of local affairs. Federalist is a supporter of the federal principle of government. Federalist Party (also Federal Party) was a political party in the United States from about 1791 to about 1816 that favored the adoption of the Constitution (Latin-constitutum-established, set up) and a strong central government.

The Constitution is a written set of fundamental principles by which the United States is governed. It was drawn up in 1787, ratified in 1788, and put into effect in 1789, the same year George Washington became the first president of the U.S. Since then 26 amendments have been added to it. This document is being undermined and destroyed because it is a roadblock to wiping out: individual freedom, property ownership, free speech and the free flow of information through free speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, and a constitutionally limited republic. Federation is the formation of a political union out of a number of separate states by agreement. Confederation is a group of countries, states, etc., joined together for a special purpose, also a league.

The Declaration of Independence was written in the same year (1776) and the Freemasons poured on the coals in order to foil and to stop the founding of the U.S.

In the same year (1776), Weishaupt published the book called, “The Wealth of Nations,” which defined the ideological foundation for capitalism and for the Industrial Revolution (the change from an agricultural to an industrial society and from home manufacturing to factory production which took place especially in England from 1750-1850), which will be the tools for bringing on a fascist totalitarian socialist, one- world government in the End Times. The Industrial Revolution brought workers to the factories en masse (French; in mass; in a group, all together), under the control of the new capitalistic companies, run by the Satanic forces of the new one-world order.

Under capitalism there are a few huge international companies that merge putting small competitors out of business. These monolithic companies are protected by the government. These companies like the government are able to transfer money from the pockets of citizens, by taxation or monopolistic pricing over to their accounts.

The current example is the big oil, banking and telecommunications companies, who are agents for the one- world order government. The capitalistic companies are just another way to control the people of a country. The oil companies charge the same prices and act as one huge company. The banks must create transaction reports for the government on any customer withdrawing or depositing more than $1900 in their own accounts in any given week. The credit card companies must terminate any account holders’ account, who pays in cash in the form of a money order over $1000, in any one given month period. These companies are used to track citizens under the guise of national security, under the new Homeland Security Act.

Soon large corporations like Wal-mart and other grocery chains will be used by the one-world order government and they will not sell you food unless you pay with your cash-less debit card. And they will be able to prevent people from buying food, unless the citizens play by the new rules. The large corporations are already encouraging people toward a, cash-less society, by encouraging people to pay by credit card, instead of cash, and they always ask for your beast number- the social security number for “ID purposes.”

The telecommunications companies are offering free wireless internet service in order to get as many people on their system, in order to track and control their internet movement. These companies will help the government completely control internet traffic by 2008.

They are being used to implement and forward the ideology of the one- world government and are very useful. And all of their Madison Avenue advertisements will extoll (Latin extollere, ex-up, tollere-to raise; praise highly) the conveniences of all the new one-world order schemes.

This would make a great graphic novel
What can we Christians God fearing and worshiping people do to resist these New World Order Satanist, is Homosexual marriage part of the Satanic conspiracy?,has the great tribulation started yet?Who is the Anti Christ, was he ex President Bill Clinton?
What can we Christians God fearing and worshiping people do to resist these New World Order Satanist, is Homosexual marriage part of the Satanic conspiracy?,has the great tribulation started yet?Who is the Anti Christ, was he ex President Bill Clinton?

Or coud he be George W Bush?
They have already been doing the population control with war, abortion, chemtrails, chemicals in the drinking water and unhealthy food.

No disrespect to the big people, BUT YOU SEE ALL THE FAT PEOPLE.

Come here to download the first 85 pages of a book that will start helping you see the world a little differently. Home

The rest of the book is over 700 pages this is just the introduction.
There is a solution. It starts with us.
They have already been doing the population control with war, abortion, chemtrails, chemicals in the drinking water and unhealthy food.

No disrespect to the big people, BUT YOU SEE ALL THE FAT PEOPLE.

Come here to download the first 85 pages of a book that will start helping you see the world a little differently. Home

The rest of the book is over 700 pages this is just the introduction.
There is a solution. It starts with us.

cut the crap and tell us what it is. I gotta hear this great plan.
I, for one, feel like listening to some good ole DEICIDE after taking a gander at this thread.
I really despise it when people try to mix the secular with the religious, often trying to support some ridiculous claim by quoting the bible.

You can support practically anything with religion, that doesn't make it factual or true.
I think the point is that the poster is a fucking nut job and the sooner their part of the world ends, the better the rest of us will be.

Nut jobs don't deserve to live among us?

How is this nut job affecting your "part of the world" negatively? If you never read that nutjob's posts, there wouldn't be anything to bother you.

Sounds pretty damn liberal of you, if you ask me.

Why not just try ignoring him, tough guy? You may find it works wonders.
I really despise it when people try to mix the secular with the religious, often trying to support some ridiculous claim by quoting the bible.

You can support practically anything with religion, that doesn't make it factual or true.

The Bible has long been used to predict current secular and current events.
The Bible has always been quoted and referenced throughout history.

Why would you hate something that has been done for so many hundreds of years?.,not only here in America but in Europe and Africa.This Bible quote
practice is not something new.
The Bible has long been used to predict current secular and current events.
The Bible has always been quoted and referenced throughout history.

Why would you hate something that has been done for so many hundreds of years?.,not only here in America but in Europe and Africa.This Bible quote
practice is not something new.

yea dude.. Nostradamus too..


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